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7SSMM005, The New Workforce: Issues and Challenges Examination 2022/23


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Examination 2022/23

7SSMM005, The New Workforce: Issues and Challenges

Period 2, May 2023


Answer ONE question from the FOUR below.

Question 1

“Organizations and managers who understand generational differences will be more successful in the long run as they manage their young employees,

finding ways to accommodate differences in some cases and exert

constructive counterpressure in others  (Twenge and Campbell, 2008, p.873). Evaluate this statement.

Question 2

To what extent do internships allow organisations to evaluate interns’ abilities and motivations more accurately and therefore ensure the

recruitment and selection process is more effective?

Question 3

Assess the extent to which the benefits of organisational citizenship

behaviour to the organisation outweigh any possible costs to the employees.

Question 4

Why do long work hours and presenteeism, including digital presenteeism, become embedded in occupations and workplaces, and why are such work practices difficult to eradicate?


Answer ONE question from the FOUR below.


“Organisations must balance the desire of individuals to engage in remote work while also keeping in mind the benefits of face-to-face contact in an office setting. Remote work may be beneficial for some outcomes but

harmful to others.” Evaluate this statement.

Question 2

To what extent do disabled people experience disadvantage in the labour market, and how might this disadvantage be addressed?

Question 3

Evaluate the argument that the development of labour-management

partnership working provides the best long-term solution to the UK’s current industrial relations difficulties?

Question 4

How can the principal explanations of voluntary turnover inform organisational responses to employee retention?