关键词 > SPSS代写



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1. State your independent variable and dependent variable for each test.

2. State your research question.

3. State your research hypothesis and the null hypothesis.

4. If a variable was recoded, indicate how. Include a frequency table of the recoded variable. Please note that recoding variables should only be done to improve the analysis (such as Chi-square) or create dummy variables.

5. Run the analyses in SPSS and present your results for each analysis.

6. For interpretation, use an alpha level of .05 and explain your results: What conclusion(s) can you make about the relationship between your variable(s)?

1. One (1) Independent Samples T Tests.

Include a Cohen’s d to describe the magnitude of the relationship for the variables you have selected for each t test. Would you describe the effect as small, medium, or large? (10 points)

2. One (1) One-Way ANOVA.

Include an Error-Bar graph of the relationship between the variables you have selected for the ANOVA. If significant, include the LSD post hoc test. (10 points)

3. One (1) Chi-square test of independence.

Along with the Chi-square test include a cross-tabulation of your selected variables and appropriate measure of association. (10 points)

4. One (1) Pearson’s r Correlation Coefficient. (10 Points)

5. One (1) elaboration model of partial correlation based on the zero-order correlation you conducted in #4. Describe how the relationship changes (or doesn’t change) when a third variable is taken into account. (5 points)