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ACCT5919 – Business Risk Management


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ACCT5919 – Business Risk Management

Individual Reflection Assessment

Due 5pm 11 August 2023

The Task (30 marks in total)

Part 1

You are the risk manager for Stockland. The Chief Legal and Risk Officer (CLRO) has asked you to prepare a risk paper for the next Board meeting, given the recent appointment of three new directors to the Board. The board paper should be no more than 1,500 words. The CLRO has asked that in preparing the paper, you research the company’s website, annual reports, and any relevant media articles. Ensure all research sources are included in your reference list at the end of your report.

The CLRO requires you to focus on the following items in your board paper.

1. Outline recent major developments in Stockland’s external environment relevant to its strategy. Relate the developments to the relevant specific strategic objectives addressing the following: (5 marks)

a. General Environment, and

b. Competitive Environment.

2. Identify the top ten risks for Stockland based on your assessment of likelihood and consequence. Include a description of the risk and explain your reasoning why you have selected each risk as being the most important for Stockland to actively manage. (9 marks)

3. Outline some key strategies Stockland has used to manage these risks or additional strategies it may adopt. (7 marks)

4. Identify key performance measures that can be used to ensure Stockland achieves its strategic objectives. (4 marks)

Part 2

Applying Driscoll’s What Model of Reflection to answer the following questions. (400 words) (5 marks)

1. What? What was your initial view of business risk management before you started the course?

2. So What? What are your key learnings from the course?

3. What Now? How has your thinking about business risk management changed as a result of the course?


The marks will be allocated for each part, as noted above.


The report should be submitted in either pdf or Word format by 5.00pm on Friday, 11th August 2023, via Turnitin.