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Review for Exam I


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Review for Exam I

Chapters 1 & 2

Have a working definition of all the terms in Ch. 1 and 2.  Reading the chapters will aid you in this endeavor.

Data Analytics

Business Intelligence and IBM’s 4 Vs

Decision Support Systems

Data Mgt.

Model Mgt.

Communication Systems

Big Data

Data Mining

Descriptive Statistics

Predictive Statistics

Prescriptive Statistics


Tag Clouds


Discrete Variables

Continuous Variables

Scales of Measurement



Decision Models


Uncontrollable vs Decision Variables

Uncertainty and Risk

Deterministic Models

Stochastic Models

Steps in Analyzing a Problem


Internet of Things

Transactional Data

Customer Data





Data Warehouses

Know the largest and why it is unique, and what does it offer clients. (See the Switch SUPERNAP file on Canvas.)

Know why many of the largest warehouses are in Virginia.


Real time processing

OLAP Cubes

Steps in Data Mining

Prepping Data

Types of mathematical models

Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Supervised Models vs Unsupervised

Data- Training Sets vs Test Sets

Decision Trees vs Neural Networks


What is implementation?

Ch. 3 Know the definitions in Ch. 3

Simple Linear Regression – Line of Best Fit, Least Squares Equation

Slope and its symbol



Correlation,  r

Coefficient of Determination, R square

Standard Error of the Estimate and its interpretation (Root MSE)

Interpret a Confidence Interval on the slope.

Test the slope for significance. (Know how to set up the hypothesis, find the test statistic, p-value, and state the conclusion.)

What does a slope of 0 imply?

Normal, Suspicious, and Severe Outliers and how to treat them   

Predicted Y, Confidence Interval on the Mean of Y, Prediction Interval for an Individual value of Y.


Assumptions: Mean of 0, No severe Outliers, Normally Distributed, Randomly Distributed

Interpreting the Confidence Interval on a Predicted Y

Interpreting the Prediction or Individual Interval on Predicted Y

Half of the test will be over Ch. 3 terms and questions just like Peloton on You Tube, Ch. 3 Handout (Clear Blue Water), Project 3, and examples in the book.