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IBIS1100 - Introduction to Business Information Systems Trimester 2A, 2023


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IBIS1100 - Introduction to Business Information Systems

Assessment Guide

Trimester 2A, 2023


The Unit Outline and the Assessment Guide for IBIS1100 Introduction to Business Information

Systems provides the full requirements of the unit and both should be referred to when completing the unit assessments.


In all the written assessments for this unit, it is important that you present your work in away that    communicates aprofessional attitude. Below are some formatting rules that should be followed for each written assessment:

•    Type or word-process your assessment

    Use a 12-font size

    Use Arial font

•    Leave a margin of 2.5 cm around all four sides of the page

•    Use double spacing between lines

•    Use a Header to insert you name and student ID number at the top of the page

•    Number pages clearly

•    Keep acopy of your submitted assessments

For Reference List:

•    Formatted according to the Chicago 17th  B (Author-Date) Edition referencing system.

•    Use single space for each source entry; and

•    Use double space between entries.


Assessment 1: Weekly Worksheets

Due Date: Due before the beginning of the next class

Weighting: 20 %

Assessment Task

The unit includes a series of weekly worksheets that follow on from what you were

taught in the previous week’s lectures. The worksheets are electronic (within Moodle) and can be worked on anywhere you have Internet access (e.g. at home and at Curtin  College).

The multiple-choice questions will be corrected automatically, but your workshop leader will check the short answer and essay-style questions, make sure both are complete.

Submission Requirements

The weekly worksheets will be started with the guidance of your Workshop Leader in    your workshop and need to be completed by you and submitted online before the next workshop. There are 10 worksheets for a maximum total mark of 20%.

Please remember to SAVE your worksheet answers regularly using the save buttons to the right of each question and at the bottom of the page (to save all answers). When

you have completed the worksheet submit it by using the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page.

Marking Criteria & Feedback


Marking Criteria



2 marks awarded for FULL completion of the worksheet by due date 1 mark for majority completion of the worksheet by due date

0 marks awarded for less than 50% completion or late submission






•    Moodle provides automatic feedback for the multiple choice, true /false and matching sections of the weekly worksheets.

•    Your lecturer will provide feedback by answering any questions for the short answer section of the assessment in the following class.

Assessment 2: Test 1 - Part A: Information System Description

Due Date: Week 5 (Online test)

Weighting: 10 %

Assessment Task

The first test involves applying the 5 step Information System Description Framework to a specific information system case study. This will be done in class under test conditions – time limit and no books, notes, or communication. This is similar to Section C in the examination.


•    A general feedback will be provided upon completion of marking and release of result.

Assessment 2: Test 1 - Part B: MCQ, T/F, Matching

Due Date: Week 5 (Online test)

Weighting: 5%

Assessment Task

Assessment 2 will be held online. It will consist of closed answer questions (multiple   choice, true and false or matching). It will be marked electronically by Moodle. This is similar to Section A of the examination.

Marking Criteria

Marking guide will be explained by your workshop leader.

Marking Criteria



Multiple choice


1 mark each 1 mark each






•    Moodle provides automatic feedback for the multiple choice, true /false and matching sections of the weekly worksheets.

Assessment 3: Test 2 (CBV and Short Answers and/or fill in the Blanks)

Due Date: Week11 (Online test)

Weighting: 15%

Assessment Task

Assessment 3 will be held online and consists of short answer written questions and a Creating Business Value with IT framework case study. It will be marked by your

workshop leader. This is similar to Section B and Section D of the examination.


•    A general feedback will be provided upon completion of marking and release of result.

Assessment 4: Final Exam (Online)

Due Date: Exam Week

Weighting: 50%

Assessment Task

Assessment 4 (Final Exam) will be held in the final examination week. The Final Exam will consist of 4 sections and coverall aspects of the unit. Section A – Multiple Choice,

True/False and Matching Questions, Section B – Short Answer questions and/or Fill in    the Blanks, Section C – Information System Description (ISD) case study and Section D – Creating Business Value (CBV) case study.

Marking Criteria


Section A - Multiple Choice / True False / Matching


Section B - Short Answer


Section C - Information System Description


Section D - Creating Business Value


Creating Business Value
