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ESZ1001 Systems Concepts and Tools


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ESZ1001 Systems Concepts and Tools

Individual Project (100 marks)

1. Objectives

By working on this project, students are expected to be able to consolidate their learning in this subject by using the Systems Thinking and Modeling (ST&M) methodology (textbook page 16) to investigate, model and analyze complex phenomena within the context of business and management, economics, social policy and politics.

2. Task

You are required to research and author a paper for only one of the following topics. 

Topic 1: Systems Thinking and strategies for managing COVID-19 in Singapore 

Conduct research on Singapore using System Thinking and various strategies to manage COVID-19 successfully. 



“Singapore cannot stay locked down and closed off indefinitely. It would not work, and it would be very costly.”, said Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in October 2021 during his national address on the COVID-19 situation.

In January 2020, Singapore set up its Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) to spearhead and organise the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its challenge was to strike a balance between preserving lives and ensuring that livelihoods were not affected drastically.

Use the ST&M approach as the key methodology to conduct the research, leading to findings which require analysis and discussion.

[Note: It is essential that the problem definition be clearly articulated and key variables are identified to be able to conduct the investigation in this research. The key concept is “sustainability” and students are expected to determine the meaning of this concept in this topic. Students should also provide a comprehensive introduction on the topic, based on their research, at the beginning of the paper.]

Topic 2: Sustainability of Singapore Changi Airport and Singapore Airlines



Conduct research to explore and investigate Singapore Changi Airport and Singapore Airlines as sustainable hub and mode of international transport. Use the ST&M approach as the key methodology to conduct the research, leading to findings which require analysis and discussion.

[Note: It is essential that the problem definition be clearly articulated and key variables are identified to be able to conduct the investigation in this research. The key concept is “sustainability” and students are expected to determine the meaning of this concept in this topic. Students should also provide a comprehensive introduction on the topic, based on their research, at the beginning of the paper.]

Topic 3: Energy Supply System (including renewable energy sources) in Singapore



Conduct research to explore, identify and investigate the factors that impact sustainability of Energy Supply System (including renewable energy sources) in Singapore. Use the ST&M approach as the key methodology to conduct the research, leading to findings which require analysis and discussion.

[Hint: To begin this topic, students should conduct a literature search and review to identify and understand factors that impact the quality of Energy Supply System (including renewable energy sources) in Singapore. Interaction between factors should not be discounted. Students should also clearly articulate, grounded through research, what quality means in the energy context. Students should also provide a comprehensive introduction on the topic, based on their research, at the beginning of the paper.]

Topic 4: Water Supply System in Singapore (four national taps)



Conduct research to explore, identify and investigate the factors that impact the sustainability of Water Supply System in Singapore. Use the ST&M approach as the key methodology to conduct the research, leading to findings which require analysis and discussion. For this topic, students have a choice of conducting this research either within a specific context, i.e. industry, organization or job role, or as a general application.

[Hint: To begin this topic, students should conduct a literature search and review to identify and understand the factors that impact workplace productivity. Interaction between factors should not be discounted. Students should also clearly articulate, grounded through research, what productivity in the workplace means. Students should also provide a comprehensive introduction on the topic, based on their research, at the beginning of the paper.]

Topic 5: Impact of COVID-19 on tourism in Singapore and strategies for tourism recovery



Conduct research to explore, identify and investigate the factors on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and tourism recovery on the tourism industry in Singapore. Use the ST&M approach as the key methodology to conduct the research, leading to findings which require analysis and discussion. For this topic, students have a choice of conducting this research either within a specific context, i.e. industry, organization or job role, or as a general application.

[Hint: To begin this topic, students should conduct a literature search and review to identify and understand the factors on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry and tourism recovery in Singapore. Interaction between factors should not be discounted. Students should also clearly articulate, grounded through research, what productivity in the workplace means. Students should also provide a comprehensive introduction on the topic, based on their research, at the beginning of the paper.]

