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CAN404 Social Network Analysis Semester 2, 2022/23


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CAN404 Social Network Analysis

Project (70%)

I. Semester 2, 2022/23

Analysis of Bitcoin Transaction Trust Mechanism Based on Social Network Analysis

Abstract—Through constructing social network structure at a basis of relationships between Bitcoin users’ transactions and their degree of trust. The essay establishes social network analysis methods and algorithms by Rstudio and various algorithms to contrast the characteristics of bitcoin users’ transaction constitution under distinct trust level and evaluate the reliability of bitcoin trading.

Keywords—social network analysis, bitcoin, trust level, trust mechanism analysis

I. Introduction and project aim

With the rapid development of economy and society, people's trading methods have undergone great changes.  Society cannot function without trust which is as indispensable as air. Tradition trust mechanism was trust out of familiarity, but now it has shifted into online traction. The networking of currency and mass traditional commodity transactions has also subtly changed the trust mode of users, from the previous acquaintance trading to more attention to product reviews and store reputation scores. But one fact cannot be changed is that authoritative counterparties are usually more trusted.

As an emerging digital currency and virtual property protected by law, Bitcoin has the characteristics of decentralization, globalization, anonymity. Bitcoin's anonymity also brings many hidden dangers, such as illegal transactions and financial fraud on the Internet. In this context, how to find the most respected trading partner with a higher reputation or authority among all the stakeholders has become the focus on preventing financial fraud. At present, most academic research on Bitcoin focuses on price fluctuations, investment value and blockchain.  However, few scholars have studied the trust mechanism in Bitcoin transactions through social network analysis.

This project aims to dig who-trusts-whom network by Rstudio and multiple algorithms to analyze the first explicit weighted signed directed network Bitcoin OTC platform hence protect the interests of users. Members on that platform rate other members in a scale of -10 (trade distrust) to +10 (total trust). The dataset is second-hand data derived from Standford data, contains 5.881 nodes, 35,592 edges and 31,677 attributes[1].

Research questions can be summarized as follows:

(1) What are the structural characteristics of user transaction networks under different levels of trust? What are their differences and similarities?

(2) Which users have a high reputation in the transaction trust network and could be the preferred partners?

(3) What are the locations of users in the network after clustering with different levels of trust?

Key approaches are described below:

(1) Structural analysis: density and centrality.

(2) Community detection: edge betweenness, greedy optimization of modularity, multidimensional scaling, K-Means, and hierarchical clustering.

(3) Link Analysis: PageRank

(4) Proximity Measurement: Neumann Kernel and Shared Nearest Neighbor.

II. Literature review

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published the article "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", which first proposed a decentralized cryptocurrency system based on P2P networks [2]. On January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin system became operational and the Bitcoin genesis block was born. On this block, Satoshi Nakamoto left the headline - The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks[3]. In March 2013, market cap the Bitcoin exceeded one billion, and ten years later, the market capitalization of Bitcoin has reached 522 billion US dollars[4]. However, with the popularity of Bitcoin's "mining boom", soaring prices, a large number of speculators, and illegal activities, people are attracted by the innovative concept of Bitcoin, but they are also worried about the rapid and uncontrolled development of Bitcoin.

In view of the research on the risk characteristics of the bitcoin security crisis, Gandal and other scholars(2018) [5], exploited the data of 18 million user transactions leaked by the bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox from February to November 2013 to identify and analyze the suspicious transaction behavior of the exchange. The author found fraudulent transactions by analyzed two automated procedures - account Markus Bot and Willy Bot, which operated by the exchange itself. Markus bought 335.898 bitcoins in 33 days, but did not pay the corresponding real money. Willy Bot used 49 segregated accounts, each of which went dormant after buying $2.5 million worth of Bitcoin. Through the fraudulent trading practices, volume of the exchange platform was increased, and fees were also increased, made the exchange profitable. In addition, the traders can completely avoid such losses after identify risks of trading and trustworthy level of the other party’s account according to social network analysis.

With the rapid development of transactions, the regulatory issues brought about by Bitcoin have also attracted heavy attention from governments and central banks. Jafari(2019) [6], pointed out that when formulating laws, research on virtual currencies should be carried out in an all-round way to avoid the security risks caused by online currencies. Even under the protection of the law, Bitcoin crimes are commonplace. Foley(2019) [7], used network clustering measurement and detection control estimation to analyze user data on Bitcoin transactions from 2009 to 2017, approximately one-quarter of all users (26%) and close to one-half of bitcoin transactions (46%) are associated with illegal activity. Crime and deception account for a substantial proportion of Bitcoin trading while a network clustering algorithms can effectively identify user groups and transaction.

In conclusion, scholars' research on Bitcoin is mainly oriented to price fluctuations, trading patterns and for-risk regulations, father than having the role as a trader to analyze how to find a reliable trading partner. This article will analyze the trading trust mechanism by various quantitative methods combined with Rstudio software based on the user trust level database which provided by Bitcoin platform.


