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CPT002: Current Trends and Emerging Topics in Computer Science 2022-21S3


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2022-21S3 CPT002: Current Trends and Emerging Topics in Computer Science

Resit Assignment: Proposal for an Innovative Product using Emerging Technologies and Processing Programming Exercise

This  resit  assignment  consists  of TWO  parts,  a  proposal for  a  new  product that  uses  emerging technologies and a simple programming exercise. You are required to submit material for both parts.

1 Emerging technologies report (80 marks)

For this part, you will write a 1,000 to 1,200 word proposal for an innovative product that works with emerging  technologies.  This  will  allow  you  to  demonstrate  your  understanding  of  emerging technologies and professional issues while encouraging you to think about the process of product development and commercialisation.

Emerging technologies are technologies that are not yet fully mature or ready for wide-scale use, but have the potential to change our lives in some significant way. Examples of emerging technologies are virtual reality, augmented reality, deep-learning artificial intelligence, the internet of things, self- driving cars, 3D printing and nanotechnology. For further examples you can refer to the class notes or look up emerging technology’ on Wikipedia. For this assignment, you will propose an innovative product which works with an emerging technology.

1.1 Your idea for an Innovative Product

The product you describe in your proposal will use some emerging technology to serve the needs of a customer group or industry sector. It should not have already been developed beyond the concept phase, and it should have the potential to replace an existing solution or create a new market. It should be reasonable to assume that the product will be technologically feasible and marketable sometime within the next three to five years.

Some examples of products that could be suitable for your proposal are listed below.

Drones for Traffic Monitoring

Virtual Reality for Training Emergency Response Units

Augmented Reality for Automated Guided Tours

3D Printed Building Blocks for Student Engineering Projects

Wearable Computing to Encourage Social Interaction between People with Similar Interests Location Based Gaming to Encourage Eco-Tourism

Intelligent Car Pooling with Self Driving Cars

1.2 Writing the Proposal

The   product   proposal   document is meant   to   be the   type   of   document   that   a   group   of technology  experts  might  write while  considering  how  to  commercialize  their  idea. It can be used to present the idea to people from different backgrounds who might be involved in the project. These could be technical people who you hope to hire to work on the project or business-people who would consider funding the project or joining the project team in a management or support role. You don’t need to have the technical expertise to develop the product entirely by yourself, but you should be able to consider some of the most important issues related to its design, implementation, and support.

Your proposal should include the following sections:

1. Executive Summary This is a brief summary of the proposal that outlines the overall ideas that

readers, and particularly readers without a technical background, can understand the main points without having to read the whole document. Typically,  project  stakeholders  will read  the  executive  summary  first  before  moving  to  different  parts  of the document  that  they are  likely  find  particularly  interesting.  For example, a software developer might read the Executive Summary first before reading the Technical Overview. A lawyer would be more likely to read this section then an overview of Professional, Social and Legal Issues. You should write the summary so that it can be easily understood by all these different types of people. (Approx. 100 words)

2. Background and Justification. This section gives the reader some background information to    help them understand the area of the proposed product and tell them why it will be useful. If   the product improves on an existing solution, you should describe what the existing solution is and contrast it with your proposed solution. You should also describe the emerging technology or technologies will be used with the new solution, and provide justification for the project by  telling us how the new solution improves on the existing solution or creates a new market. You should also relate your solution to current trends in computer science and any relevant

economic or social factors related to the introduction of the new product.

(Approx. 400 words)

3. Technical Overview This should include an overview of how the product will operate. This overview is intended to give readers an overview of  how  your  product  will  work without necessarily  including  too  much technical  information  or detail  about  how  the  product  is implemented. You  might  want  to  include  some  sketches  describing  how the proposed product will  be  used, or  a  flow-chart or  other  type  of  diagram to  describe  any more complicated processes you want to describe. Try to identify different types of technology that will be used and the different parties that will be affected by the product. You can  also  use  this section  to tell  us  how  different types  of people interact with the technology.. (Approx. 200 words with images)

4. Professional, Social and Legal Issues This section describes how your product will affect how people work, society or the law. You need to consider things  like  how the product affects productivity,  how  it  can  influence  inter-personal  relationships,  or  how  it could create opportunities for crime or antisocial behaviour. You will probably want to break this section down into different sub-sections identifying different key issues. For example, if your project was looking at drones for  delivering  fast  food  you  would  probably  want  to  consider  including sections  on the  laws  for  operating drones and the potential effect of drones for employment    in the fast food industry. The important thing here is to try and identify and properly discuss the key issues associated with your proposal..

