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AE420/ME471 – Introduction to the Finite Element Method Practice Problems Fall 2022


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AE420/ME471 – Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Practice Problems Fall 2022

Problem 1: (total 50 marks).

a.   Suppose you want to use 3-noded one dimensional elements below, where the coordinates of nodes 1, 2, and 3 are x = 1, - 1 and 0.7. You have implemented this element in Abaqus. When  you  run  the   simulations,  however,  Abaqus  terminates  with   an   error.  Show calculations to explain why. (10 marks)

b.   Provide the expression in terms of the triangular coordinates Li    (i = 1, 2, 3) of all the shape functions  for  the  6-node  triangular  element  shown  in  the  adjacent  figure.  (i)  What convergence rate would you expect for this element compared to a 3 node triangular element? (ii) For a typical finite element problem, would it be more efficient to increase the no. of 3 node triangular elements such that the typical element dimension is h instead of 2h, or to use 6-node triangular elements of typical element dimension 2h, assuming that the computational cost is the same for both? Explain your answers with calculations. (10 marks)

c.   Derive the expressions in terms of ξ,η for the Jacobian matrix [J], det[J] and  for the following mapping: (10 marks)

d.   Identify the problems associated with connecting four-node and eight-node elements in the pattern shown below.   Consider  all pairs of adjacent elements (1 and 2,  1  and 3,  …). Indicate where compatibility problems would arise and why. (10 marks)

e.   Finite   element  simulations  are  to  be  performed  on  the  problem  below,  where  a hemispherical stress-ball is indented by a vertical punch. Briefly describe how you would model this problem in finite element method in as computationally efficient a manner as possible. Indicate the appropriate boundary conditions and type of element you would choose. (10 marks)