关键词 > WebsiteDevelopment

MKT103A Digital Marketing Assessment 3


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Subject Title

Digital Marketing

Subject Code


Assessment Title

Assessment 3 - Website Development

Graduate Capabilities

Professional Expertise

Usage of advanced web tools

•    Creative thinking and problem-solving

Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline)

a)   Describe new marketing trends that use digital marketing.

d) Identify trends in online consumer behaviour

e) Apply digital marketing tool concepts through the use of industry software programs.

Assessment type (group or individual)


Weighting %


Word count


Due day

Sunday of Week 10 by 11.55 pm (Sydney time)

Submission type

Turnitin - Word document with the website URL

Format / Layout of Assessment

Online website

using WordPress

Assessment instructions

Following your digital marketing plan (assessment 2), you are tasked with building a website that follows the strategy you developed in

assessment 2.

The website should reflect:

1.   The goals you are trying to achieve.

2. The brand story (purpose).

3. Website content (videos, testimonies, blog posts, etc.)

4. Your target audience.

5.   Top 5 keywords?

6.   Tools and technics you use to improve your website ranking on search engines (SEO).

You are required to build a website using WordPress. You will be provided with 3 basic templates to choose from.

Your website should be well formatted and follow the online

criteria for good websites (listed in Moodle).

Footer to be displayed on every page.

•    Appropriate pictures on each web page promoting your product / service. (Including your homepage)

•     The grammar and spelling on your website should be correct throughout.

•     Social media sharing option on every page.

The website should have, as a minimum, the following pages:

1.   Home page - Need to show your company products/services. This is an e-commerce site, and visitors should be able to see your products/services on the home page, with links to the

individual product/service page (landing page).

2.   Contact Us page - This should have information such as phone number, contact us form, location map.

3.   Product or Service page - Need to show options for the visitor to book/buy online.

The e-Commerce  page should  show all the service options, and one of the product/service should have its own page with pricing and the option to buy (E-Commerce).

Include available payment options, delivery options, and return policy.

The  product/service page  should show a complete product description,

images and videos.

4.   Blog page with 2 blog posts, one created by yourself and one generated with AI tools, such as ChatGPT (300, 500 words). The purpose of the blog posts is to present the company as ‘Thought Leadership’ and should include illustrations and CTA elements.

Depending on the business, you may want to add a gallery page (linked to Instagram page), and a video library page (link to YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) You should also include tools to use to improve your website

ranking on search engines.

WordPress is a fully loaded web-building platform with 1000s of plugins that can help you enhance your site. You need to install at least 3

plugins (https://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/) to help you achieve your business goals.

Readings for the assessment

To assist you with writing this report, use the materials found on your

Moodle page (lecture slides, recommended and additional readings or other documents).

•           Class content.

•           Useful links are posted on Moodle.

Complete the Module activities designed to support this assessment's critical tasks.