Topic 6: Healthcare System in Singapore


“The Ministry of Health (MOH) believes in ensuring quality and affordable basic medical services for all. Singapore’s healthcare system is designed to ensure that everyone has access to different levels of healthcare in a timely, cost-effective and seamless manner. MOH and its statutory boards are responsible for regulating Singapore’s healthcare system. All Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, medical centres, community health centres, nursing homes, clinics (including dental clinics), and clinical laboratories (including x-ray laboratories) are required to apply for licence under the Private Hospitals & Medical Clinics (PHMC) Act/Regulations.  All Healthcare facilities are also required to maintain a good standard of medical / clinical services under PHMC Act/Regulations.”

Conduct research to explore, identify and investigate the factors of the Healthcare system in Singapore. Use the ST&M approach as the key methodology to conduct the research, leading to findings which require analysis and discussion. For this topic, students have a choice of conducting this research either within a specific context, i.e. industry, organization or job role, or as a general application.

[Hint: To begin this topic, students should conduct a literature search and review to identify and understand the factors of the Healthcare system in Singapore. Interaction between factors should not be discounted. Students should also clearly articulate, grounded through research, what productivity in the workplace means. Students should also provide a comprehensive introduction on the topic, based on their research, at the beginning of the paper.]

3. Instructions to Students

i. Writing a good paper requires time. Develop and execute a plan for this project early.

ii. Start your research early to gain an understanding of the topic. You may need to search for recent government or business policy papers or documents to gain a better understanding of your chosen topic. Writing a good paper requires adequate understanding of the topic.

iii. Use the TP library resources, TP online library portal and Google Scholar to search for appropriate references to start your research.

iv. Where data collection is required, you should consider the use of primary or secondary means to collect data. Examples of websites that provide useful secondary data are http://www.data.gov.sg, http://www.singtat.gov.sg (for local data) or http://data.worldbank.org (for world data).

v. You must use Vensim PLE software for modeling purposes in this project. MS Excel should also be used where necessary for data analysis.

vi. Submit a softcopy of your paper (MS Word format) together with the Vensim files in LMS by 21 August 2023. Refer to paper submission guidelines in the following section for further instructions. Late submission of work will result in award of an ‘XF’ grade for this project.

4. Paper Submission Guidelines and Presentation

a) The paper should be formatted as a research manuscript typical of journal publications or conference proceedings and should contain the sections: 

Steps in conducting a Systems Thinking project (refer to textbook page 97) 

(i) Introduction

(ii) Literature Review Review at least 2 articles

(iii) Methodology System Thinking

a. Define the problem or situation

b. Identify the key variables

c. Identify behavior over time

d. Construct causal loops diagrams

e. Identify systems archetypes

f. Identify key leverage points

g. Develop intervention strategies

h. Implement strategy

(iv) Conclusion

You may also include appendices which must be referenced in the main body of the paper. 

b) The length of the paper should not more than 5,000 words, excluding abstract, references, appendices, tables and figures. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

c) Use MS Word with the following formats:

· Font:  Size 12, Times New Roman or Arial

· 1.5 spacing between lines, including 6pt space between paragraphs

· One inch margins all round

· All text excluding title shall be justified in alignment.

· The title of the paper shall be the topic provided, and typed on the first page of the paper in font size 14 in center alignment.

· The declaration of originality (see page 4) shall serve as the cover page of the paper.

· All sections of the paper must be numbered.

· Bold any section or paragraph headers, and left align.

· Use of footnote where necessary is allowed.

· All pages must be numbered.

· All diagrams, illustrations and tables must be labeled with captions.

· The paper must be neatly bound with no loose sheets for submission.

· Reference page and in-text citation must be included. Use the IEEE referencing and citation style. This is essential to avoid plagiarism! 

d) Presentation of Project - Every student will present his/her individual project during lesson (using PowerPoint) and each student is given 10 minutes to present. In addition, student is to highlight two articles relevant to the topic chosen.

5. Marking Scheme

The project will be assessed based on a rubric. A copy of the rubric is provided on page 6 for students to be familiar with the assessment criteria.

6. Plagiarism

Students are to note that all work submitted for this project must be their own. Plagiarism is academic dishonesty, and is subject to disciplinary action. Please refer to http:/library.tp.edu.sg/lib_home/llib_resources/llib_avoidplagiarism.htm for information concerning the avoidance of plagiarism.