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PROPPRAC 706 Valuation Assignment 1: Graded progress check 3


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PROPPRAC 706 Valuation

Assignment 1: Graded progress check 3

After you have read this information, go to the Assignment 1 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.

Weighting: 8%

Due: Complete the quiz by 11.59pm Sunday of Week 6.  Please note that late submission (either with or without penalties) will not be allowed beyond this due date

CLOs: This assignment supports course learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Attempts: You can attempt the quiz only three times.

Questions: There are six numeric answer questions in the quiz, each based on a specific aspect of your analysis of the task detailed in the Graded progress check 3 template (PDF 100 KB) Download Graded progress check 3 template (PDF 100 KB). There is also a final question where you can upload the completed template document showing your solutions. You will be presented with one question at a time. You will be able to revisit questions previously responded to if you wish to enter a different answer.

Duration: The quiz is untimed.

Use of sources: This is an open-book quiz. You are permitted to use internet sources and learning materials during this quiz.

Content/material: This quiz will be based on the content covered in Module 3.

Quiz results released: Your marks on this quiz will be made available within 3 days after the quiz closes.

Feedback type: Answers will be released two weeks after the quiz closes or at the discretion of your lecturer.


Step 1: Download and complete the Graded progress check 3 template (PDF 100 KB) Download Graded progress check 3 template (PDF 100 KB).

Step 2: Select the 'Take the quiz' button on this page.

Step 3: Answer each question in the quiz by entering your final numerical answer from the completed template. For each question, you need to round up your answer to two decimal places and enter this as a number without the unit of measurement sign or 1000 separator (,).

Step 4: Upload your completed template showing your worked solutions to the final question of the quiz.


1. By selecting 'Take the quiz', you agree that the answers submitted for this quiz are entirely your own individual work.

2. It is your responsibility to ensure your quiz is successfully submitted on time. Please don’t leave it to the last minute to submit your quiz.