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ECN6510 Topic 2 Past Questions


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Topic 2 Past Questions

1.       (a)   An individual, who has a utility function given by   U w1/ 2 , has wealth (w) of £150 and faces the prospect of a loss of £85 with a probability of 0.3 and a probability of 0.7 that he/she will not incur the loss.

(i)      Explain what  is  meant by risk aversion and whether this individual is risk averse.       [10%]

(ii)     Calculate the maximum premium the individual will pay to insure against this loss.   [20%]

(iii)    Explain  what  is  meant  by fair  insurance  and calculate the fair insurance premium.       [20%]

(b)      Assume an economy is comprised of two types of individuals characterised by high risk and low risk such that the high risk individuals experience a relatively high probability of losing wealth due to an adverse event occurring. Formally analyse the conditions under which (i) a pooling equilibrium and (ii) a separating equilibrium  arise  in  the  market  for  insurance  against  the  loss  in  wealth associated with the occurrence of the adverse event.   [50%]

2.      (a)    Explain what is meant by full and fair insurance and comment on whether it is likely to arise in practice.                 [20%]

(b)    Using a diagram, compare the fair insurance premium with the maximum premium that a risk averse individual is willing to pay for insurance.                              [20%]

(c)     In the context of asymmetric information, analyse the problems faced by insurance companies in designing insurance contracts for high risk and low risk individuals.   [60%]

3.       (a)   An individual has wealth () of £160 and faces the prospect of a loss of £80 with a probability of 0.1. The individual has a utility function given by U = w1/2 . Explain what is meant by risk aversion and explain whether or not this individual is risk averse.    [20%]

(b)   What  is the  maximum  premium the individual described in part (a) will pay for insurance against this loss?     [10%]

(c)   Explain what is meant by a fair insurance premium and calculate the difference between the fair premium and the maximum premium that the individual is willing to pay.           [10%]

(d)   Formally  analyse the  problems  faced  by  insurance  companies  in  designing insurance contracts when faced with a population comprising different types of individuals.                                                                                                        [60%]

4.     Assume two  types  of  risk averse  individuals characterised by high risk and low risk respectively.  There  are  C  low  risk  individuals  and  β  high  risk  individuals  in  the population. There are two states of nature, good and bad. In the good state, wealth is w0    and,  in  the  bad  state,  wealth  equals  w0   - L  where  L > 0 .  The  probability  of experiencing the bad state is pi   where i = HL ,  pH   > pL  .  An insurance company which is only concerned with expected profits is considering providing insurance to the two types of individuals.

(a)    Assuming the insurance company can ascertain whether an individual is high or low risk, explain what type of insurance contract the company will offer.        [50%]

(b)    How is your answer to part (a) affected if the insurance company is no longer able to ascertain whether an individual is high or low risk?   [50%]