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STA 2023 Written Homework #2


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STA 2023

Written Homework #2

This assignment is due at 11:59 pm (Beijing time) on the date listed on Moodle but you should work on it throughout the week as you finish each Section (the questions are labeled by Section number). Write all work on separate paper,scan, and submit the assignment to Moodle. Be sure to show all steps for full credit.

1. Section 3.2

Two brands of car batteries, both with 6-year warranties, were sampled and tested under controlled conditions. Five batteries sampled failed after the following number of months:

Brand A: 74, 65, 70, 64, 71

Brand B: 69, 70, 62, 72, 60

Find the mean battery life and standard deviation for each brand by hand (show your work). Based on the sample data, which brand lasts longer? Which brand has a more consistent battery life? How do you know?

2. Section 3.2

Download the data set “Body Temperatures” (Data Set 3) from the website linked below and use StatCrunch to find the mean and standard deviation of the data. Use the Range Rule of Thumb to determine if an adult body temperature of 100⁰F is significantly high. Why or why not?


3. Section 3.2

Use the same data set from Question #2.

(a) What does Chebyshev’s Theorem say about the percentage of adults with body temperatures that are between 96.96⁰F  and 99.44⁰F ?

(b) Upon examination of the data set, it is found that the body temperatures of healthy adults have abell-shaped distribution. How can werefine our answer to part (a) using the empirical rule?

4. Section 3.3

Listed below are the prediction errors (minutes) that are differences between the actual eruption times and

predicted eruption times of the Old Faithful Geyser. Positive numbers correspond to eruptions that occurred later than predicted and negative numbers to those that occurred earlier than predicted. Find the 5-number summary   by hand (show your work) and construct a boxplot.

4 -7 0 1 -1 1 -4 -7 22 7 -5 1

5. Section 3.3

Based on some sample data, it was found that males have red blood cell counts with a mean of 4.719 and a standard deviation of 0.490, while females have red blood cell counts with a mean of 4.349 and a standard

deviation of 0.402. Who has the higher relative count to the sample from which it came: a male with a count of 5.58 or a female with a count of 5.23?  Explain and show your work.

6. Section 4.2

Use the table below that summarizes drive-through order accuracy at popular fast food chains. Round your probabilities to 4 decimal places.


(a) If two orders are selected with replacement, what is the probability they are both from Taco Bell? Are these events independent?

(b) If two orders are selected without replacement, what is the probability they are both from Taco Bell? Are these events independent?

7. Section 4.2

Use the same table from Question #6. If one order is selected, find the probability of getting an order form McDonald’sor Wendy’s or an order that is not accurate.

8. Section 4.3

If you make random guesses for 10 multiple choice SAT questions, each with five possible answers, what is the probability of getting at least 1 correct?

9. Section 4.3

Refer to the table below which summarizes the results from a hepatitis C screening among HIV-infected patients.


Find the negative predictive value of the test (this is the probability that a subject does not have hepatitis C, given that the test yields a negative result). Does your result suggest that the testis effective?

10. Section 4.4

A small company received Kickstarter funding and must now appoint a president, CEO (chief executive office), COO (chief operating officer), and CFO (chief financial officer). It must also appoint a strategic planning committee with  four members. There are 10 qualified candidates for these positions and officers may also serve on the committee.

(a) How many different ways can the four officers be appointed?

(b) How many different ways can the committee of four be appointed?

(c) What is the probability of selecting the committee and getting the four youngest candidates?