关键词 > COMP7506

COMP7506 Smart phone apps development


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COMP7506 Smartphone apps development

Group Assignment

Deadline: on or before 6th August, 2023 (Sunday) 11:59pm.

Late penalty: Marks will be deducted by N*2%, where N is the number of days after submission deadline (minimum marks = 0).

Weighting: 20% (of the whole course)

Knowledge of Computer Science topics is fast changing. It is impossible for our courses to cover everything you need for your future career. Very often you need to base on what you learned to pick up new knowledge on your own. You should recognize the need for and possess an ability to engage in continuing professional development. This individual assignment aims at training your ability of self-learning new knowledge for smart phone apps development.


Please extract a topic you learned in the group project and write a short tutorial with up to 10 pages. The topic can be one not covered in our lecture or workshop materials or one covered in our materials but not detailed enough. Your tutorial should look like one of our workshops. The font size should be 11 or 12. The line spacing should be no more than  1.5.  Your  tutorial  will  be  shared  on  Moodle  after  the  course  for  peer  learning purpose.

Some topics learned by students in past semesters:

.    Cross-platform development environment

.    Application of artificial intelligence in mobile app

.    Electronic payment in mobile app

.    Video / audio streaming

.    Special user interface design .    …

To demonstrate your understanding, please show us a simple but complete and workable example.

You can reference any materials on the Internet and from books but please give credit to the source by quoting the reference links or book titles in your tutorial. Also you are not supposed  to  directly  copy  and  paste  materials  from  the  source.  Instead,  you  should understand the materials and write using your own words.

Marking standards: (Total: 20 points)

Marks will be given based on the following:

. Overall quality of tutorial (e.g., easy to understand, precise and concise) (15 points)

. Workable example (5 points)


Each group should submit a compressed file (e.g. .zip or .7z) containing the following items to Moodle.

1)  A short tutorial with up to  10  pages. The font  size should be  11  or  12.  The  line spacing should be no more than 1.5.

2)  Source code of your workable example.