关键词 > N1082

N1082 International Business Environment


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N1082 International Business Environment

Assessment Period: August 2023 (A3)

Duration: 24 hour Take-Away Paper

Instructions: Candidates must attempt any FOUR questions

1) The paper will be available from: TBD.

2) The deadline for submitting the exam is: TBD.

3) The exam is individual work, carried out upholding the values of academic integrity.

4) A TAP (24hr or 48hr) will have a notional ‘work time’ of up to 8 hours.

5) Information on where to find materials that can be used: The materials to be used to answer the questions can be accessed through  the Canvas page and through internet search (i.e., company website, press releases, industry reports, new articles).

6) Information on where to write the answers: You may type your answers into a new document (clearly labelling each answer). All submissions must use1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, font size 12, black typeface on white paper and please insert page numbering (also in Times New Roman).

7) Referencing is required and should follow the APA citation style.

8) Information on word count: The total word count is 2000 words (+/- 10%); equally distributed among all the questions, i.e., 500 words for each question. Where the question has a sub-part, the division of marks and words is equal. The limits as stated include quotations in the text, but do not include the title page, bibliography, footnotes/endnotes, appendices, abstracts, maps, illustrations, transcriptions of linguistic data, or tabulations of numerical or linguistic data and their captions.

9) Submit a pdf version of the exam paper using the appropriate link on Canvas. Please note that for a file to be accepted by Turnitin, your submission must be a single file and must include at least 20 words of typed text. Further guidance about Turnitin submissions can be found here: https://student.sussex.ac.uk/assessment/submission/canvas-turnitin

10) To ensure your anonymity in this assessment, please do not write your name anywhere in the final submitted document.

11) If you have any queries relating to the text of the exam paper, you can e-mail the School Office: [email protected]  (2hr window starting when the TAP is released to students) Please do not contact the module convenor directly. If necessary, any relevant responses will be provided to all students at the same time through the Announcements page of the module's Canvas site.

12) If you experience any IT problems when uploading your final submission, please contact IT Services and provide a screenshot of the issue you have encountered using their online help system at: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/help/