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COMP4528: Computer Vision Semester 1, 2023 Tutorial 2


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COMP4528: Computer Vision

Semester 1, 2023

Tutorial 2

Question 1                                                                 Colour Space Conversion

1. Given RGB value (25, 30, 40), what would the pixel value be in the HSV space? (Please refer to the Szeliski Computer Vision textbook and the lecture slides)

Question 2                                                                     Camera Projections

1. Given a lens with a focal length of 30, and a world point at (20, 20, 200), where the camera center sits at (0, 0, 0), and the optical axis is in direction (0, 0, 1), with the x and y axes aligned to the world axes, what pixel will this world point project to?

Question 3                                               (Homogeneous) Coordinates Transformations

1. Image warping can be performed by pre-multiplying coordinate locations by a 2 × 2 matrix, and adding for translation. What would the effect be of the following transformation:

where a11 = 2, a12 = 0, a21 = 0, a22 = 1, dx = 1 and dy = 2

2. Homogeneous coordinates simplify representation by allowing 2D image transformations to be represented by a single matrix operation (3 × 3). What are the effects of the following transfor-mations:

3. Suppose we have translation of (1, 2), counterclockwise rotation of 25◦ , and scaling of (2, 1). What is the resulting transformation matrix?

Question 4                                                                      Binary Image Processing

1. Complete the coding questions in COMP4528 lab2 code.ipynb.