关键词 > MotionGraphics

Project 3. Motion Graphics: Communicating emotion through Kinetic Typography


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Project 3. Motion Graphics: Communicating emotion through Kinetic Typography

Type: Motion Graphics

Theme: Communicating emotion through Kinetic Typography. You will choose one of the following kinds of audio source and animate it using kinetic typography.

Option 1: A clip from a song (30-90 sec).

Option 2: A clip from a speech or spoken word (30 -90 sec).

Option 3: A written text set to an instrumental music background  (30- 90 sec)

Project Submission: After Effects exported to movie file and uploaded to your SFU web space, YouTube or Vimeo

* We prefer Vimeo because it does not have ads. Please make sure to correctly set your privacy options in both Vimeo and You Tube

* If you make your video private we won't be able to grade it. So don't make your video private. Wait until after the end of the course to do so.

Written Submission: 300~350 words. Posted in the submission message in this project discussion.

FINAL Due: ALL LABS SUBMIT ON Tuesday August 8th at 12 PM.

NO TEAMS ALLOWED. Project 3 is to be completed individually.

Timeframe: Variable. It will depend on the needs of your animation, how fast the pace is or how slow. Ballpark range of 30 seconds – 90 seconds (**if you need to go over 90 sec you need to get authorization from your TA by week 10).

You will need to GET APPROVAL on your choice of audio and typeface from your TA at the latest by Week 10. Each week after that is a step in the process of creating your project and changes to audio choice after this point will incur significant time and labour costs.

Your assignment will NOT BE GRADED if you don't get approval on typography and audio by week 11. Approval will be granted by your TA in person in lab on week 11.

It is recommended that you keep yourself to at most two different typefaces.

Example: Helvetica including all its variations -black, bold, italic, regular, condensed, etc...- counts as one typeface.

A selection of suggested typefaces will be posted on CANVAS.

With prior consultation and approval of your TA, on week 11 you may change your choice of audio and typeface if you feel your project is not working,

You are NOT allowed to change your audio source after week 11.

All changes to choice of audio and typeface on week 11 need to be approved by the TA and will require a re-submission of storyboard reflecting changes. Your assignment will not be graded if you do not have approval of changes.

Assignment Description:

For your third project you will create a motion graphic composition based on a soundtrack of your choice (look at off limit topics). Motion Graphics are images that have a transforming appearance over time. In this course we have learned visual literacy for a single image (project one), visual literacy for a sequence (project two) and now we learn visual literacy for motion (project three). This project will apply all the skills from the first two projects and in addition will focus on how movement informs content.

Consider the following:

Design Principles and Elements and Composition: Dominance, Abstraction through Simplification, Foreground, Middle-ground, and Background.

Framing and Transitions: Variety from frame to frame - not every scene is the same or from the same angle, transitions are not abrupt unless the story calls for it, progression from frame to frame in design concepts relating to the subject matter.

Consistency in design: Remember and apply the rules of composition. Make sure your Animation isn't just plunked into the page but that it is situated and supported by solid design and embedded into a web page.

Your work should be primarily motion typography and vector of your own creation but may also be comprised of original animated photographs, Photoshop creations, hand drawings, or any combination of those elements. The SFU Surrey Library has graphics tablets which can be checked out which will make drawing digital graphics easier.

You may NOT use video in your project. Your project must be your own animated graphic work or layered still photography integrated with motion graphics of your making.

You are recommended to use no more than two different fonts. It is OK and preferable to stick to ONE Font and play with size, scale and color and its attributes (black, bold, regular, italic, etc...).

100% of the content must be your OWN WORK and must have been CREATED SPECIFICALLY for this course. There is no requirement that your submission include clipart, graphic images or other such content and if you include such content lifted from other sources your entire project will fail.

Your choice of sound will NOT be graded – just your interpretation of the music. Kinetic typography projects are typically set to some sort of audio. If your project is set to music or a speech we will evaluate the timing, cadence and appropriateness of your animation, but we will not evaluate the music/sounds themselves. You are learning and being evaluated on your animation and visual work so don't spend extra time on sound design that should have been spent on visual design.

You must be present in your labs and working with your TA and getting feedback for this project. If you vanish in the first week and pop back up in week 13 with a beautiful piece of animation we have never seen before you will fail the project regardless of the quality of the submission.

Off limit topic information:

The audio source you choose as the basis of your kinetic type project can be from almost any source and topic but there are a few things to keep in mind or try to avoid.

Keep in Mind:

The speed and cadence of your source will guide your timing and choices so plan accordingly. A fast song with a clear beat will have different needs than a slow song with long held notes and instrumental portions.

Slow, peaceful, sad music is a valid option but requires careful attention to animation and will require creativity in how you handle the sustained notes.

Yes your audio source can include swearing. It probably shouldn't be 90% profanity and the same caution about misogyny and hate speech still applies but you won't lose marks because we are scandalized by "colorful language".


Audio sources featuring or promoting racism, misogyny, or discrimination are not recommended

This does not mean that your source can't be controversial, or challenging. Just avoid things that are hateful.