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DPBS1110 Evidence-Based Problem Solving Assessment 2a


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DPBS1110 Evidence-Based Problem Solving

Assessment 2a: Assessment Guide

Case Overview

Imagine that you are working for a consulting firm called Solve It! Your company has a reputation for on-time and thorough problem-solving solutions that integrates different evidence sources,

namely  statistical  information  with  insights  from  literature  and  ethical  decision-making processes.

Solve It! won a contract with Australian Airlines Association (AAA). This contract has two deliverables. A Briefing Pack (Assessment 2a) that will be considered by the AAA officials. The format is written responses to the initial questions posed by AAA. You will be provided with written feedback on the Briefing Pack; there is no opportunity to meet with AAA officials to present your Briefing Pack, however you may meet with them (your tutor) to further understand the feedback they provide. It is normal for clients and consultants to have such interactions to check progress and possibly refine the problem. The next deliverable is a Business Report (Assessment 2b), which builds on feedback you have received, and you will also consider additional questions and material.

The contract is about the flight cancellation. AAA is concerned with the increasing number of flight cancellations since the COVID19 pandemic. The overarching issue to be addressed is to: (1) explore the factors that leads to flight cancellations. (Assessment 2a and 2b), and (2) give recommendations on how the AAA needs to intervene to address the flight cancellation problem.

Assessment 2a: Case Briefing Pack (25%)

Determine the extent of flight cancellation problem. You have been asked by your team leader to address the questions in the Briefing Pack. You are required to use different problem-solving toolboxes to address these questions.

. Word limit: A  maximum of 1,200 words (no minimum word limit; graphs, figures and reference list are excluded from the word count). A 10% penalty will apply if you exceed the word count.

. Structure and format: No introduction or executive summary are required. You are required to write in a business report style (i.e. formal language, etc).

. Referencing style: Harvard (seeThe 'In-Text' or Harvard method for more information).

1. Solve It! ‘Information Toolbox’

This section of the report is approximately 300 - 400 words (guide only, not a word limit).

.    Use literature to frame the flight cancellation problem (use no more than four pieces of literature: two academic papers, and two pieces ofgrey literature).

Frame a problem means to clearly define what is the problem you want to solve.

You may want to ask yourself the following questions when framing the problem: What is the main problem? When and where is it occurring? Who are the stakeholders? Why there is an increasing number of flight cancellation since the pandemic?

A 5Ws table or factor logic tree to could be used to summarise the problem.

2. Solve It! Statistical Toolbox

This section of the report is approximately 500 – 600 words (guide only, not a word limit).    One of your colleagues at Solve It! has just compiled and delivered to you a dataset. You are asked to determine the extent of flight cancellations using this dataset.

.       The first step of any data analysis  is to  understand and summarise the data. Use graphs and descriptive statistics to   provide  a  snapshot of flight cancellations in Australia. The key variable of interest here is “Cancellations” (the number of flight cancellations).

.       Your client, the Australian Airlines Association, is interested in the following questions:

.       Whether Cancellationstends to be associated with the Airline

.       Whether Cancellationstends to be associated with the Sick Leave

.       Clearly identify any assumptions and limitations in your data analysis.

3. Solve It! ‘Ethics Toolbox’

This section of the report is approximately 200 – 300 words (guide only, not a word limit).

.       Identify   an   ethical   dilemma that could be faced by Australian Airlines during the pandemic. Use your moral imagination. Is there a risk for someone (or something) being harmed? Explain your reasoning.

Other Resources:

-       Library Expert on Demand for personalised support:


-       Research consultation:https://unswlibrary.libanswers.com/research-consultation

-       Business guide:https://subjectguides.library.unsw.edu.au/business