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INFO/IS/MACS 202 Summer 2023 Short Essay Assignment: Expanded Topic Analysis


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INFO/IS/MACS 202 Summer 2023

Short Essay Assignment: Expanded Topic Analysis

Paper Due: August 4, 5pm

For this paper, you will pick one of the following topics covered this semester: Algorithms and AI, Surveillance and Privacy, Intellectual Property, Work, Sport and Fitness, Science and Data, or Covid and IT. Within that topic, focus in on a particular issue. To better understand that issue, you will locate two peer-reviewed articles. (Information on peer review and finding articles will be presented in class.)

Citation Style for Paper. Your citations in the paper and in the reference list must use APA Style. You can find a very nice, concise guide to this style of citation under “APA Style” in Wikipedia, under the subheading “Citation.”  There are also numerous other guides to this style both off and online.

Paper.  (5 Double-spaced Pages total, excluding list of references: use a minimum of an 11-point font, sucn as Times New Roman) This paper should include the following:

Introduction.  An introduction provides a road map for the rest of the paper. It should include a thesis statement that tells us what you will be arguing in this paper. (A thesis statement expresses your main point; in this case, you will probably want to employ a concept from one of your readings. In other words, you are making an argument that a particular concept or theory helps to explain aspects of this topic.) Avoid sweeping generalizations. (A generalization reads something like “Since the beginning of time, privacy has been an important issue.”) Your introduction may introduce terms, however you should wait to define any terms until the main body of the paper. The introduction should be no longer than one page and should be written last, once you know what’s coming in your paper.

Focus of the Paper and Thesis Statement: To arrive at a thesis statement you need to consider the current situation state of information technologies related to your topic. If there are problems, think about how those problems might be solved. Next you’ll want to do your outside reading. It might be particularly useful to locate two articles that take different positions on the problems you have identified. Then decide what you think should happen and write that up as your thesis statement.

Analysis. This is the main body of the paper. Your discussion should include at least two class readings, plus: Two Additional Academic Articles. These should be peer-reviewed academic articles (at least 10 pages long). These articles should be directly related to your topic. You should discuss each article, including the author’s main points and how they arrived at those. Thereafter, be sure to use the Five-Step Citation process as discussed earlier this semester. (See resources at top of Canvas.) Once you have discussed the readings, you can apply them to the problems you have identified. Your examples may come from your own experience or from journalistic reports. (Be sure to site any journalistic articles you consult and list them in the references.)

Conclusion. Your conclusion should not introduce new material. You should summarize your discussion and state the conclusion you have reached (which should be substantially similar to your thesis statement in the introduction).

References. Don’t forget to list all materials used in the paper in the APA style format. Note: Lecture slides are a publication. They do not count as an academic article for the purpose of this paper, but they should be properly cited in APA style. Videos are also publications and should be properly cited when referenced. Consult an APA style guide for tips on listing these sources.




Introduction and conclusion

Clearly delineate the focus of the paper


Thesis statement

Clearly state argument to be presented and supported in the paper


Outside articles

Select and summarize relevant peer-reviewed articles



Discuss your identified issue or problem using material from class readings and your additional articles. Use the five-step citation method.


Grammar, style, syntax, format, clarity

Flow of writing; clarity; few grammar, spelling, or syntax errors