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IM51014A Introduction to Marketing


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Module title: Introduction to Marketing - IM51014A

Date: 8 September 2022

Assignment information (e.g., background info, assignment question, further advice):

Select one piece of marketing news from within the last year (2021-2022). Analyze and discuss this news by using a theory or theories which have been explored in class from sessions 2 to 5.

Further guidelines and suggestions

1. Choose ONE of the perspectives seen in class from sessions 2, 3, 4, OR 5. DO NOT USE A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE ON MARKETING! You can choose either a historical perspective of marketing (session 2), OR economic perspective of marketing (session 3), OR a sociological/psychological perspective of marketing (session 4), OR a cultural perspective of marketing (session 5).

2. Within one of these perspectives, choose one or two theories to analyze and discuss the news. For example, if you choose a cultural perspective of marketing, you could analyze your marketing news by using consumer identity theory.

3. Your essay should answer these questions:

o What is the marketing phenomenon under scrutiny (e.g. Branding, Advertising, Pricing), and what is the core message of this news?

o Which theory/theories could help you to better understand this phenomenon (e.g. Consumer Identity theory; Nudge Theory)?

o What are the main elements and assumptions of this theory/these theories?

o How do they apply to the news?

o How is this theory/these theories fit to explain this marketing news?

o Do you have any suggestion for managers given your analysis?

Essay Checklist (VERY IMPORTANT)

Structure – Begin your essay (the introduction to the essay) with a thesis statement – one or two sentences that condense the argument or analysis to follow (For example: This essay provides a cultural perspective of race and gender within advertising by analyzing the latest Dove campaign which has been considered as racist. More specifically, this essay use consumer identity theories to show how Dove may be losing customers through this campaign).

The thesis statement is then followed by an outline of both the essay’s structure and the main points for discussion. The body of the essay is where arguments should be developed and supported according to the evidence. Be sure the discussion here is relevant to the topic at hand. Finally, summarize key points made throughout the essay and highlight any conclusions to be drawn.

Argument and Content – The argument refers to the ‘point of view’ to be discussed. It should be captured by the thesis statement. The argument or point of view should be clearly developed throughout the essay, and again should be supported by the evidence and analyses.

Supportive Evidence – You must use evidence – relevant and reliable information from academic and non-academic sources, figures and/or examples(e.g. pertaining to consumers, countries, industries or businesses) – to support your argument and the claims made.

Referencing – Use the appropriate reading materials - articles(academic/refereed articles mainly), books, reports etc. – to back up your arguments. Regardless of whether or not a work is quoted from directly or indirectly, all work cited in the BODY of the submitted piece of work must have the author’s name and date published in parentheses following the citation (e.g. Jones and Smith, 2005; or Johnson, 2010). If the work is quoted from directly, quotation marks must be used and page numbers included. Work cited must be listed at the end of the essay in a section titled ‘References’. Please check the IMS Office VLE for guidelines on referencing. References must be listed in alphabetical order, and written up consistently and accurately. Also, the essay must be an original piece of work and students should not be working together. Plagiarizing the work of others (e.g., experts, academics etc.), or work produced by the student for another project, will result in a mark of ZERO. Students must work independently on their essays.

Style and Presentation – Essays should be double-spaced. Be sure the essay is well structured and contains accurate spelling and grammar. Sections of the essay should be highlighted with the appropriate headings. Headings should describe the issue(s) to be discussed. Also, please note that signposting is very important. In essays this is where you signal to the reader, at the beginning of each section, the discussion that follows.

Submission - The essay must be submitted through Turnitin (a submission link will be provided nearer the time on the learn/gold/VLE page). Details of how to submit via Turnitin will be provided in advance of the deadline. Please see the handbooks on penalties for late submission of coursework.

Key/suggested references:

Check the essential and additional readings on the VLE for session 2, 3, 4 and 5. Plus, check for additional articlesin the journal listed below (which you can access either through Goldsmiths Library or Senate House):

• Journal of Consumer Research

• Journal of Marketing

• Journal of Business Research

• Journal of Marketing Research

• Marketing Theory

• Journal of Consumer Culture

• Consumption, Markets and Culture

• Marketing Science

• Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

• Journal of Consumer Psychology

• Psychology & Marketing

• Journal of Advertising

• Journal of Advertising Research

• Journal of Consumer Behaviour