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Self Development Project Short Paper


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Self Development Project Short Paper

A key goal of psychology is to understand, predict, and change mindsets/behaviors. During the course, you had the opportunity to engage in a personal development project. The goal of this practical exercise was to realize the benefits of self-improvement while also illustrating key psychological processes and concepts associated with our course.

This short paper assignment will help you summarize and reflect on your personal development project. The short papers should be 1.5 to 2 pages in length, not including the title page and any references.  The paper will consist of the following format: Type written, single space, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1 inch margins all around.  See course syllabus for due date.  

Key sections of the paper will address the following sections and questions:

1. Hopes and Dreams

What are your hopes and dreams for your life in the future? What are your strengths and weakness, and how are they relevant to your hopes and dreams?

2. Self-Improvement Goals

Describe your self-improvement goal. What is your goal (or goals)? Why are you pursuing this goal? What are the challenges to achieve your goal? How is your self-improvement goal related to your hopes and dream?

3. Relevance of Psychology

Describe two or more psychological concepts from our course (or in the field of psychology) that are relevant to your self-improvement goal (e.g., motivation, attitudes, emotions, personality, etc.). Connect these concepts to your self-improvement goal. Why are these concepts relevant to your self-improvement goal? How might these concepts inform your self-improvement goal?

4. Relevance of MINDTAPP

How are you using MINDTAPP to pursue your self-improvement goal? In what ways is MINDTAPP helpful with your self-improvement goal? Besides using MINDTAPP, what are other apps, tools, techniques, methods you can use to achieve your self-improvement goal?

5. Improvement Progress

Describe how much progress have you made towards achieving your self-improvement goal. How do you define progress?  What explains your progress or lack of progress? What can/will you do to continue working towards your self-improvement goal?

6. Key Learnings

What have you learned from your personal development project? What have you learned about yourself? What have you learned from the course?