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MMH701 – Human Resource Strategy Assessment 2 2023


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MMH701  Human Resource Strategy

Trimester 1, 2023

Assessment 2: Work-based Report

Work-based report task requirements:

Select an Australian organisation (or Australian branch/subsidiary), either your own if currently employed, or one to which you are familiar. You will need permission to access relevant organisational information and/or interview a person who is either a senior member of the Human Resource (HR) department or, in the absence of a HR department, a senior manager with responsibility for managing people. If you are currently not employed, or are located in another country, you will need permission from the unit chair to access an international organisation or an organisation that you don’t have a relationship.

Write a business report which describes, critically analyses and evaluates the organisation’s current HR strategy and HR system, focusing on HR’s links to the organisation’s strategy and performance.

Describe the HR system used and with reference to relevant theory and contemporary thought, critically examine:

•   Aim(s) of the HR system

•   Any issues relating to its operation*

•   Successes and problems with the HR system

•   Recommendations for modification and improvement of current strategy and HR system based on contemporary HR theory

* Discrepancies between intended HR strategy and its operationalisation are common and these gaps should be noted, as should be the similarities and/or differences in the organisational information/interview data gained from the HR manager and your understanding as an employee of the organisation.

Convergences and divergences between the HR system and HR models/theories contained in the academic literature should be critically discussed, conclusions drawn, and recommendations presented. Recommendations need to be supported by the HR academic literature and other authoritative sources.

Confidentiality: It is not necessary to identify the organisation or any individuals which may participate in interviews conducted in the process of collecting the required information. Pseudonyms can be used for the company and any individuals cited in the report.

Presentation slides requirement

Create ten powerpoint (or similar) slides to summarize the content of your report to present to your organisation. Note that this requirement is instead of an executive summary. The creation of the slides is equivalent to 500 words, however do not count the words in the slides – only use sufficient words to summarize the report.

Note that there is no requirement to actually deliver the slide presentation.

Please use diagrams or charts where appropriate.

Do not copy whole segments of text from the paper. The slides should summarize information in a way that adds interest to the audience, not just copying text from the report.

Recommended Report Structure (and approximate word allocation):

Title Page

(Include your name, the paper title, student number and word length)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: (300‐400 words)

•   Clarify Purpose

•   Background**

   Sources and Methods of Data Collection

2. Body of Report: (2000 words)

•   Includes various numbered sections (For example: 2. Description of existing HR system; 2.1       Current outcomes from the HR system; 2.2 Problems identified with the HR system; 3.                Alternative HR strategic models; 3.1 Literature around HR Systems and strategy; 3.2 Alignment to business strategy; 3.3 Best HR practice from industry; etc.)

3. Conclusion: (100‐200 words)

4. Recommendations: (300‐400 words)

5. Reference List

6. Appendices (not essential, only include if necessary for the report)

** The Background section of your report should provide a brief description of the organisation to be analysed (approx. 200 words in length for this section), which includes details such as:

•   mission statement,

•   main product/service,

•   stability/volatility of operating environment,

•   relevant information on structure and organisational culture

•   number of employees,

•   regions/countries of operation.

If these details will make the organisation readily identifiable and infringe confidentiality, you may choose to describe the organisation in more general terms. For example, you could describe the organization as "a large manufacturer" rather than "Australia's largest steel producer". You may also choose to use a pseudonym for the organisation throughout the report.


Professional looking documents builds credibility.

Your report should be presented according to the following formatting guidelines:

•   Font: 12 point (or equivalent readability)

•   Line Spacing: 1.5 spacing

•   Page Numbers: Bottom right hand corner of page

•   Numbered section headings and sub‐ headings should be used (e.g. 1. Introduction)

•   Numbered tables and diagrams should be used

•   Is 3000 words in length, not including the reference list, tables, diagrams or slides please include the word length on the front cover

•    Uses correct in‐text referencing (Harvard or APA systems)

•    Includes a reference list which is correctly formatted in alphabetical order (Harvard or APA systems)

•    The slides should be neat and not crowded with information. Use a large font (e.g. at least 20 point) so the audience can read it easily. Include illustrations where appropriate.

Refer to the remainder of the Assessment Task 2 in the unit site for further guidance on finding   appropriate sources, the expectations of report writing in an academic context, and referencing.

Submission Instructions

Each individual student is to submit an electronic copy of their assignment online in the

assignment drop box provided in the MMH701 Unit Site (accessed via Deakin Sync).

Your assignment will be counted as ‘on time’ if submitted by 8pm AEST or AEDST on the due date. If necessary, you can look up your local time at  http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/helpfulInfo.do?category=info&item=worldTime.

You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you.  In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.

Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.

When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after upload, and  check for,  and  keep,  the  email  receipt for the  submission.   If technological  problems  are encountered assistance should be sort from the IT Helpdesk, and a work request number sought in case it is needed when requesting an extension on these grounds.

Academic Honesty Declaration

When submitting the assignment online in the MMH701 Unit Site you will include the following in the note section, confirming the academic honesty declaration:


By clicking on the Submit button, I certify that the attached work is entirely my own (or  where submitted to meet the requirements of an approved group assignment is the work of the group), except where work quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the   text. I also certify that it has not been previously submitted for assessment in this or any other unit or course unless permission for this has been granted by the Unit Chair of this unit. I agree that Deakin University may make and retain copies of this work for the purposes of marking and review, and may submit this work to an external plagiarism‐and collusiondetection service who may retain a copy for future plagiarism and collusion detection but will not release it or use it for any other purpose.



•  Extensions can be granted for circumstances beyond your control such as documented serious illness or for compassionate reasons under special circumstances.

•  Extensions can only be approved by the Unit Chair (Dr. John Molineux). Please email your      request tojohn.molineux@deakin.edu.aubefore the due date.  You will be asked to provide  evidence to support your request and a draft of the work completed to date. Where an          extension is approved you will be given between 1 day and a maximum of 2 weeks to submit your work, depending on the circumstances.

• https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/studying/assessmentandresults/specialconsideration

•  Work or holidays or other assignments are NOT grounds for an extension you are expected  to manage these issues as part of your studies. You are strongly encouraged to start early and to continually backup your assignment as you progress. Computer crashes or corrupted files   will NOT be accepted as valid reasons for an extension of any length.

Penalties for late submission (with no approved extension):

In accordance with sections 46 and 47 of the University’s Assessment (Higher Education Courses) Procedure Penalties for Late Submission of Assessment Tasks’, the following marking penalties    will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension

(46) A due date and time will be set for the submission of each summative assessment task. A marking penalty will be applied where the assessment task is submitted after the due date without an approved extension as follows:

1.   5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days

2.   where work is submitted more than five days after the due date, the task will not be marked and the student will receive 0% for the task.

'Day' means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions.

(47) The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.