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7SSMM005, The New Workforce, Issues and Challenges 2020


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7SSMM005, The New Workforce, Issues and Challenges

Period 2, May 2020


Answer ONE question from this section.

1. To what extent should human resource (HR) managers reshape HR policies and practices to better reflect the personality traits, work

values and career preferences of the millennial generation?

2. How can HR managers ensure that internship programmes not only   maximise internship satisfaction but also reduce the scope for interns’ impression management practices to bias supervisors’ assessments?

3. To what extent are long work hours a symptom of workaholic

behaviour and therefore impossible for organisations to eradicate even

if they engage in work re-design interventions, such as at Boston Consulting Group?

4. “The main HR solution to the implementation challenges of flexible working (e.g. reduced hours, flexitime and telework) is to ensure that individuals with proactive personalities and self-regulated work habits are most likely to take-up such arrangements”. Assess this statement.


Answer ONE question from this section.

5. “Engaging in emotional labour during customer service work can

carry negative consequences but also benefits for both employees and organisations. ” Assess this statement.

6. “The causes of voluntary and involuntary absenteeism are different

and consequently make it difficult for organisations to design appropriate absence management strategies. ” Discuss.

7. “In contrast to the job satisfaction model of turnover the concepts  of job embeddedness and shocks provide an alternative understanding of why individuals may decide to stay or leave their organisation. ”
