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Visualisation – Q3 - COMP7016 Tutorial 1


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Visualisation – Q3 - COMP7016

Tutorial 1

Tutorial Exercises:

1.   Visit the website: http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/. Have a close look at the available visualisation techniques. In your opinion, which techniques are among   the most useful? Or which one is the most pretty visual display? Explain and

justify your preference. Note: there is no right or wrong answer in this question.

2.   Explore the online demo: https://www.gapminder.org/tools/. What have you

discovered or found from the visualisation of the Wealth and Health of Nations data set”? E.g., is there any correlation between GDP and Life Expectancy? etc.

3.   Using a search engine, explore 3 applications, projects, tools, or works that use visualisations. You are required to write a short summary about these

applications/projects/tools/works. Why do you think they are significant? What are good and bad about these applications/projects/tools/works? Etc.

4.   Read the article “The Good, the Bad, and the Biased” via attachment or

https://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/july-august-2018/the-good-the-bad-and- the-biased. List at least 5 main points for what you have learned from this article.

5.   For the following visualisations, in your opinion, are they good or bad visualizations? Justify your answer on each visualisation.