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Math 142 Test3 S21


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Test 3 but should know for Test 2 with beta=0 Know proof as in class including MVT for integrals.

1 .  suppose for all −∞ < a < b < ∞ that

b ρ(x, t) dx = q(a, t) q(b, t) + lab β(x, t) dx.

(a)  (10 points)  Assume ρ, q, β are all continuous with continuous partial derivatives.

prove that

+ = β(x, t).

(b)  (10 points)  Now assume that ρ(x, t)

ρ < ρ+ , where ρ = lim ρ(x, t)



is discontinuous along a curve xs(t)

ρ+ = lim ρ(x, t).  prove that


q(ρ+) q(ρ)

ρ+ ρ ,

Test 2

2 .  suppose a road satisfes the velocity/density relationship u(ρ) = 60 .2ρ.  The initial density is

200 x < 0

ρ(x, 0) = 200 30x 0 ≤ x ≤ 5

50 x > 5

(a)  (14 points)  sketch  the characteristics in the xt-plane,  and solve for ρ(x, t) in all regions of the plane.

(b)  (6 points)  using your formula for ρ(x, t) in the rarifed  (central) region, show that ρ is continuous by  showing that ρ(x, t)  =  200 on  the  left-hand  boundary,  and ρ(x, t) = 50 on the right-hand boundary

(c)  (5 points)  sketch the trafc after 30 minutes, ρ(x, .5) nclude any important points on the x-axis.

3 .  suppose we are again on a road with velocity/density relationship u(ρ) = 60 .2ρ but with initial density now being ρ(x, 0) = 100 + 50 arctan(x).  Now a shock will form.

(a)  (10 points)  Find the point (xs, ts) where the shock forms in the xt-plane.

ρ(x, 0)




2 1              1       2

b)  (5 points)  Draw a sketch of ρ(x, ts).  (Include xs on the x-axis · )

(c)  (5 points)  Draw a sketch of ρ(x, 2ts).  (Include xs on the x-axis. )

4.  Assume a road has velocity-density relationship u(ρ) = 10 ρ , with initial density

8 x < 0 6 /

6 4 2        2 4    6 8 10 12 14

(a)  (6 points)  sketch the  characteristics  in the xt-plane.   (A Shock will  occur,  but it will not be a straight line.  we will solve for it later. )

(b)  (5 points)  Find the  point (xs, ts) where the shock forms ,  and include  it  on your sketch.

(c)  (5 points)  sketch s)as a function of x.   (LooK at your characteristics from part a) to see what it should be) .

(d)  (5 points)  Find ρ(x, t) in the region on the left side of the shock.  (ρ is constant on the right side. )

(e)  (4 points)  Find a formula for .  You ll need to simplify it for the next part.

(f)  (10 points)  You should get a linear ODE for xs(t).  solve for the exact path of the shock by integrating factors.