关键词 > N1049

Coursework N1049 2,000-Word Individual Report


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Coursework N1049

2,000-Word Individual Report (60% weighting)


In a world that is facing global challenges in terms of sustainability such as climate change, plastic pollution, etc., the management of innovation is key to stay ahead of the game. For an organisation that operates in an industry sector of your choice (e.g., IT sector, consultancy sector, food retailing sector, banking sector, manufacturing sector, etc.), please develop a sustainability-oriented innovation strategy that searches for opportunities in this particular sector (e.g., reducing harm to the environment, creating a net positive impact, etc.). Subsequently, select one particular course of action from idea generation to market commercialisation by showing how this strategy can be implemented and used to capture value. Using theories, tools and frameworks from the Management of Innovation module, please highlight the organisational, commercial and technological factors that will constrain your choices and actions. 

● Note: In the main body of the report you should develop a set of well-linked arguments which highlight the organisational (e.g., climate, leadership style, capabilities, etc.), commercial (e.g., Intellectual Property management, target market, value proposition, etc.) and technological factors (e.g., new versus mature technology, network externalities, path dependence, etc.) that will constrain your choices and actions. Your report should cover the whole innovation management process from idea generation to commercialisation. Your report must refer to a real-world company or public sector organisation in the sector of your choice.

● Word count: 2,000 words limit (+/-5%). References are excluded from the word count. All tables or figures are included in the word count.

● Appendix: not allowed.

● Referencing: You should select appropriate sources (e.g. academic articles) to support your arguments and accurately represent what the authors argue. There is no set referencing style for this report. Please choose one of the official referencing styles (e.g. Harvard) and use it consistently both in the body of the report and in your referencing list.

● E-Submission: You must submit the report as a single file. Check Sussex Direct for the exact deadline.

Marking Criteria (= Rubrics for feedback and marking on Canvas)


Mark descriptors = Feedback









Knowledge and Understanding

(30 marks)

6 marks

Your understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic is severely inadequate.

11 marks

Your understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic is insufficient.

14 marks

You showed satisfactory understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic.

17 marks

You showed good understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic.

20 marks

You showed very good understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic.

23 marks

You showed excellent understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic.

30 marks

You showed outstanding understanding of theoretical concepts relevant to the topic.


(20 marks)

4 marks

The analysis of the  organisational, commercial and technological constraints is severely inadequate.  

7 marks

The analysis of the  organisational, commercial and technological constraints is insufficient.  

9 marks

You provided sufficient

critical analysis of   the organisational, commercial and technological constraints

11 marks

You provided good critical analysis of  the  organisational, commercial and technological constraints

13 marks

You provided very good critical analysis of  the  organisational, commercial and technological constraints

15 marks

You provided excellent critical analysis of  the  organisational, commercial and technological constraints

20 marks

You provided exceptional critical analysis of  the organisational, commercial and technological constraints

Critical Thinking

(20 marks)

4 marks

You provided a conclusion that is not adequately linked to your arguments.

7 marks

You provided a simple conclusion that is only partly linked to your arguments.

9 marks

You provided a simple conclusion that is linked to your arguments.

11 marks

You provided a reasonable conclusion that is linked to your arguments.

13 marks

You provided a sound conclusion that is well-linked to your arguments.

15 marks

You provided a compelling  conclusion that is well-linked to your arguments.

20 marks

You provided a sophisticated  conclusion that is well-linked to your arguments.

Structure (10 marks)

2 marks

Material is presented in a disorganised manner.

3 marks

Some repetitions and limited structure.


4 marks

Structure reveals some progression of ideas through paragraphs which are not always linked.


Reasonable structure which shows a progression of ideas through paragraphs but the paragraphs  are not always clearly linked.

6 marks
Appropriate structure which shows a progression of ideas through linked paragraphs.

7 marks

Accomplished structure shown through logical progression and effectively linked paragraphs.

10 marks

Accomplished structure shown through logical progression and effectively linked paragraphs. Professional visual effects enhance clarity of message.

Presentation (10 marks)

2 marks Meaning is often unclear.   Mostly simple syntax. Numerous grammar or spelling errors.

3 marks

Occasionally meaning is unclear.   Mostly simple syntax. Numerous grammar or spelling errors.


4 marks

Mostly simple syntax.  Numerous grammar or spelling errors.

5 marks

Mostly simple syntax. Grammar and spelling are mainly accurate.

6 marks

Advanced syntax. Grammar and spelling are mainly accurate.

7 marks

Advanced syntax. Grammar and spelling are accurate.

10 marks

Sophisticated syntax, correct grammar, accurate spelling. Writing style at the level of an expert in the field.


References (10 marks)

2 marks
Most of your work is inappropriately referenced.   

3 marks

Most of your work is referenced using appropriate sources but you often fail to accurately represent the ideas of the cited authors.

4 marks

Most of your work is referenced using appropriate sources and in most cases, you accurately represent the ideas of the cited authors.

5 marks

Mostly appropriate and accurate referencing in the main body of the assignment.

Complete reference list at the end.

6 marks

Appropriate and accurate referencing  in the main body of the assignment. Complete reference list at the end.  

Mainly consistent referencing style.

7 marks

Appropriate and accurate referencing in the main body of the assignment. Complete reference list at the end.

Consistent referencing style.


10 marks

Appropriate, well-judged and accurate referencing  in the main body of the assignment.  Complete and logically organized reference list at the end.
Consistent referencing style.  


Interpreting Marks

Explain what the overall mark means. You can begin developing the descriptors using the university’s generic mark descriptors.





Exceptional 1st

Outstanding work


Outstanding 1st

Excellent work


Clear 1st

Very good work



Good work



Satisfactory work



Acceptable work


Marginal Fail

Work approaching required standard


Absolute Fail

Work far below the required standard