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ECON1000 Tri2A 2023 - Marking Guidance and FAQs on GTP


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ECON1000 Tri2A 2023 - Marking Guidance and FAQson GTP

Students will be marked on the extent to which they specifically answer the question and provide clear, logical, well-reasoned and sufficient explanations.

Here is a breakdown of how marks are allocated in this GTP:

Part 1 [10 marks]

. The 1x graphical (numerical) payoff matrix, paying attention to all the relevant strategies and economic outcomes, basedonkey article 1.

[up to 10 marks for drawing correctly the relevant matrix and quality of analysis of the game theory particulars]

500 to 700 or so words are the suggested amount for Part 1.

Part 2 [20 marks]

. The 1x graphical (numerical) payoff matrix, paying attention to all the relevant strategies and economic outcomes, basedonkey article 2.

[up to 10 marks for drawing correctly the relevant matrix and quality of analysis of the game theory particulars]

. Discussion of the policy effectiveness of sanctions.

[up to 10 marks for quality of research from reputable sources (minimum of three, maximum of nine) and coherence of arguments within the discussion]

800 to 1000 or so words are the suggested amount for Part 2.

Marking Guide

Students will be marked on the extent to which they specifically answer the question and provide clear, logical, well-reasoned and sufficient explanations. In general, the greater the attention to detail in explanation given with logical consistency, solid reasoning, and clarity, the higher the mark (distinction grade). In this assessment, both the quantity and quality of the explanation matter. There are no specific word limits per se, so long as what is written contributes to and strengthens your analysis. Brief answers given with less attention to detail but assuming you get most of the raw basics correct should earn you a satisfactory (pass or low credit grade) overall. A scale of half-mark intervals is used to awarding marks in this assessment.

The rubric below is an indicative guide as to how the exercise shall be marked:


Unsatisfactory 0 - 49%


50 - 64%


65 - 79%


80 - 100%



Understanding: Application of   Economic



understanding and application of key

economic concepts/ theoretical

framework in

response to the case questions.


understanding and application of key

economic concepts/ theoretical

framework in

response to the case questions.

Sound understanding and application of

key economic

concepts/ theoretical framework in

response to the case questions.


understanding and application of key

economic concepts/ theoretical

framework in

response to the case questions.







Communication and Technical


Payoff matrices are  not constructed or   are too unrelated to the case at hand.

Basic payoff matrices are constructed to

illustrate the theory in more generic terms.

Payoff matrices are  adapted to the case question, with a

good level of


Payoff matrices are  adapted to the case question and with a

solid level of












Thinking /


Reasons are illogical,  irrelevant, or vague    and/or not informed  by research evidence from the relevant

articles. Small use of  available information in the key articles.

Reasoning is relevant and informed by

some analysis and

synthesis of research evidence from the

relevant articles.

Some use of

available information in the key articles.

Logical and clear,

informed by analysis and synthesis of

research evidence

from the relevant

articles. Good use of available information in the key articles.

Discerning and


informed by robust

analysis and synthesis of research evidence  from the relevant

articles and beyond. Perceptive

observations and

solid use of the

available information in the key articles.

11 FAQsfor Game Theory Presentation (GTP)

1.   How important are the payoff matrices relative to the writing? This activity is mostly written analysis using logical argumentation. There is a simple ‘graphical’ component to this assessment where you are to construct relevant 2x2 payoff matrices.

o The organisation of the text is crucial and requires planning. Sentences and paragraphs should be well connected using logical argumentation. Your answer should read as a continuous, threaded flow of ideas from beginning to end.

o Be analytical and use your own critical thinking; do not be overly descriptive.

2.   What is the base knowledge I need to start my analysis and research? You are expected in your answers to refer to key economic concepts taught in the ECON1000 Tri2A 2023 modules L1 and L2, where relevant. Just be wise and careful to write in your own words when you  draw  upon  the  lecture  slides  and  the  readings  from  CORE  Team’s  (2022) Economy, Society and Public Policy text (Units 2 and 3). The key economic concepts are taken from CORE ESPP Team (2022), and are discussed in lectures and tutorials.

3.   Is it necessary to do additional  research? Some additional research is required in this assessment, but this is not an intensive research activity (and peer-reviewed academic journals are not expected).

o In addition to the relevant CORE readings, lectures, tutorials, the key articles (and the references cited within) are mostly sufficient for you. You are expected in your answers to refer to key economic concepts taught in L1 to L2, where relevant.

o Part 2  requires  some extra online  research:  stick to  reputable  sources such as objective news analysis articles. There is no need to go overboard in your research for Part 2: as a guide, depending on the mark you are aiming for, synthesise the ideas and facts from no more than nine trustworthy/quality sources.

o Include suitable in-text referencing and a reference list for any sources used.

o For your convenience, here is how to reference the key articles:

1.        MacLellan, Lila (2022) ‘Game theory says the Paris Agreement looks like a winner for the climate’, Quartz, 20th  July, available:


2.        Hoffman, Moshe and Erez Yoeli (2022) ‘How Game Theory Explains Why We Have to Sanction Putin — Even If It’s Costly’, Politico, 21st  April, available:https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/04/21/russia-sanctions-game-theory-00026566

4.   What is the marker looking for?

o Refer to on page 1 and page 2 of this FAQ, and pay close attention to the specific mark allocation in the GTP Brief document.

o A general guide on what the marker is looking for in the GTP is recalling the tutor- student discussions in the workshop sessions: WAQ_ 1 and WAQ_2 of Module L1; WAQ_2 of Module L2(a); and WAQ_ 1 and WAQ_2 of Module L2(b). Your tutor as an exemplar would have gone through the process on how best to explain the payoff matrices, and so on.

5.   What are the formatting requirements?

o Just do what you need to do re Chicago (you can use Harvard or APA if you prefer) and make sure your fonts and styles and headings etc. are nice and legible, so the marker can clearly see what needs to be seen. It is a good idea to provide a suitable heading for each payoff matrix you draw.

o When ready to submit, ONLY include the answers and prepare your document as following: Full Name, Student ID and Tutor’s name as a title in the Word document (or PDF) to Turnitin by the due date (see Assessments tab on Bb).

6.   Shall I paraphrase or quote the references? Aim for a healthy balance between paraphrasing and quoting word-for-word (but do not overuse quotes).

7.   How do I reference the main text?

o The CORE Team (2022): Economy, Society, and Public Policy, Oxford, UK (500 pages), Oxford University Press, softcover, ISBN 978-0- 19884-984-1,


. For in-text referencing, go for something like: CORE ESPP Team (2022).

8.   How do I reference online news articles?

o Go to:https://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/ld.php?content_id=47908597.

9.   Is there an expected number of words?

o The word count specified is a suggestion, students are permitted to write a bit more if they need to, so long as what is written is relevant and answers the question, and on the potential mark you wish to aim for. But, as a rough guide, you should not go over by more than 100-300 words per question.

o An absolute upper word limit for the paper as whole would be say 2,200 words -- most students will not need to write that amount.

10. How should I interpretate my Turnitin similarity report?

The similarity report has been disabled. As a student, you only need to live with a

guilty conscience, along with any added stress of having to deal with ‘the system’, if you:

. sent any parts of GTP on the web for someone else (either artificial or human) to partly do for you.

. and/or you’ve deliberately and strategically plagiarised, especially from other students.

11. What is the marking and grades deadline?

o Marking  each  GTP  requires  a  bit  of  concentration  to  provide  you  with  useful comments. Please allow for a three (3) week turnaround for marking. Monday 4th of September (9pm) is the due date set in the Unit Outline for the release of marks/feedback on your GTP in Grade Centre.