关键词 > STATS102A

STATS 102A - Introduction to Computational Statistics with R


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STATS 102A - Introduction to Computational Statistics with R

C o u r s e  D e s c r ipti o n

Introduction to computational statistics through numerical methods and computationally intensive methods for statistical problems. Topics include intermediate to advanced

programming techniques in R, root finding, simulation, randomization testing, and bootstrapping.

L e ct u re s

Time: WM, 3:00 - 4:50 PM

Location: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/94299945734?

pwd=ZEdpY09MU0N2K1VsL1I3SGk1MDg1QT09 (https://ucla.zoom.us/j/94299945734? pwd=ZEdpY09MU0N2K1VsL1I3SGk1MDg1QT09)

You should attend every class and ensure you catch up on the class progress. If extenuating circumstances arise that may make this difficult, please let me know as soon as you can.

Off i c e H o u r s :

I will be conducting online office hours online every every Thursday from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Please follow the link below to join the office hours.

https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96058792921?pwd=aC9OYThUSE5kQ1ZZSWJiNjU1c3RXdz09 (https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96058792921?pwd=aC9OYThUSE5kQ1ZZSWJiNjU1c3RXdz09)

Co u rse  Mate r ia ls

R e q u i re d  Textb o o k

8. Randomization and permutation tests

9. Bootstrap tests

10. Data visualization with ggplo2

Co u rse Ass ig n me nts

Q u i z

There will be 5-6 online timed quizzes posted on Bruinlearn. The quizzes will be posted 2 days in advance. Please be aware of the deadlines, I will not extend any quiz deadlines.

H o m ew o r k

There will be around 5 homework assignments depending on our progress.

The assignments will be posted on the course website and due by 11:00 PM on the specified due date.

Please include your first and last name, and student ID on every homework assignment.

It is your responsibility to verify that your homework assignment was successfully uploaded by the deadline. Every homework assignment will specify the format of the submission in more detail.

The grading will abide by the assignment policies below.

Ex a m

There will be two exams. You need to use your laptop (suggested) or tablet to take the exams

using the Respondus LockDown Browser in class. Besides the device you use to take the exam, other electronic devices are not allowed. You will be allowed one ``cheat sheet" during each

exam, but do not share materials with other students. You need to have your UCLA ID to take the online assessments. Please do not make any travel plans on the specified dates of exams. NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON.

Midterm Exam: Monday, 07/17/2023, 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM

Final Exam: Wednesday, 08/02/2023, 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM

Co u rse  Po licy

G r a di n g P o li cy

5% Quiz

45% Homework

15% Midterm Exam (50 minutes)

35% Final Exam (1 hour and 50 minutes)

G r a d e D i st r i b ut i o n

Final grades typically follow the standard scale as the following table, but the cutoffs can be

flexible to accommodate score distributions that do not fit that very well. Plus and minus cutoffs will be determined at the end of the quarter. If everyone does well, everyone will get a good grade.

L e tt e r G r a d e S c h e m e




100% to 97%


96.99% to 93%


92.99% to 90%


89.99% to 87%


86.99% to 83%


82.99% to 80%


79.99% to 77%


76.99% to 73%


72.99% to 70%




69.99% to 67%


66.99% to 60%


59.99% to 0%

P - N P  G r a d i n g

P >= 73%

NP < 73%

A c a d e m i c  I nt e g r ity  Ag re e m e nt

Please upload the signed integrity agreement before the due of the first assignment. No work