关键词 > CS36



Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit



This course is an introduction to the C Programming language. Students can use the Microsoft Visual Studio software on campus. In addition, students can download Visual C++ Community from the Internet onto their own computers. We will cover the syntax of the language and how to program and execute C programs. Major topics include Data Types, Operators, If Statements, Switch Statements, Functions, Parameter Passing, Loops, Arrays, Structures, Text Files, Header Files, Binary Files, Recursion, and Pointers.

This course is offered in an asynchronous manner. Students can complete coursework at any convenient time and there are no set hours where students have to be online. The course on Canvas will contain pre-recorded lectures, notes, and programming assignments. Exams will be posted throughout the semester and students will have four days to complete the exams and submit through Canvas. Exams will be given around every four weeks. Please keep an eye on the announcements part of the Canvas site for additional instructions and due dates for exams throughout the semester. I will also communicate at times through email. Weekly announcements will be posted by every Monday stating the work that is to be done for that week.

The lecture numbers correspond to the notes. For example, lecture 1 covers part 1 of the notes. If any lectures need to be split up, they will be numbered with letters. For example, if part 3 of the notes requires two lectures, the lectures will be labelled lecture 3 and lecture 3B.

Any changes to the syllabus will be announced in Canvas.


C How To Program Eighth Edition by Deitel and Deitel (Please feel free to use another C book as reference.)


4 Exams                                 25 points each for a total of 75 points (lowest exam dropped)

Programming Assignments        25 points

Total Points for the Class is 100 points.

Grading will be done on a standard 90, 80, 70, 60 scale.


NO MAKEUP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. EARLY EXAMS CANNOT BE GIVEN. As a result, your lowest exam score will be dropped. It is the responsibility of the student to drop the class in a timely manner if they so choose. A student may be dropped for missing two exams.


Each exam will be based on the following lectures:

Exam 1 – Parts 1 and 2 of the Notes

Exam 2 – Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Notes

Exam 3 – Parts 6, 7, and 8 of the Notes

Exam 4 – Parts 9 and 10 of the Notes

Students who are still officially enrolled past the withdrawal deadline (65% point/Drop with a “W” Grade) and who have been excessively absent per the attendance policy may be assigned a FW grade. The FW counts the same as a F grade in the grade point average, but denotes you stopped attending class and did not fail due to lack of mastery of the course material. The FW grade may impact eligibility for some types of financial aid. See the Financial Aid Office for more information.


Students are encouraged to use the online tutoring services available through the Computer Center. The Computer Center is open from 9AM – 7PM Monday through Thursday and 9AM – 2PM on Friday. Students will need to add TU 301 Ticket Number 90080. Programming tutors will be available during the following hours:

Monday: 10am-7pm

Wednesday: 11:30am-12:30pm; 2:30pm-4pm

Friday: 9am-2pm

The Computer Center drop-in tutoring services can be accessed through Canvas and all tutoring utilizes Zoom. TU 301 is a zero unit class with no cost. No grades are given for TU 301 and there are no minimum number of hours that you must attend TU 301. Signing up for TU 301 only gives you access to the online tutoring services available.


As per the Irvine Valley College catalog, “Irvine Valley College actively promotes academic and institutional honesty.” Falsification, plagiarism, and cheating will not be tolerated. Any act of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for that assignment or exam for the first infraction. A second infraction will result in an automatic final grade of F for the course.


SLO 1 Input/Output Statements: Students will create a C program that incorporates input and output statements.

SLO 2 Functions and Parameter Passing: Students will create a C program that incorporates functions and parameter passing.

SLO 3 Arrays and Structures: Students will create a C program that incorporates arrays and structures.

SLO 4 Loops: Students will create a C program that incorporates a looping structure.


If you would like to install Visual Studio onto your own computer, please follow the installation instructions at the following:

● Mac: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac

● Windows: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/windows

College Face Mask Requirements

Even though our course is online, here are the college face mask requirements for your information in case you do come on campus:

The college requires face masks or two-layer gaiters be worn at all times in all indoor locations on campus with only a few college-approved exceptions. You will need to wear a face mask indoors even if you are vaccinated. This requirement will be enforced. A violation of this requirement is subject to Student Code of Conduct review and sanction. Boxes of face masks will be available at no cost in most buildings on campus. If you forget to bring your face mask on any given day, disposable face masks will be made available to you at no cost.

If you cannot wear a face mask due to a medical or psychological condition, please contact Health & Wellness Centers (HWC), for verification of disability and approval of use of a clear face shield with full drape to the chest or moving to online classes only.

- IVC HWC (949) 451-5221

- SC HWC (949) 582-4606

In addition, there is no eating or drinking in classrooms.