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Case Study 1


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Case Study 1

Due Date: 11 Aug 11:59pm

Submission Type: Individual

Weighting: 20% of course total


The CIA Triad establishes the security objectives and is necessary for designing the security policy for an organisation. A weakness in any of the pillars of the CIA triad renders the organisation vulnerable to cyber threats. In this assessment, for a selected organisation, you will delve into the pillars of the triad with the objective of explaining to a member of the C-suite how each of the pillars contributes towards achieving the desired security posture of the selected organisation.

Use the following as a guide to assist you in writing your assessment.

For each of the pillars, namely, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability,

· Define the pillar and elaborate on its relevance in the context of the selected organisation

· Discuss how the pillar might be compromised

· Highlight the potential impact that such a compromise might have on the organisation

· Identify and explain some countermeasures that could be employed to strengthen the pillar.

Finally, choose an organisation from the list below.  With respect to the selected organisation, discuss the relative importance of the pillars.

Hint: Identify the most valued asset(s) to the organisation to assist with your analysis.

1. Stock broking  company

2. Insurance company

3. Airline ticketing company

4. Vehicle renting company

Report specifications:

· Submit a report in pdf file format, written for senior management.

· The essay should be free of technical jargon and where necessary, these should be clearly explained.

· Use acronyms sparingly and explain where they first appear

· Your report should at least include the following sections:

An executive summary

Main body

§ Introduction

§ Discussion

§ Summary


· The word limit for this assessment is 1,000 words, excluding references, with a 10% tolerance.

Use Arial 12 font

Include at least five (5) references

The sources should be credible and recent (majority within the last 5 years).

All external resources used must be referenced at the end of the document, the word count does not include the references.

APA7 may be used for referencing. This is to be kept consistent.

Other referencing styles can be used as long as a single referencing style is consistently used in the document.