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INFO6002: Database Management 2 Trimester 2, 2023 Assignment 2


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INFO6002: Database Management 2

Trimester 2, 2023 Callaghan & Online

Assignment 2 Data Marts and Business Intelligence

Due: 9am, Monday 25th July 2023

Demonstration Session:

27th and 28th July 2023 lab sessions

(Online students will use Zoom session)

WORTH 20% of final course mark.

This is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment.

Part 1: LeisureAustralasia Data Mart Design (5 marks)

In  this  section  you  will  design  and  document  a  data  mart  star  schema  for  the LeisureAustralasia (the scenario discussed in Assignment 1).

Design a data mart schema to satisfy LeisureAustralasia decision makers’ information needs. You will create a single star schema diagram which focuses on one area of the business. You do not need to implement it.

Write a short report (approx. 200 words excluding diagram & queries) which includes:

A.  Documented schema (star schema diagram)

B.  Subject-area covered by your data mart

C. A discussion of how the data mart satisfies the information analysis needs of


D. Give 5 examples of analysis queries that your design supports. These will be a

description of the queries, not actual T-SQL queries.

Save your document as A2_<student name>_ LeisureAustralasia.

Part 2: Business Intelligence Reporting (15 marks)

Download  and  restore  the  WorldWideImporters  (WWI)  Data  Warehouse  sample database.          Download WideWorldImportersDW-Full.bak file         from



The       following       information       about       WWI       are       extracted       from



Wide World Importers (WWI) is a wholesale novelty goods importer and distributor operating from the San Francisco bay area.

As a wholesaler, WWI's customers are mostly companies who resell to individuals. WWI sells to retail customers across the United States including specialty stores, supermarkets, computing stores, tourist attraction shops, and some individuals. WWI also sells to other wholesalers via a network of agents who promote the products on WWI's behalf. While all of WWI's customers are currently based in the United States, the company is intending to push for expansion into other countries.

WWI buys goods from suppliers including novelty and toy manufacturers, and other novelty wholesalers. They stock the goods in their WWI warehouse and reorder from suppliers as needed to fulfil customer orders. They also purchase large volumes of packaging materials, and sell these in smaller quantities as a convenience for the customers.

Recently WWI started to sell a variety of edible novelties such as chilli chocolates. The company previously did not have to handle chilled items. Now, to meet food handling requirements, they must monitor the temperature in their chiller room and any of their trucks that have chiller sections.

Workflow for warehouse stock items

The typical flow for how items are stocked and distributed is as follows:

WWI creates purchase orders and submits the orders to the suppliers.

Suppliers send the items, WWI receives them and stocks them in their warehouse.

Customers order items from WWI

WWI fills the customer order with stock items in the warehouse, and when they do not have sufficient stock, they order the additional stock from the suppliers.

Some customers do not want to wait for items that are not in stock. If they order say five different stock items, and four are available, they want to receive the four items and backorder the remaining item. The item would them be sent later in a separate shipment.

WWI invoices customers for the stock items, typically by converting the order to an invoice.

Customers might order items that are not in stock. These items are backordered.

WWI delivers stock items to customers either via their own delivery vans, or via other couriers or freight methods.

Customers pay invoices to WWI.

Periodically, WWI pays suppliers for items that were on purchase orders. This is often sometime after they have received the goods.

Additional workflows

These are additional workflows.

WWI issues credit notes when a customer does not receive the good for some reason, or when the goods are faulty. These are treated as negative invoices.

WWI periodically counts the on-hand quantities of stock items to ensure that the stock quantities shown as available on their system are accurate. (The process of doing this is called a stocktake).

Cold room temperatures. Perishable goods are stored in refrigerated rooms. Sensor data from these rooms is ingested into the database for monitoring and analytics purposes.

Vehicle location tracking. Vehicles that transport goods for WWI include sensors that track the location. This location is again ingested into the database for monitoring and further analytics.

Part 2A: SQL Server Reporting Services Report (5 marks)

Create the following report using SQL Server Reporting Services. Save the project as A2_<student name>_SSRSReport. The report provides the monthly and yearly sales

for Califormia for all years.

The format of the report is given below:

Monthly-Yearly Sales Report




Monthly Sales Amount






Yearly Sales $1,232,322.99


Note that the data is sample data and does not contain the exact values from the actual database. You do not need to deploy the report to a Reporting Server.

Part 2B: Data Analytics Written Report (5 marks)

Explore the data warehouse schema and data. Select subject area(s) that you would like to analyse in WWI. Create data mart(s) either using either: SQL Server Analysis Server, or Power BI. Save the project/file as A2_ name>_AWorksDataMart.

Analyse the data and write a  Business  Intelligence  report based on World Wide Importers data using:

•   Power BI’s visuals, dashboards etc. in your analysis, data visualisation and presentation and/or

•   Excel’s BI features such as pivot tables, charts and graphs .

Your report will include data analysis, information discovered and helpful insights and actions items from your data analysis. Include appropriate tables, charts, graphs etc. in your report to present your findings.

Note that your target audience for the BI report is the business management team of World Wide Importers such as the CEO and senior management, so your BI report should be understood by business managers.

Save your report as A2_< student name >_BIReport.docx

Part 2C: Data Analytics Video Presentation (5 marks)

In addition to your written report, you will record a max 5 minute video presentation about  your  Business  Intelligence  analysis  findings.  Your  presentation  should  be professional with some form of visual demonstration (i.e. slides). At the beginning of your  video,  please  show  your  face.  Save  your  presentation  document/s  as A2_<student name>_Presentation and   name   your   video   file A2_<student name>_ Video in mp4 format.

Submission Requirements

All submission links are found on Canvas in Assignments / ASSIGNMENT 2.

Part 1:

Submission link (Turnitin)

Assignment 2 Canvas Submission Part 1(Data Mart Design)


Part 1: Data Mart report document

File name

A2_<student name>_ LeisureAustralasia


PDF or MS Word

(Must not be a .zip file)

Part 2A, 2B & 2C:

Submission link

Assignment 2 Canvas Submission Part 2


Part 2A: Files for your SSRS project

Part 2B: Project files for your WWI Data Mart

Part 2C: Presentation file

File name

A2_<student name>.zip


.zip folder containing the following sub-folders:



Components & file name


Part 2A: SSRS Project files

A2_<student name>_SSRSReport


Part 2B: Project files for your WWI Data Mart

A2_<student name>_ WWIDataMart


Part 2C: Presentation file

A2_< student name >_Presentation.

Part 2B:

Submission link (Turnitin)

Assignment 2 Canvas Submission Part 2B (BI Report document)


Part 2B: Data Analytics Written Report

File name

A2_< student name >_BIReport


PDF or MS Word

(Must not be a .zip file)

Part 2C:



Upload your video to the discussion board Assignment 2 BI Presentations on Canvas.


Part 2C: Data Analytics Video Presentation


Video uploaded to Discussion Board