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DART1201 Digital Studio II


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Digital Studio II

ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF - Concept and Asset Development for Sound Visual Project


Title: Assessment 1 – Audio Visual Project

Weigh7ng: 40 %

Assessment type: Project

Word count: 500

Required group work: No

Submission requirements:

In class Presentaion

Electronic Ra:onale (.pdf)

A zipped folder of asset and progress files

Where to submit Moodle

Due Week 10 (Sunday, 6 August, 11.55 PM)


Theme: Time

Time, a fundamental aspect of our existence, has cap:vated ar:sts across various mediums for

centuries. While tradi:onally explored through visual and temporal dimensions, :me can also be a fascina:ng concept when incorporated into sound. By harnessing the power of sound and its unique material quali:es, ar:sts have found innova:ve ways to express and interpret the passage of :me, immersing audiences in evoca:ve sonic, visual and interac:ve experiences.

What does Time mean to you? What is the most memorable :me for you? Do you have a ‘Time’ you want to express? How would you express your concept of Time (i.e., Your defini:on of :me, a piece of your memories, collec:ve memories, or season etc.) with the medium of sound and noise?

You will use your concept design and digital assets from Assessment 2 to create an Audio-visual

project. Your Audio-visual project can be varied from the sound portrait, interac:ve installa:on and reac:ve audio-visual work. Dependent on the characteris:c of your work, you can either submit a    video or video recording of your project. Consult with your tutor in class.


Electronic Submission:

What to Submit:

.    Video or Video recording of your work (45 secs – 1 min) in .mp4 format

.     Reflec:on(.pdf)

Naming Conven7on

Ensure that your file has the following conven:on before submission.

.    Zid_First_Last_Ass3.pdf

.    Zid_First_Last_Ass2.mp4

Where to submit:

.     Electronic Submission via Moodle Assessment 3 link

Due date:

. Week 10 (Sunday, 6 August, 11.55 PM)





Crea7vity & Originality (30%)

Pushes boundaries and challenges tradi:onal norms; explore

unconven:onal ideas, or experiment with new techniques.

The nal work is conven:onal and conveys large por:on of ready-made images and


Less or no evidence of

challenging and willingness to take risks to experiment.

Project Outcomes


Final Audio-Visual work design and development executed the concept design and plan. Visual and audio

elements are synchronised and effec:vely conveys your concept.

Final Audio-Visual work design and develop is not integrated with the proposed concept

and plan cohesively. Visual and audio are not presented

synchronically and eec:vely.

Quality of Revised

Concept Development and Reflec7on (20%)

Discussed the experiments, research and lessons learned and experiments during the produc:on process and

iden:fy areas for improvement.

Lifle or no discussion on

development is provided.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES addressed in Assessment 1:

1.    Iden:fy the proper:es and crea:ve poten:al of captured sound and noise

2.    Deploy techniques for audio composi:on to transform sound in various media contexts crea:vely.

3.    Work collabora:vely in a team environment, fostering the Community of Prac:ce to create meaningful and innova:ve work.

4.    Explore the historical and contemporary context of sound [art] and its rela:onship with Anima:on and Moving Images.

5.    Experiment and apply technical skills in the crea:on of an audio-visual project.

How you will receive FEEDBACK for Assessment 3:

Feedback will be provided regularly in studio through discussions with peers and tutor. Summa:ve assessment and feedback will be provided online.