关键词 > 7CCEMTN2

7CCEMTN2 Telecommunications Networks II


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7CCEMTN2 Telecommunications Networks II

Prepared by Vasilis Friderikos

You will be required to undertake this alternative assessment in place of your deferred coursework component or as reassessment for your failed coursework attempt. Please note, this also includes in class tests which are scheduled within term outside of the examination window.

This alternative assessment for 7CCEMTN2 (2022/23 academic year) is designed to replace the outstanding components below:

Coursework  1  (15%)  –  Network  Operation  1

Coursework  2  (15%)  –  Network  Operation  2

Alternative Assessment:

Is made out of 3 essay in terms of style, open-ended questions, all of those have equal rewarding points. Note that those 3 open-ended questions and associated cited research papers are provided in a separated document. You should attack all 3 questions.

Submission requirements:

Your report should contain your complete worked solution to all 3 open-ended questions. You must submit asingle pdf file of handwritten or typed worked solutions.

The alternative assessment is due to be released on Thursday 29th  June.

As clarified in the email sent to students in June (Engineering Assessments Period 3 - August Information, sent 5th June), no extensions will be permitted.

Coursework is due 4pm, Thursday 27th  July 2023.

Those with approved KIPS/PAA in place please refer to communications received from the

Department (PAA Information for Engineering Assessments Period 3 - August, sent 6th June) for further information. If you have not received this, then please contact the UG / PGT office as

soon as possible.

Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline has passed, please ensure that you leave

plenty of time to check over and upload your work. If you are unable to submit by this deadline, emailengineering-ug@kcl.ac.uk/engineering-pgt@kcl.ac.ukand apply for mitigation as soon as possible. Information on mitigation can be found viaKA-01744  · Student Services Online (kcl.ac.uk)

Submissions will not be accepted via email; submissions must be made via the correct KEATS area. Further information on the submission area and where to submit can be found via –

Course: Engineering Coursework Submissions - August 2023 (kcl.ac.uk).

Support for carrying out this assessment is available at the module padlet:

https://kings.padlet.org/osvaldosimeone/mpc-3tcqkol9e4hc3fb7 .