关键词 > COMP2000

COMP2000 Software Engineering 2 2022/2023 Academic Year


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Faculty of Science and Engineering

Referred Coursework - 2022/2023 Academic Year

PLEASE NOTE: If you have been referred in the COURSEWORK element of this

module and are required to be reassessed by COURSEWORK, please complete this

referred work.

Module Code: COMP2000

Module Title: Software Engineering 2

School: Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 09:00am on Monday 14th August 2023


Referred coursework must be submitted electronically using the online submission facility in the DLE by the deadline above.

If you have any queries on submission or in relation to the referred work, please

contact the Module Leader in the first instance, if they are unavailable please contact

the Faculty Office on 01752 584584 immediately so any problems can be rectified.

PLEASE NOTE that we cannot accept work submitted via email.

Instructions to Candidates

This is an individual piece of work.


•       To learn about topics that instil best practice into the students’ software development activity.

•       To explore a range of commonly used programming paradigms.

•      To understand the benefit of using standardised design patterns.


1.    Apply HCI and parallelism to construct more efficient and usable software.

2.    Illustrate the relative merits of various programming paradigms.

3.    Use appropriate programming paradigms to implement software that solves a given problem.

4.    Compare standard design patterns and explain why they are an important aspect of software engineering.


This document contains all the necessary information pertaining to the referral assessment

of COMP2000 software engineering 2. The module is assessed via 100% coursework.

The sections that follow will detail the assessment tasks that are to be undertaken. All assessments are to be submitted electronically via the respective DLE module pages

before the stated deadlines.


You are required to produce an Android mobile application that meets the requirement   specification in Appendix A of this assignment (design and implementation). The API for

interacting with the database is provided at this link:


•       Use appropriate design patterns that you learnt throughout the course.

•       This application should follow the HCI guidance in designing the UIs (as defined in lectures).

•      Analyse the scenario in the appendix to identify the context of use and the users.

•       Design the interfaces using low-fidelity prototyping (e.g paper based).

•       Carry out two cycles of usability evaluation (formative and summative) using methods/ techniques you learnet throughout the module.

•      Your implementation is in the Java programming language using Android Studio.

•       The Java project will provide a graphical user interface (GUI) for usage.

•       The GUI should provide the functionality listed in Appendix A.

•       You MUST use Git version control with GitHub in your development process.

•      You are to use the GitHub Classroom set up for this module - the link for

signing up is here(https://classroom.github.com/a/xQZbfz6Q)You will be assessed on appropriate use of version control. Personal Github repo will not be accepted.

•      You must use a worker thread to handle the API connection.

Assessment Criteria:

Individual Coursework comprising one assignment with a GIT repository of

incremental development leading to a final build or release. Repository includes itemized

deliverables for final module submission. Typically, this will include your Android project

and the usability evaluation documentation in PDF, with a current build or release

executable. All code to be version controlled and commented, all 3rd party assets and

resources to be formally credited in the README file on the repository.


Submit the following in a zip file to the DLE submission point for this module

A single PDF document reporting your work:

•       The design of the UIs (screenshots)

•       Usability evaluation of the project (i.e. user testing with all details)

•      A link to the GitHub repository for your project

•       Screenshots of the working system (i.e. the implementation)

•      A video rundown of your application OR a link to the video included in the main document.

Deliverables in detail

GIT Repository

An online repository of your project using the GIT service. You are Graded on the following criteria:

•       Repository readme file includes all additional resources (art, sound FX etc.) fully credited

•       No previous versions of the project are present in the repository in a .zip or other compressed format

•       Commits to the repository are appropriately commented

•       Commits are in a consistent timely manner, at least once every week

A PDF document reporting your work

A PDF document contains details of the design, implementation and evaluation studies

that were carried out including:

•       Interface design (low and high- fidelity prototyping)

•       Details of the implementation phase including screenshots of the UIs of the working system.

•       Information of user studies, participants who took part in the study, and how they were invited.

•       Details of how the studies were set, and details of the method/technique that  was adopted as well as details of the test plan; with evidence (i.e. photos or a link to a video and the consent form).

•       Details of how the results of the formative evaluation helped in designing the latest version of the app.

•       Details of how the summative evaluation could help enhance the app (i.e. recommendations)

Video rundown of your application

•       Demonstrate the functionality of your project in a short video

•       The video should be between 3-5 minutes long. Please note that you will be panelised if the video is longer that the specified guideline.

•       The sound should be clear and in the normal pace

•       No need for flashy intros please!

•       Please include:

•       Explain any design pattern implementations

•       Go through the code and explain your implementation

•       Demonstrate the program running

•      You may be invited to a zoom video call for further discussion at a later date

Video settings




720p or 1080p



Video Bitrate:

16 MBS

Audio Bitrate:

Mono - 128 kpbs, Stereo - 384 kpbs



You must present the work carried out in a report submitted in PDF format.  No other format is acceptable.  Your report must be approximately 2000 words, please use screenshots and links to code files to illustrate functionality where appropriate and low-fidelity prototype to illustrate the design of the interfaces.

The report must contain the following sections:

1.     Introduction (approximately 2 paragraphs).  Introduce the document and signpost the reader to what they will find in it.  Provide the link to your GitHub repository.

2.     Background.  Explain here what information your application provides, who are the potential users and in which context will be used.

3.     Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional (LSEP).  Highlight issues might arise in terms of privacy, integrity, security and discuss how you addressed these issues.

4.     Design.  Present here the design of the app (i.e. screenshots and storyboard). Justify and differences between these two phases. Provide a suitable narrative.

5.     Implementation.  Illustrate with screenshots of the UIs and hyperlinks to your source code in your GitHub repo how you implemented your design.  Provide a suitable narrative to help your reader understand your screenshots and diagrams.

6.     Evaluation.  Present the user studies you carried out for evaluating the app with details on participants and methods used with justification why you used any particular method/ technique. Show how you tested your application clearly indicating areas for further work and improvement.

7.     Summary. Summarize here your work briefly and highlight the main points in each section