In this section, the application of social networks analysis will be utilized, as well as the interpretation of the results, which will be finally illuminated.

A. Social Network Graph

When constructing a social network based on the original data, a data frame was used to derive the dataset, source. Target nodes are represented as “trader 1, trader 2 and trust weighted of transaction” respectively in columns. The relationship between traders can be demonstrated by the following graph, nodes size can be proportional to the degree (transaction times) and indicate the importance of this node in network. Two nodes connected by edges without a specific direction, due to bitcoins transaction happened  in a two-way street between them in an  undirected graph. G1 is defined as trusted network whose weight is over 0, G2 is defined as untrusted network whose weight is less than 0.

Figure 1. Social Network Graph of G1 (Sphere)

Figure 2. Social Network Graph of G2 (Sphere)

B. Structural Analysis

(1) Density

The  density shows the ratio of actual connections (edges) present in the network to total possible connections. The graph density of g1 is 0.003340509, g2 is 0.004277027, and the overall density of figure g is 0.00338093, which belongs to a lower graph density. It indicates that the network is relatively sparse and has fewer connections compared to the total number of possible connections.

An important metric used in network analysis is the average path length, which quantifies the typical distance between pairs of nodes in a network. The average path length for g is 3.570839, which means that on average, it takes 3.570839 steps to reach any node in the network from any other node. And that for g1 is 3.657397, and for g2 is 4.02941. This relatively low average path length means that the network is well-connected, which facilitates efficient communication and information flow.

The transitivity of g is 0.07800737, for g1 is 0.0759961, and for g2 is 0.002294091, which displays that nodes in g are dislike to have a share common neighbors and the loosely structure of network is not strongly clustered.

Overall, according to the results above, according to the metrics provided, the network appears to have a low graph density, indicating that the network is sparse. However, the average path length of the network is relatively low, indicating good connectivity and efficiency in terms of communication and information flow. The network also exhibits low transitivity, indicating finite clustering or closure of triangles.

(2) Centrality Analysis

Table 1. Centrality Analysis of Bitcoin Transaction Trust Weighted

Freeman(1978) [8] defined degree centrality as the measurement which can quantifies the popularity of a node by counting the connected edges’ number within the network. In addition, the key nodes which control the information flow can be identified by calculating its betweenness centrality in a social network.

Firstly, the degree of nodes were sort decreasingly then it was found that user1 traded 888 times which was most frequently among all users, and user3’s transactions ranked the second which had 494 records. User1 also had the highest betweenness centrality of 0.19318, which indicated that user1 plays the most crucial role in the whole network. Moreover, user8 is the most important node in igraph g2 whose degree centrality is 136 and also has the highest betweenness centrality of 2.378186e-01. It is indicates that user8 is tent to be a dangerous user which may cause security threat during bitcoins dealing.

Figure 2. Correlations among Results

In order to gain more insight into the relationship between nodes’ connections and their roles’ meaning for other roles, the correlation between three kind of centrality is calculated: cor(Degree, Between) =0.8946, cor(Degree, Close)= 0.3953, cor(Close, Between)=0.2499. the results indicated that degree centrality and betweenness centrality has strong correlation. In another words, high degree central nodes having more chances to play the intermediaries and joint other parts in the network.

C. Units

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[1] S. Kumar, F. Spezzano, V.S. Subrahmanian, C. Faloutsos. Edge Weight Prediction in Weighted Signed Networks. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2016.; S. Kumar, B. Hooi, D. Makhija, M. Kumar, V.S. Subrahmanian, C. Faloutsos. REV2: Fraudulent User Prediction in Rating Platforms. 11th ACM International Conference on Web Searchand Data Mining (WSDM), 2018.

[2] Nakamoto S. (2008) Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

[3] Nakamoto S. (2009) Chancellor Alistair Darling on brink of second bailout for Banks, The Times & The Sunday Times: breaking news & today’s latest headlines. Available at: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/chancellor-alistair-darling-on-brink-of-second-bailout-for-banks-n9l382mn62h

[4] Cryptocurrency prices, charts and market capitalizations (no date) CoinMarketCap. Available at: https://coinmarketcap.com/.

[5] GandalN.,HamrickJT.,MooreTand ObermanT.,201 8Price Manipulation in the Bitcoin EcosysteAvailable at:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304393217301666

[6] Jafari, S., Vo-Huu, T., Jabiyev, B., Mera, A. and Mirzazade, R., 201 8CryptocurrencyA Challenge to Legal. Available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3172489

[7] Foley, S., Karlsen, J. and Putnins, T. , 2019, Sex, Drugs, and BitcoinHow Much Illegal Activity Is Financed Through Cryptocurrencies? SSRN Working Paper, No. 3102645. Available at: https://freepolicybriefs.org/wpcontent/uploads/2019/02/freepolicybrief_jan212019.pdf

[8] Freeman, L. C. (1978). Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clarification. Social Networks, 1(3), 215-239.]. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0378873378900217.

[9] M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.

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