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Activities to be undertaken during Placement


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Activities to be undertaken during Placement

During my placement at the restaurant, I will be involved in a number of activities designed to support the restaurant's marketing efforts and overall business operations:

Marketing Strategy Development: Working closely with the restaurant manager, I will participate in the development and execution of marketing strategies. This might include brainstorming promotional ideas, assisting in planning special events, or helping to coordinate a new menu launch.

Social Media Management: I will assist in managing the restaurant's social media accounts, creating and posting engaging content to attract and retain customers. This could also include monitoring and responding to comments and messages from customers.

Customer Relationship Management: I will help implement and manage a customer loyalty program, communicate with customers via email newsletters, and possibly respond to online reviews or feedback. The aim is to increase customer retention and enhance the customer experience.

Market Research: I will conduct market research to understand the latest food and dining trends, and analyze competitor activities. This will help us identify areas for improvement and new opportunities.

Improving the Dining Experience: I may also work on enhancing the on-site dining experience. This could include improving the restaurant layout, decor, or ambiance, and may also involve training waitstaff on customer service best practices.

Performance Analysis: Lastly, I will also assist in tracking and analyzing the performance of our marketing efforts. This might involve using tools like Google Analytics to track website visits, or analyzing social media metrics to understand what type of content is most engaging for our followers.

All these tasks will help me use what I've learned in my marketing classes in the real world, and also teach me more about how a restaurant works and how marketing can help it succeed.