关键词 > UFCF7S-30-2

Module UFCF7S-30-2 Systems Development Group Project Year 2021-22


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Module UFCF7S-30-2 Systems Development Group Project

Year 2021-22

Assessment Component B

Individual essay (1000 words) - reflective evaluation of the work, or a 2 minutes video presentation of the reflective evaluation

Contributes – 20% of module marks

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed

MO3 - Conduct themselves in a professional manner and work effectively as a member of a project team

MO5 - Demonstrate awareness of ethical and legal issues in building systems that will be using and processing personal and corporate data

M06 - Contribute to the effective management and completion of a project

Expected points to be discussed

· Reflection on interaction within the project team

o Organisation of the team

o Consistency of attendance at meetings

o Effectiveness of meetings – own contribution

· Consideration and Discussion of ethical (including sustainability) and legal issues (including risks) that are related to the project. Discuss own contribution

· Discuss the following re the management of the project

o Consideration of project tasks – related to project objectives

o Roles identified – did the team do this? Did these roles rotate among members and how?

o Did you review your project plan as part of the weekly meetings?

o Did you consider risks affecting the project? If so, how did you link them to the project plan?

· What do you think was your most important contribution for the project and the group you’ve worked with?

Assessment Criteria and Mark Scheme







Very Good






Poor / Inadequate


Very Poor

Reflective Evaluation Assessment - Component B

· The essay has surpassed expectations at “Excellent” level.

· The work demonstrates excellent ability to critically discuss the group work and own contribution.

· There has been some good use of appropriate references.

· Demonstrates a good appreciation of sustainability issues and ability to link those to the key elements of the system produced.

· Excellent work in terms of discussing group management practice.

· Thorough discussion and analysis of own contribution and personal lessons learned.

· Discusses ethical and legal issues effectively

· Discusses the impact of Risk management in the management of the project

· A well-structured discussion of group management practice.

· A good attempt to critically discuss role management and rotation.

· A good attempt to discuss own contribution

· Demonstrates good understanding of the role of risk

· Demonstrates good awareness of ethics and legal issues

· Attempts to discuss the effectiveness of the work of the group.

· Describes the roles and the way they were managed by the group.

· Explains own role.

· Identifies some ethical issues.

· Is unclear about the role of risk management for the project

· Identifies roles among group members.

· Explains own role.

· Does all the above in a descriptive manner, not being able to comment as to the effectiveness of the work clearly

· Some attempt to identify ethical issues

· Makes some attempt to describe how the project was run and managed.

· There is no clarity what roles were assigned to group members

· Attempts to describe but unclear as to own contribution

· Not clear about how the project was planned, tasked and run.

· Fails to explain own contribution to the project.