关键词 > N1082&N1082E

N1082 & N1082E: International Business Environment


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N1082 & N1082E: International Business Environment

Coursework Assessment Resit (A3)

Total Marks: 100

Word limit: 1000 words (±10%)


Each student must write a 1,000-word essay (±10%, excluding the bibliography, tables and figures) on any ONE of the following two topics below. The essay counts for 25% of the final mark for the module.


1. Choose any one Asian emerging market economy (other than China) and discuss the opportunities and challenges that its business environment presents for companies.


2. Using any two real-world examples of Europe-based multinational enterprises (MNEs) doing business in an Asian emerging market (other than China), discuss how these companies have adapted their product and/or service offerings to conform to the cultural environment in the chosen market.

General Instructions:

1. The word limit for the report is 1,000 (+ or – 10% rule applies). The limits as stated include quotations in the text, but do not include the title page, bibliography, footnotes/endnotes, appendices, abstracts, maps, illustrations, transcriptions of linguistic data, or tabulations of numerical or linguistic data and their captions. For further information, please refer the university’s Examination and Assessment Regulations.

2. Students can refer to the relevant content provided in the reading list on the canvas page and do internet-search (e.g., company websites, press releases, industry reports, news articles, videos, articles from credible business magazines) to write the essay.

3. The country classification can be found from the UNCTAD group of economies available at https://unctadstat.unctad.org/en/classifications.html

4. Students should use tables and figures to capture information (they are excluded from the word count).

5. The assignment should include an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction starts with one or two sentences concerning the relevance of the topic. The introduction section also captures the reader’s attention and gives excellent background information on the topic and given context. The main part should present the information, arguments, facts, analysis based on the relevant academic content and other internet-based sources. The conclusion should comprise of the most relevant points provided in the essay.

6. The layout of the essay should look professional, and the bibliography should be complete and follow the Harvard or APA style.

7. The student should submit the essay through Canvas by XXXX, XX-XX-2023). Please read the procedure on how to submit your work: See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/tel/submission/students . The process will involve ‘turnitin’, which will check the originality of documents. If students have copied or plagiarised from other sources, this will be detected and dealt with accordingly (see below).

8. Late submissions will be penalised according to University regulations. Please familiarise yourself with the guidance on penalties for late submission in the university’s Examination and Assessment Regulations.

9. A cover sheet should be attached.

Formatting and Presentational Instructions

1. The submission should have a coversheet that includes the essay question, candidate number and the number of words used.

2. All assignments must be word processed with 1.5 line spacing. Please use Times New Roman, font size 12, black typeface on white paper and please insert page numbering (also in Times New Roman).

3. You should use headings to structure the essay.

4. You should only use images, tables and diagrams that directly contribute to the argument(s) you are making. Images, tables and diagrams that are not referred to in the text of the document are of questionable value.

Referencing Instructions

1. You must use the Harvard or APA referencing system.

2. A reference list must be provided.

3. Please consult the university Skills Hub website for further information http://www.sussex.ac.uk/skillshub/?id=286

Assessment Criteria

Students should note that this assignment will be assessed using the criteria set out as below:

The following marking scheme will be used to mark the submissions:

Marking Criteria (%)











Attention to the purpose (10%)

You failed to address the basic purpose.

You made a fair attempt at addressing the main purpose of the assignment.

You addressed the main purpose of the assignment. Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the assignment

You addressed the purpose of the assignment with some attempt to demonstrate imagination

You addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively and imaginatively

Knowledge & Understanding (20%)

Understanding of relevant frameworks to address the purpose of the assignment. Using the right terminology.

You showed very little.

You did not show quite enough. The understanding of the framework is superficial.

You showed sufficient level of understanding but inconsistencies are found.

You showed a good level of understanding of the relevant framework and its application to the chosen context(s).

You showed an outstanding level of understanding of the relevant framework and its application to the chosen context(s).

Research & Examples (40%)

Undertaking own research, use of reliable sources of information, citing relevant real-world examples.

You didn’t do any research. The information provided has no clear source and is outdated.

You did research but not up to the mark. Outdated information is presented from incredible sources.

You did research but some examples do not justify the context. Irrelevant information and facts are provided.

You did good research and presented information relevant to the context.

You showed an outstanding level of research and present insights highly relevant to the context.

Critical Thinking and Conclusion (20%)

Ability to synthesize the information and facts obtained from research and give a critical opinion.

You showed very little. The information from the research is not synthesized well enough and the critical opinion is missing.

You did not show quite enough with some inconsistencies.

You showed sufficient to pass. However, various inconsistencies are found in connecting the findings and opinions/conclusions based on them.

You showed a good level of critical thinking and opinion.

You showed an outstanding level of critical thinking and synthesizing of information and facts obtained from research to present a critical opinion.

Presentation & Style (10%)

Clarity of expression, layout and referencing

Meaning unclear; many grammatical and spelling mistakes; incomplete referencing; proper layout not followed.

Meaning unclear and/or grammar and/or spelling contain frequent errors; referencing is mostly accurate with some inconsistencies; suggested layout is not followed.

Fairly fluent language; grammatical and spelling mistakes at some places; referencing in accurate; layout is good.

Fluent language, accurate grammar and spelling; referencing is mainly accurate; layout is good

Writing is fluent, Grammar and spelling is accurate; referencing is consistently accurate; layout is excellent.

Academic misconduct and plagiarism

Students submitting reports and other coursework assessments should be aware that the penalties imposed upon students committing academic misconduct may include obtaining zero marks for the assessment unit, or even more severe penalties. For example, if a student has been found to have copied another student’s work, they will fail the assessment. See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=155 for further information. The most common forms of misconduct that are usually detected are plagiarism and personation. Find out more about them—and how to avoid them—here: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=35.