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CS 171: Introduction to Computer Science II Assignment #3: Maze Traversal


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CS 171: Introduction to Computer Science II

Assignment #3: Maze Traversal

Due: Sunday, July 30th at 11:59 PM on Gradescope. You can work in pairs.

Early submission bonus (+10) if submitted early, at or before Tuesday, July 27 at 11:59pm Atlanta time

Late submission policy: see course syllabus for details on your one-time late token and other late-submission policies.

Problem Description

This assignment practices the use of Queues and Stacks. You will use links to store and construct paths and implement a path finding algorithm to solve the maze search problem.

You are to implement two versions of a path finding algorithm for finding a path through a square maze: one version will use a stack, and the other will use a queue to store a list of positions to explore as the search algorithm proceeds. A maze is a square space with an entrance at the upper left-hand corner, an exit at the lower right-hand corner, and some internal walls. Your algorithm will find a path through a given maze, starting from the entrance and finishing at the exit that does not go through any walls (a path must go around walls).

Your program will take a command line argument, the filename (e.g. java PathFinder maze1.txt) for the maze description. (To input a command line argument in Eclipse or IntelliJ, you can click “Run – “Run Configurations – “Arguments” and then type in the argument in the “Program Arguments box.) Your program next prints the maze to stdout, then tries to find a path through the maze. If a path is found, the positions in the path are printed to stdout with a success message. Otherwise, an error message is printed to the screen. Your program will print the paths that result from executing both implementations of the path finding algorithm.

The maze will be represented as an N × N array of of 1s and 0s; if maze[i][j] == 1 then there is an internal wall in that position of the maze. Otherwise, there is no wall. The search algorithm will start at maze[0][0] and find a path to maze[N-1][N-1]. A path is represented by a sequence of [i][j] position coordinates, starting with [0][0] and ending with [N-1][N-1]. From position [i][j] in the path, the next position in the path can only be the position to the left, right, up or down from position [i][j]; a path cannot move diagonally from one position to another. For example, the following is the array representation of a 10×10 maze:

The following path is possible through this maze:

Program Operation

Your program will perform the following actions (given in main):

1. The name of the maze file is obtained from the command line argument.

2. Use the provided method readMaze to read the maze into the array representation and print the maze to stdout.

3. Next, your program will search for a path from the maze entrance point to the exit point using both versions of the path searching algorithm: stackSearch and queueSearch.

4. For both algorithms, your program will either print an error message (if there is no path through the maze): Maze is NOT solvable

Or, it will print:

(a) The path as a list of [i][j] positions, starting at the entrance point and ending at the maze exit point.

(b) The maze with the path coordinates indicated by ‘X’ characters. (See ‘Sample Run’ section on page 4 of this handout.)

The path finding Algorithm

You should implement the following algorithm (Algorithm 1) for finding a path (some of the details are left for you to fill in).

In one version of the algorithm, you will use a queue of Position objects to enqueue neighbor elements and to dequeue the next element at each step. The other version will use a stack to push neighbor elements and to pop the next element at each step. Once you implement one version of the algorithm, you can implement the second version by simply copying the code to a new method and replacing the data structure use and the calls to enqueue/dequeue with push/pop.

Algorithm 1 Path Finding

Create a search list for positions yet to explore, add the entrance position, (0,0) to the search

while the list is not empty do

Remove the next position from the search list

if it is the exit position [n-1][n-1] then

a path is found, construct the path (see below) and return the path


mark the position as visited, add all valid down, up, right, or left neighbor positions to

the search list

end if

end while

if the list is empty and the method has not returned then

there is no path

end if

Think carefully about when a neighbor is valid and how you can ensure that your implementation terminates.

Important note for grading: When adding positions to the stack/queue, follow this order:

Down, up, right, left.

So if you start at grid[0][0] = (0,0), you would add: (1,0) (-1,0) (0,1) (0,-1). Of course you need to make sure these are valid.

