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CS10 Introduction to Programming Using Python


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Introduction to Programming Using Python


Fall 2021

This course provides an introduction to computers and programming using Python. The course focuses on planning, creating and debugging programs using the grammar and syntax of the Python language. Topics include types and variables, input and output statements, control statements, functions and parameter passing, looping structures, text files, object-oriented programming(classes), lists, tuples, dictionaries, algorithms, recursion, GUI(tkinter), and graphics(turtle).

This course is an online course and all announcements, course materials, tests, and assignments are posted on the college Canvas online platform. All emails will be sent to your IVC email account only.

Any changes to the syllabus and schedule will be announced to the class via Canvas announcements and email to students IVC email accounts only.

I reserve the rights to change the syllabus. Any changes to the syllabus will be announced on Canvas.

How to contact me:

Email : [email protected] (please allow the standard two business days for me to respond).You must use your IVC email account to correspond with me. I will only respond to your emails sent via your IVC email account.

Online Office Hours through email : Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1pm to 330pm.

As I receive a large number of emails from students especially during office hours, I may not have the chance to respond to you during the office hour, but I will respond to your email within the standard two business day. You can send me email anytime other than my office hours. Please state your name and class(CS10) for emails.


Introduction to Computing Using Python, 2nd Edition, Perkovic, Wiley Publishing, ISBN 978-1-118-89094-3


Final Letter Grade scale


NO MAKEUP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. There are three exams - two midterms and one final exam. Your lowest exam score of the two midterms and final exam will be dropped and replaced with the average of the two midterm exam scores and final exam. For example, if midterm 1 has a score of 25 and midterm 2 has a score of 20, and final exam has a score of 15. Then the final exam will be dropped and replaced with the average of midterm 1 and midterm 2 and final exam which is (25 + 20 + 15) / 3 = 20 . This results in midterm 1 score of 25 and the midterm 2 score of 20 and the new final exam averaged score of 20(replaced 15 with 20). The final must be taken on the day it is scheduled and no makeup exams or midterms will be given. The final letter grade that you earned for the class is firm and non-negotiable.


The two midterms and the final exams are about 1 to 2 hours long, I will inform you of the actual length of time for each exam when it gets close to the day of the exam. Exams will be posted on the day of the exam and students will have 24 hours to attempt the exam. The exams will be available from 9am on the day of the exam to the next day at 9am. You may attempt the exam anytime between that 24-hour period. For example, if a 1.5-hour long exam is set to be available Thursday 9am, you may attempt the exam anytime between Thursday 9am to the next day Friday 9am. Suppose you start the exam at 10am, you will have till 1130am to submit the exam. Once the 1.5 hours is up, the exam is done.

Note: if the exam is available on Thursday 9am and you decide to attempt the exam on Friday at 8am, which is one hour from the 24-hour cutoff time, then you will not have the full 1.5 hours to complete your exam. You will only have 1 hour (8am to 9am). So, make sure you plan your time carefully before you attempt an exam. You have only one attempt for each exam.

The tentative Exam schedule is as follows:

( Please note that the topics may be different depending on what we covered in class)

Midterm 1 (around the 7th week) : input/output, variables, control statements(if and loops), random numbers.

Midterm 2 (around the 13th week) : Functions, strings, lists, tuples.

Final Exam : sets, dictionaries, files, algorithms, recursion, GUI(tkinter), graphics(turtle), and OOP.

Final exam is on Thursday December 16.


Policies for Assignments, Exams, Lab and Homework:

There will be 5 lab and 5 homework assignments. All lab and homework will be posted 2 weeks before they are due. You will upload your lab and homework to Canvas. Instructions will be given on how to organize your lab and homework for submission. Instructions and requirements will be given for each specific lab and homework. Make sure to follow all the instructions and to fulfill to all the specifications required for each program you have to write. Each program you write in the lab or homework will have its own rubric for scoring. All instructions and program specifications will be given with each lab and homework assignment.

NOTE: Computer and internet related problems are never a valid excuse for not completing or submitting an exam, lab, homework, or an assignment on time, therefore it is advisable to complete your work early enough to take into account any problems that may occur. Late submission of exam, lab, homework, or assignment will not be accepted.

Course Requirements

1. Python 3.9.1 or later will be used for this class. The class will use Python IDLE that comes with the installation. Python cannot be installed on a Chromebook computer. You must have either a Windows, Mac or Linux machine.

2. You must have a computer with online access throughout the duration of the class to complete your Exams and assignments on Canvas.

3. Each week I will post lecture notes(videos may or may not be provided to supplement lecture notes) on the topics to be covered. Labs and homework will be posted two weeks before they are due.

4. Online tutoring help is also available for labs and homework with the IVC Student Success Center. I will post the details on Canvas.

5. Whenever a discussion board is available, students should be courteous and civil when responding and commenting on the discussion board. In addition, offensive language will not be tolerated. If a student is being disrespectful and/or providing a negative learning environment for others, that student will receive a warning or be immediately dropped from the course according to the instructor’s discretion.

Please go to the following website for information on “Netiquette”: http://www.albion.com/netiquette/


While this is a completely online course and classroom attendance is not required, you are still required to log into the course each week and maintain regular and effective contact with your Canvas course. You may be dropped from this class if you have not logged into this class and/or completed any work for more than two weeks!! HOWEVER, instructors sometimes do not automatically drop a student from a class so it is ultimately the student's responsibility to officially drop/withdraw from any class.

Note: You are required to sign in for attendance in Canvas during the first week of class. If you do not sign in attendance by August 27, 1159pm, you will be dropped from the class as 'No Show'. Please read the syllabus first before sign in attendance.

6. Please also read the Welcome Letter posted on Canvas for more information about the class.

For drop, withdrawal, pass/no pass dates and other important dates for this class refer to the IVC website for details.

*Students who are still officially enrolled past the withdrawal deadline (65% point/Drop with a “W” Grade) and who have been excessively absent/do not regularly participate per the attendance policy may be assigned a FW grade. The FW counts the same as a F grade in the grade point average, but denotes you stopped attending class and did not fail due to lack of mastery of the course material. The FW grade may impact eligibility for some types of financial aid. See the Financial Aid Office for more information.

It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop/withdraw from the class in a timely manner if they so choose.


If you have a disability that might prevent you from fully demonstrating your academic abilities, you should meet with the IVC Disabled Students Program and Services staff as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss appropriate accommodations. It is also advisable that you immediately make the instructor aware of any special needs you may have relating to this class.

T: 949-451-5630 Email: [email protected]


Students may use BSTIC 110 Computer Lab any time it is open (Due to COVID-19, it is closed as of now but you may use the SSC once IVC opens). Online tutoring is available, please see instructions on Canvas.


As per the Irvine Valley College catalog, “Irvine Valley College actively promotes academic and institutional honesty.” Falsification, plagiarism, and cheating will not be tolerated. Any act of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for that assignment or exam for the first infraction. A second infraction will result in an automatic final grade of F for the course.


● Cheating will not be tolerated.

● A student caught cheating will receive a grade of zero points on the quiz, exam, or final. A second infraction will result in an automatic final grade of F for the course.

● A grade of zero received for cheating CANNOT be replaced.


1. Students will create a Python program that incorporates input and output statements

2. Students will create a Python program that incorporates proper control statements.

3. Students will create a Python program with the appropriate looping structure.