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BBA6014 HR Talent Management


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Program: BBA

Semester: 2023.02

Course: BBA6014 HR Talent Management

Faculty Members: A. Donnelly

Type: Project

Date: Soft copy Submission to Turnitin

Due by 13:00 (CH time)

Percentage of course grade: 100%


General instructions:

As this work is presented for grading, it is the student’s responsibility to comply with all tasks as described in the project outline.

Assignment overview:

Students will write a business report of between 1500 and 2000 words demonstrating their ability to critically analyse the links between learning and development and organizational performance and profitability as well as apply theoretical concepts and research findings to highlight the importance of design, development and evaluation of initiatives within a talent development framework. Students will demonstrate their ability to analyse how talent development initiatives can impact the bottom line as well as to make recommendations to enhance learning and development for individuals and groups based on theory and practice in human resources and talent management practices.

Word Count: between 1500 and 2000 words

For faculty use only

Learning Descriptor Task Weight

Knowledge and Understanding                     Task 3-8                 50%

Cognitive Skills                                           Task 3-7                 30%

Transferable Skills                                       Task All                  20%

FINAL GRADE                                                                         100%

Student Grade: /1002

Learning Outcomes and Transferable Skills

• LO1: critically evaluate the role of human resources and talent management strategies in driving business performance,

• LO2: analyse core human resources and talent management practices which impact strategic growth and retention.

• LO3: examine key activities involved in facilitating learning and developing talent.

• LO4: recommend practical solutions to talent management issues based on contemporary theory and business practice.

TS1: Communication

TS3: Information literacy

TS6: Learning how to learn


For this assignment students are required to analyse a specific scenario (on page 5 of this outline). The hotel wishes to enhance its service standards as part of a wider initiative to increase overall guest satisfaction and to distinguish itself even more from the competition. In order to achieve this goal the hotel has chosen to focus on a training initiative with a group of talented individuals, all of whom have been identified as high potentials. Students will provide a general introduction to the importance of talent management and talent development, before focusing on several key steps in the training and development process, namely design, development and evaluation. Students must use a minimum of EIGHT references (with a minimum of FIVE peer-reviewed journal articles or textbooks). Student are also expected to use business journals and industry related websites e.g. CIPD, Harvard Business Review. Blogs do not count.

Students will write a business report incorporating the following:

Structure or Task:

Learning Descriptor

1. Title Page

The standard GLION cover page

Transferable Skills

2. Table of Contents

Include a table of contents complete with the section page numbers. If you also include tables and/or figures in your

reports, you must also include a list of tables and/or a list of figures


Transferable Skills

3. Introduction (approx. 400 words)

This section should explain the importance of training and development to organisations today, highlighting both the

benefits to individuals and the whole organisation. In

particular, the benefits should also 1) consider the importance of talent development within a talent management strategy

and 2) detail how such practices impact business profitability

and growth. It is recommended that you include specific references to the importance in the hospitality industry specifically.

In-text citations are a must. You must refer to a minimum of THREE different citations for the introduction. TWO of these three citations must be academic references based on

textbooks and/or peer-reviewed articles.


Cognitive Skills

Transferable Skills

4. Design and Development (approx. 600 words)

Based on the scenario presented on page 5, provide details of the training methods you would use for the training program.

You may agree with some the methods suggested in the table contained in the scenario (e.g. presentation, role play,

audiovisual material) but you should also recommend at least

ONE additional method for the training session. You must justify your choices, both for the methods kept and the

additional method. It is crucial to use in-text citations for the justification.

Your justification will include the advantages of the selected

method(s), making reference to the learning theory discussed in class i.e. andragogy. You must discuss at least three of the six principles of learning. Do not use other learning theories

and models not discussed in class as this will result in a failing grade for this task.

Note: You may use a table to show the methods you

recommend, however, the justification must be explored in detail and so should be written in essay/report form (i.e. full text with in-text citations above or below the table. For this task, you must use a minimum of THREE different citations. TWO of these three citations must be academic references (based on textbooks and/or peer-reviewed articles).


Cognitive Skills

Transferable Skills

5. Evaluation (approx. 500 words)

Based on the scenario presented on page 5, provide details on how you would evaluate the customer services training. You must make recommendations for each of the four levels of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model (i.e. reaction, learning,

behavior change and results).

You must also include recommended timings for the

evaluations i.e. when they should be carried out, as well as the person/people responsible for the evaluations.

Note: You may use a table to show the evaluation methods

you recommend together with timings and responsibility ,

however, the justification must be explored in detail and so

should be written in essay/report form (i.e. full text with in-text citations) either above or below the table. For this task, you

must use a minimum of TWO different citations to justify the

recommendations. ONE of these two citations must be an

academic reference (based on textbook and/or peer-reviewed article).


Cognitive Skills

Transferable Skills

6. Conclusion (approx. 250 words)

This section should provide a brief summary of the report in a logical, clear and concise manner.


Cognitive Skills

Transferable Skills

7. Presentation and References

The report should be professional, clear and easy to read, and include all required sections as stated (tasks 1 - 6). Pay

attention to the following points:

•     Organisation (points made are logically ordered)


Spelling and grammar

•     Professionalism and consistency in formatting


Transferable Skills

Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper. It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each

source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text.

APA guidelines must be applied throughout.

Resources Available:

For academic resources, please refer to the GLION library databases. You may also be interested in the following websites:





Special Instructions:

The final report must be uploaded as a word document to Turnitin by the deadline specified. Failure to upload the report as a word document will result in an automatic 10% reduction in grade.

Students must complete all tasks as stated, including the minimum number of references.

Students are highly recommended to review class content on the topic of Learning, Training and Development. You may also wish to consider the methods used during the student seminars in your study of the training design.

Scenario: Enhancing Performance through Talent Development

You have been working in BlueBird Hotel for six months and have just had your first formal performance discussion with your manager about your goals for the upcoming year. For the first goal, you have been asked to provide customer services training to enhance services standards in your hotel. The training is expected to take place in summer 2024 with approx. 15 employees participating. The employees will be from different departments, but they all have daily contact with guests. All 15 employees are considered to be talented individuals and have the potential to assume more responsible positions in the future. You do not know these employees.

You have taken over the responsibility for the project from another member of staff, Alex, who has since left BlueBird Hotel. Alex has already conducted a training needs analysis and designed the learning outcomes which have been approved by the GM. The details are as follows:

It is expected that participants will gain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of customer service at BlueBird Hotel and become confident in handling enquiries, complaints, and communication. At the end of the training, participants should be able to:

• Identify the benefits of good customer service.

• Adopt consistent and professional service language and a “can do” attitude.

• Apply effective questioning and listening techniques to clarify customer requirements and expectations.

• Use techniques to deal with angry or upset customers.

• Understand when to escalate customer complaints to management.

• Apply techniques to manage the tension and stress of customer service work.