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Wind Power Homework Part 2


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Wind Power Homework Part 2

1. Using the meteorological one year hourly data found in the Excel file “WacoWindDataRaw.xls” do the following:

a) Calculate the average hourly wind speed and the standard deviation in m/s.
b) Calculate the Weibull shape and scale factors, k and η.
c) Plot the Weibull Probability Density function for this data using your shape and scale factors for wind velocities from 0 to 25 m/s.  

2. Compare the performance of two wind turbines under two different conditions. Both sites have the same average wind speed (vavg=8 m/s) but have different Weibull shape factors: k=1.3 and 2.1.  The manufacturer’s data is given in the Excel file “Small Turbine Data.xls”.  Calculate the four values of average power corresponding to the two turbines at two sites.  For each site, identify which turbine produces the greatest average power. What fraction of the peak power is the average power for each case?