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DDES1200 Design History and Theory 1


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Assessment Brief 2

Summary of Information

Title: Research theme: scoping, sourcing and referencing

Weighting: 40%

Assessment type: Written Report

Word Count: 800

Group work: No

Submission requirements:

Electronic PDF document

Where to submit: Moodle

Due: by 9am on the day of your tutorial in week 6

Assessment Description:

As a student, you must demonstrate academic integrity in any assessment you complete. A core aspect of academic integrity is the conduction of scholarly research, i.e. to identify sound sources for research, reflect upotheir usefulness, and adequately reference them. The aim of this task is to introduce you to fundamental academic research skills that you will use and develop throughout your studies. Research is a key component of any design process, and the sourcing and attribution of research materials is integral to creative and critical pactices. In this assessment task, you will identify academically sound sources, reflect upon their relevance for your research theme and adequately reference them using the APA referencing style.

How to complete the assessment:

Step 1: From the list below select one key research theme that has been discussed in this course so far:

-      Modernis

-     Modernity;

-     Industrial Revolution;

-     Mass Production.

Step 2: Select one image that represents your selected research theme. The image should belong or depict a historical period between the 1850s and 1970s and a specific geography (e.g., a nation or a region). Your tutor will assist you in making an appropriate choice. The image will help you reflect on your selected research theme.

Step 3: Go to the UNSW Library online catalogue https://www.library.unsw.edu.au/ and search for a book (printed or digital copy) that will help you explore your research theme. After familiarising yourself with this book, answer the following questions (2 or 3 sentences per question):

1.   Why are you interested in this book?

2.   What design contexts does it discuss?

3.   How does this book expand your understanding of your research theme?

4.   How does this book help you understand your research theme historically?

5.   What key theories and concepts employed in the book can you identify?

Step 4: Select an article from an academic journal (printed or digital copy). The journal can be found in the Library online catalogue. After familiarising yourself with this article, answer the following questions (2 or 3 sentences per question):

1.   Why are you interested in this article?

2.   What design contexts does it discuss?

3.   How does this article expand your understanding of this research theme?

4.   How does this article help you understand your research theme historically?

5.   What key theories and concepts employed can you identify?

Step 5: Select one reliable online source (e.g., a podcast, video, interview, museum website, web exhibition, among others, published and/or edited by reputable writers, makers etc.). After familiarising yourself with this source, answer the following questions (2 or 3 sentences per question):

1.   Why are you interested in this source?

2.   What design contexts does it discuss?

3.   How does this source expand your understanding of this research theme?

4.   How does this source help you understand your research theme historically?

5.   What key theories and concepts employed can you identify?

NB: Wikipedia articles must not be used for scholarly purposes.

Step 6: Write a brief introduction that presents your research theme and a conclusion to summarise your findings.

Submission Requirements:

•    Your assignment must be saved as a PDF file in which text is readable and not saved as an image.

•    Your document should include the initial image that prompted your research. Please reference the image following the APA system.

•    Add a reference list at the end, also using the APA referencing system.

•    The questions (steps 3 to 5) should guide your exploration of each resource. Do not repeat the questions on your paper, and do not use bullet points. Format your assignment as a coherent text with paragraphs and subheadings.

•     In preparation for this task, you should engage with the following Moodle resources:

o  DHT Online Resources

o  APA Referencing Guide

o  Academic Integrity video

•    Prior to submission, you will undertake a number of in-class activities to support you in selecting your research theme, relevant image and identifying valid scholarly resources.

•    Please note that although Moodle indicates that due date is Friday week 6 you must submit your report by 9am on the day of your tutorial in week 6.

•    Late submission is allowed but it incurs penalty – see the Course Outline for details.

•    For this assessment task, you may use standard editing and referencing software such as Microsoft Office suite or Grammarly, but not generative AI.

•    You are permitted to use the full capabilities of Microsoft Office suite or Grammarly software to answer the question.

•    If the use of generative AI such as ChatGPT is detected, it will be regarded as serious academic misconduct and subject to the standard penalties, which may include 00FL, suspension and exclusion.

Assessment Criteria:

Criteria & Weighting

Fail (<50)

Pass (50-64)

Credit (65-74)

Distinction (75-84)

High Distinction (85-100)

Research (30%)

Little or no evidence of independent research into the theme, or the research is not identified in the writing.

Minimal evidence of appropriate research. Many of the sources are simplistic or unsound.

The selected theme is adequately identified and there  is evidence of independent research. The range of sources are appropriate.

There is good evidence of sustained independent research and careful selection of relevant information

There is evidence of sustained and extended independent research with use of significant breadth and depth of sources that are integral to understanding wider scholarly debates.

Referencing (30%)

The referencing requirements have not been met and there is no discernible attempt at applying academic referencing style

Some referencing requirements are present, however, there are some errors present in the application of the referencing style

All referencing requirements are present, and a discernible attempt has been made to apply academic referencing style appropriately. There may be some errors present in the formatting of references.

All referencing requirements are present, and an excellent attempt has been made to apply academic referencing style. There may be minor errors present in the formatting of references.

All referencing requirements are present and there is a demonstrated high level of care evident in the application of academic referencing style. The formatting of references isaccurate and consistent.

Critical Analysis & Contextualisation (20%)

The answers to the  questions show no clear analysis, poor understanding of the sources, little or no contextualisation

Only a basic analysis of the sources is present. Critical analysis and/or contextualisation are incomplete

Analysis of sources demonstrates some independent reasoning and critical thinking. Relevant information has been identified, but contextualisation is limited

Analysis of sources evidences critical engagement with the theme and evaluation of a range of perspectives. Independent thinking and accurate contextualisation are appropriately demonstrated.

There is a sustained and effective critical analysis and evaluation of a range of perspectives. Sophisticated independent thought and strong  critical reasoning are present. Appropriate distinctions and connections between key concepts and contexts are present.

Course Learning Outcomes addressed in this task:

1.   Explore and discuss the relevance and purpose of the analysis of history to the practice of design.

2.   Demonstrate academic research literacy through effective sourcing, attribution and critical analysis of research material.

3.   Demonstrate oral, written and visual communication skills through investigation and analysis of design history theory.

How you will receive Feedback for this task:

•    Delivered electronically within 2 weeks of the submission date.