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CIS156 Python Programming: Level I


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Course Syllabus

Print Syllabus

Course ID: CIS156

Title: Python Programming: Level I

Modality: Internet

Credit Hours: 3.00

Specialty: Sail Platform

Course Section Information

Institution: Rio Salado College

Section: 12559

Term: Summer 2023

Start Date: 7/3/2023

Weeks: 14

Last date to withdraw: None

Instructor: Michael Tyler

Course Materials

Be sure that you have all the necessary materials prior to the start date of the course.

No textbook required for the course.

Software required for the course:

Instructions for downloading and installing the required software will be provided during the course introduction.

Operating System: Windows 7 or later, MacOS, or Linux

Python (current version): Instructions on downloading this free software is provided in the course introduction.

All course materials and assessments will be delivered through the SAIL() platform. Students will receive instructions on accessing this platform during the course introduction.

Educational Software Discounts

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 is the latest version of Microsoft’s productivity suite, and includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and more. (Note: Some applications are only available on Windows. See the Course Materials section of your syllabus to see if there are any specific requirements for your course.) It is available for

offline and online use to best prepare you for class and your academic journey. As long as you are currently enrolled as a student at one of the Maricopa Community Colleges, you’ll be able to use this software for free.

To get your Office follow these simple steps:

1.  Go to https://login.microsoftonline.com/ and enter the following information:

a. Username: Your Maricopa email address (i.e. [email protected])

b. Password: Password you use to log into your Maricopa email account

c.  Click Sign in

2.  Once signed in, click on the Install Office button to get a drop-down.

3.  Select the Office 365 apps option from the drop-down menu.

4.  Follow the instructions on the installation screen.

You will need your school email account to sign in.

Important Note: The Office 365 provided by Maricopa Community Colleges is for personally owned (home) computers and devices.

Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Rio Salado College is a member of the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching Program. As a part of the program, students who are enrolled in technology courses at Rio Salado can download many of Microsoft’s products for free to use in their courses. Some products are unavailable for download so if the

software you need for the course is not available you will need to purchase the software. Be sure to read the Terms of Service for details on how you may use the software.

To get to the Azure Dev Tools:

1.  Go to Microsoft Azure Dev Tools Program and click on the Sign In button.

2.  Log in using your Maricopa student credentials.

a. Username: Your Maricopa email address (i.e. [email protected])

b. Password: Password you use to log into your Maricopa email account

3.  If logging in for the first time you will need to read and accept the terms of agreement and follow the on-screen prompts to verify you are a student. 4.  Once logged in, click on the Software heading.

5.  Find the software that you need in the list and click on it to select it.

6.  Click on the download button within the pane that appears. If needed, click on the View Key button to get a product key that will be needed during the installation of the software.

Software Purchase Program

Rio Salado College has partnered with many software vendors to be able to offer software at a discounted price to students. Through this partnership, the software is discounted with students’ needs in mind to make it more affordable. To take advantage of these offers there is a link titled Software Purchase    Program on the left hand side of the RioLearn portal after logging in. Be sure to read the Terms of Service for details on how you may use the software.

Software Purchase Program (You must click on the link to access the website. Copying and pasting the URL into your browser window will not work. You must be logged into your course in RioLearn for the link to work.)

Course Description and Competencies

Official Course Description

Introduction to Python programming. Includes general concepts, program design, development, data types, operators, expressions, flow control, functions, classes, input and output operations, debugging, structured programming, and object-oriented programming.

Official Course Prerequisites

A grade of C or better in CIS105 or permission of Instructor.

Official Course Competencies

1.  Explain the development of Python applications.

2.  Explain the control structures in Python.

3.  Utilize basic data structures in Python.

4.  Utilize string and character manipulation in Python.

5.  Utilize object-oriented programming concepts in Python.

6.  Utilize Python to load, save and manipulate persistent data.

7.  Identify and debug common mistakes in programs written in Python.

Course Requirements

1.  You must complete all assignments in the course to receive a passing grade.

2. Note: All correspondence with your instructor must contain your name, class, and section number. Work cannot be graded and credit cannot be issued without this information.

3. Rio Course Announcements: You are required to check the course announcements regularly for important course information. This is located on your Course Homepage.