(Approx. 400 words)

5. Conclusion This tells us why your proposal is important and what you want us to take-away from reading the report. If the conclusion is written well it should convince us that we want to invest

in your company or work for you.

(Approx. 150 words)

6. References This lists the references for documents cited in the proposal. (Approx. 8-15references)

Please note that the approximate word counts are recommendations and the word counts in your submission can be different.

Before writing your proposal, you should consider the following points.

The report must be written by you using your own words (please see the University guidance

on plagiarism and collusion);  quotes are allowed if appropriate, limited in their extent, and clearly indicated as such;

You need to justify any claims and opinions that you make either by an argument or by a reference;

Articles in scientific journals and conferences are the most highly valued type of source while

websites/blogs are the least valued type of source. If you use online sources you must include the access date.

All references that you have used in either or both sections must be given in a list of

references at the very end of your essay;

1.3 Format

Your report should  be  created  in  a  single  PDF document  of  around 1,000  to  1,500 words .  This should  be formatted  in  the  LaTeX article document  style with  the ACM bibliography  style  for    citations  and  references.  Please note that the list of references will not count towards the word     limit.

2 Processing Programming Exercise (20 Marks)

Triangular numbers count objects arranged in an equilateral triangle. If the first triangular number t(1) is 1, then the value of the nth triangular number t(n) is the value of the previous triangular number plus n.


In order to complete this part of the assignment you should complete the following tasks related to triangular numbers using the processing programming language.

1)   Use processing to list all the triangular numbers less than 500.

2)   Use processing to find the first triangle number that can be divided by 9 to give a whole number.

3)   Use processing to find the lowest number above one that is not a triangle number and can be divided by 3 and 7 to give a whole number.

4)   Write a short report including the programme output and the code used to solve the problems above. You must use appropriate inline documentation to describe the code and  the steps used to solve the problems. If you cannot complete all the programming tasks you should still write this report with the tasks you were able to complete.

3 Submission

You are required to submit the following.

1)   A completed coversheet, including the XJTLU Declaration on Plagiarism, Collusion and Fabrication of Data, saved in PDF format.

2)   A copy of your report in PDF format.

3)   A copy of the processing programming report saved in PDF format .

Earlier submission is possible, and submission after the deadline attracts the standard lateness penalties. You should submit PDF  files for each of your three documents  (no  other  format  is allowed)  via  the Learning Mall module  website. Your submission will be checked for collusion and plagiarism using Turnitin.

Use the naming convention used for your files should be as follows.

___.pdf For example.




4 Resit Assessment Interview

You may be asked to attend a short interview to explain your code to the module leader in order to assess your understanding of your submission contents. If you are called for an interview you must attend (either online or in person) and explain your code or report satisfactorily in order to achieve a grade for the resit.

5 Assessment

This assessment will address all the learning outcomes of the module. These are to:

A.   Identify and discuss the important issues related to significant trends and topics in computer science.

B.    Effectively  describe  and  report  the  concepts  of  information  system  development  and emerging topics related to a specific area of computer science.

C.    Recognize basic programming language syntax and effectively transform commands to solve different types of programming problem.

The   marking  scheme  will   look  at   both  the coverage  of  all  aspects   required, and quality  of presentation  for  your essay  and the quality and clarity of the solution for the coding problem . To improve  your  chance  of  achieving  the  best  grade  possible  you  should follow all the instructions in  this  document  carefully  making  sure  to  follow  the  formatting  guidelines  and  include  all  the required sections (listed above).

Please be careful to note that your submission should include sufficient evidence that you have made a reasonable attempt to complete both parts of this assignment.

As  well  as the  normal  penalties that  can  be  incurred  according to  official  university  policy  (for offences such as  plagiarism and collusion)  penalties can also  be  incurred on this  project for the following.

a.    If the electronic submission is not a PDF file or the submission does not follow the formatting instructions, then five marks will be subtracted.

b.    For documents exceeding the word limit three marks will be deducted for each additional

100 words.

c.    We will deduct five marks for each working day that the essay is submitted late up to five days. Work submitted more than five working days late will receive a mark of zero.

No work which achieves a  mark of 40 or  more  before the application of these  penalties will  be reduced below the passing mark once penalties are taken into account, except where submission occurs more than five working days  late.   This   does   not   apply   to   penalties   that   might   be incurred  for  other  more  serious  offences  such  as  plagiarism and  collusion.  These  offences  will be  dealt  with  according  to  the  university  guidelines and  may  result  in  you receiving a score of zero for the assignment, failing the module, or additional sanctions.