To construct the path, you need to keep track of the previous position (parent) that leads to each position on the explored paths. The Position class has been defined for you, which contains the position information and a reference to its previous (parent) Position on a path. This is similar to the Node class in the LinkedList examples we have learned which contains a data item and a reference to its next Node. When adding a neighbor position of the current position to the search list, you need to create a new Position object or the neighbor position to be added with a reference to its parent – note that the current position is in fact the parent of the neighbor position. When the exit position is reached or a path is found, you can follow the previous (parent) links from the exit position to construct the path (Algorithm 2).

Algorithm for constructing the path (consider carefully what data structure is best for the list):

Algorithm 2 Path Construction

Create a list for storing the visited path positions

while there is a previously visited position to add to the list do

Mark the current position in the maze as being on the path

Add the current position to the list

Update the current position to the previously visited position

end while

put path positions in an array ordered from the start point to exit point

Data Structures

You can use the java.util.ArrayDeque class for Queues and java.util.Stack class for Stacks. See the lecture notes and the Java API for examples of usage and documentation. The maze is stored as a 2-dimensional array of char values defined as char[][]. You can see how to declare, initialize, and use 2-dimensional arrays in the provided method readMaze.

Sample Run: Here’s an example of how a program run might look like. Note that the maze file name is passed as an argument to the program here using the command line:

$ java PathFinder maze1.txt


0 1 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 0 0 0

stackSearch Solution:

Path: (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4)


X 1 . 1 .

X X X 1 .

. 1 X . .

0 1 X 1 1

0 1 X X X

queueSearch Solution:

Path: (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4)


X 1 . 1 0

X X X 1 .

. 1 X . .

. 1 X 1 1

. 1 X X X

Getting started

• Download the starter code on Canvas and understand it. It has the following methods that are already implemented:

– char[][] readMaze(String filename): reads maze from file, returns 2-dimensional array with each entry containing a 0 or a 1 (wall)

– printMaze(char[][] maze): prints a visual representation of the 2D maze array to stdout

– printPath(Position[] path): prints a visual representation of the path indices to stdout

– main(): reads and prints a maze, finds a path using stackSearch (to be implemented) and queueSearch (to be implemented), prints the path and the maze for each version of the algorithm. DO NOT change the main method.

TODO: Fill in your implementation for the stackSearch and queueSearch

• Test your program with the provided mazes (maze1.txt, maze2.txt, maze3.txt, maze4.txt)

• Think about the following question (you do not need to submit the answers)

– Why do both versions of the algorithm work?

– Why do they sometimes output different paths for some of the mazes?

Debugging Tip:

You can call the method printMaze from your implemented search methods to help you visualize the maze and debug intermediate steps in your solution. But please remember to remove or comment out any print calls you added to the code, since these can affect the performance of your program significantly.

Submission Instructions

Submit only PathFinder.java to Gradescope.


• If your program does not compile, you will get 0 points from the autograded portion.

• Correct usage of Stack to implement the stackSearch algorithm: 10 points

• Correct usage of ArrayDeque to implement the queueSearch algorithm: 10 points

• stackSearch a/lgorithm correctly finds the path or returns null if no path exists: 35 points

• queueSearch algorithm correctly finds the path or returns null if no path exists: 35 points

• The path to exit (if any) is correctly marked in maze and printed: 5 points

• Code clarity, style, and comments: 5 points

Honor Code

The assignment is governed by the College Honor Code and Departmental Policy. Remember, any code you submit must be your own; otherwise you risk being investigated by the Honor Council and facing the consequences of that. We do check for code plagiarism (across student submissions and against online resources). Please remember to have the following comment included at the top of the file.



_Student1_Name_Here_ _Student2_Name_Here_ */

Submission Checklist: We’ve created this checklist to help you make sure you don’t miss anything important. Note that completing all these items does not guarantee full points, but at least assures you are unlikely to get a zero.

□ Did your file compile on the command line using JDK 11 or above (e.g. JDK 17)?

□ Did your submission on Gradescope successfully compile and pass at least one autograder test case?

□ Have you included the honor code on top of the file?

□ Did you remove the TODO prefix from the methods you needed to implement?

□ Did you give your variables meaningful names (i.e., no foo or bar variables)?

□ Did you add meaningful comments to the code when appropriate?