4.  Remember that this is a three credit-hour class. As such, you will need to dedicate significant time to this course. Plan to spend at least three hours

on course content and at least six hours on homework for a total of at least nine hours each week. Be prepared to double your weekly class and study time if you choose an accelerated calendar.

Your participation in the course will involve several forms of activity. All activity will take place within SAIL():

1.  Reading the conceptual content for each module.

2.  Completing all tasks for each project at the end of each module.

3.  Submitting a response to the reflection and discussion postings at the end of each module.

All project tasks and postings will be autograded by the SAIL() platform. Detailed feedback is provided within SAIL(). Students are advised to monitor their gradebook within SAIL() and resubmit any assignment that does not receive full credit.

Each module also contains Inline activities and Quizzes. These are ungraded activities that will help you assess your comprehension of the material as you read through the course material. You are advised to complete all of the inline activities before proceeding through to the next page or module. If you missed many of the activities, it is recommended that you review the material again.

Grading Procedure and Scale

Grading Procedure

This course consists of 7 Learning Modules within the SAIL() Platform. Each module has a project worth 100 points. Feedback, along with a breakdown of the points earned on the Project, will be available within SAIL(). Your RioLearn gradebook will display the total points earned for each module, along with   your overall grade in the course.

Assessment Type




Total Points Possible


Grading Scale

Letter grades for assignments, examinations, and the course will be determined by the following scale:

Point Range


627 - 700


(90% - 100%)

557 - 626


(80% - 89%)

487 - 556


(70% - 79%)

417 - 486


(60% - 69%)

0 - 416


(0% - 59%)

Please note: Extra credit is not available for this course.

Copyright Acknowledgements

Some images used in courses are from collections licensed by Rio Salado College.

Submitting Assignments

You will be directed to submit your assignments in one (1) of the two (2) following ways:

Online Assessment

Online Zipped Attachment

Online Assessment

Whenever possible, you will submit quizzes and assignments online within the course.

Important information: Be sure to follow the procedure below to complete your quizzes and assignments.

1.  Review all assignment directions before beginning the assignment. Write at a college level for all essays and assignments. See the Grading Matrix for Essays/Short Answers. You should type your essay in a word processing program and then copy/paste it into the appropriate textbox in the online    submit form. This way, you can use spell/grammar check.

2.  Use the link(s) within the online lesson to access and submit the assignment. Once you have started entering your answer(s), be sure to save your work. Also, you should allow enough time to submit your work within a 7-day window from the time you first access the link.

Be sure you have answered all questions prior to clicking the SUBMIT button; once you have submitted your answers, you will not be able to access them again. When you are finished, you will need to close the browser window to return to your course.

Online Zipped Attachment:

To submit files and folders to your instructor, you must zip all files before submitting them online. Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS operating systems contain built-in utilities to zip files and folders. You may also use third-party software if you desire, but the compressed file must be in a .ZIP format. To zip attachments in this course, follow the Zipping Files tutorial for your specific operating system. After zipping your files, submit the zip file to your instructor  using the link within the online lesson.

Note to students: Keep a copy of everything you submit.


There may be required In-Person Exam(s) for this course. Please review the Grading Procedure and Scale and Course Requirements portions of your syllabus for details. Check your Gradebook for specific due dates for your exam(s).

In-Person Exams are given at various locations throughout the valley for students who live in Maricopa County.

You may view information on Testing Sites to select the testing location and hours of operation that fit your needs. You may also contact our information line at (480) 517-8560.

In-Person Exam Procedures

1. You must complete ALL assignments in the course before you can take your in-person final exam (check your Gradebook for all assignments and due dates).

2. There is no appointment necessary to take your exam. Exams can betaken during normal hours of operation at any Rio Salado College testing site.

3. You must complete the final exam by your course end date.

4. You may take your exam(s) before your course end date if and only if you have received all of your graded assignments.

Students who live outside of Maricopa County may request to have exams proctored. Requests must be made by filling out and submitting the  Proctored Exam Request Form. Please contact the Testing Center at (480) 517-8560 or 1-(866) 517-8560 (Toll-free) with questions.

Proctored Exam Procedures

1. You must submit the Proctored Exam Request