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ECON7950 Research Methods in Economics


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ECON7950 Research Methods in Economics

Supplementary Assessment

Instructions and Marking Criteria


This  supplementary  assessment  asks  you  to  reflect  and  improve  on  the  final  piece  of assessment of this course (Pitching your own research), which covers all learning objectives of this course.

As per UQ policy on supplementary assessment, the result of this assessment supersedes all previous results in this course. The highest grade you can receive from this supplementary assessment is a 4.

Your Tasks

There are two parts to this assessment:

Part I: Reflection

Take your final assessment item (Pitching your own research) submission. Name three (3) aspects  on which  it  could  be  improved.  For  each  aspect  named,  identify  specifically the weaknesses of the original submission. Then suggest concrete measures that can be taken to overcome these weaknesses. Enter these in the table provided (see Format, below).

For completing this part of the assessment:

•   An aspect” is an overall area that can be improved. Examples of aspects include (but are not limited to) “research question”, “literature background”, “research methods”, etc. You only need to name the aspect. Explanations should go into the weaknesses” section.

•   A weakness” is a specific problem related to the aspect you propose. You should be as specific as  possible.  For instance, “ bad  research question” is  not specific; while “scope of the research question is too wide” is specific.

•   A measure” is a specific action that can be taken to address the problems you identify. Again you should be as specific as possible. For instance, “modify research question” is not specific; while narrow scope of the research question to the effect of X on Y” is specific.

You can list multiple weaknesses and/or multiple measures for each aspect. However, the weaknesses listed should be reasonable while the measures listed should be feasible (relative to a master student’s research project). You can use the feedback you had received on your final assessment item, but you should include your own opinion and write this part in your own words.

Part II: Implementation

Edit  your  originally  submitted  final  piece  of  assessment  to  implement  the  improvement measures you suggested. (See Format, below, on how to record the edits.)


Please use the template (downloadable from the course Blackboard site, in the same folder as this instruction) provided to complete this assessment.

For Part I of the assessment:

Please use bullet points for listing the weaknesses and measures.

For Part II of the assessment, please:

1.   Copy and paste your original pitch into the pitching template (included in the template for this assessment), in black; and

2.    Edit in the follow manners:

o Strike out all text to be deleted (e.g., the topic is very interesting)

o Insert   additional   text   in   red   (e.g.,   What   is   the   effect   of   government environmental policy on economic growth?)

o Replaced texts are a combination of deletion and inserted text (e.g., What is the effect of government monetary policy on GDP?)

o If you insert elements that cannot be put in red (e.g., a graph), insert it and put a comment in square brackets afterwards (e.g., [graph inserted to illustrate X.])

There is no strict word limit to either part (a word count on the second part is impossible due   to the editing). As a rough guide, each aspect in Part I should be roughly 150 — 250 words in   length, while the edited pitch (after taking out all the deleted text) should resemble a “normal” pitch in length.


Submit your completed assessment electronically to Turnitin through the link on the course Blackboard site before Monday, 17th July 2023 15:00 (3:00pm) Brisbane time.

Requests       for       the       granting       of       extensions       must       be       made       online via https://my.uq.edu.au/node/218/2#2 with         supporting         documentation before the submission due date/time.  If an extension is approved, the new agreed date for submission will  be  noted  on  the  application  and  the  student  notified  through  their  student  email. Extensions cannot exceed the number of days you suffered from a medical condition, as stated on the medical certificate.

Where an extension has not been previously approved, a penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark allocated for the assessment item will be deducted per day for up to 7 calendar days, at which point any submission will not receive any marks unless an extension has been approved. Each 24-hour block is recorded from the time the submission is due.

Marking Criteria

The maximum possible mark for this assessment is 100.

Part I carries a maximum of 30 marks, given according to the following criteria:

Criteria Maximum possible marks

Identification of problem

Relevance of problems

(5 marks for each aspect x 3 aspects)

Suggested measures of improvement

Appropriateness of suggested measures

(5 marks for each aspect x 3 aspects)



Total 30

For Part II, your edited pitch will be marked according to the same criteria as in the final assessment item, with the total marks scaled to 70. The scaled criteria are given as follows:


Maximum possible marks


Clarity and quality of written expression (7)

Referencing (7)

Research Topic

Statement of objectives of research (7)

Justification of research question (7)

Literature and economic concepts

Critical use of literature (7)

Understanding of relevant economic concepts (7)

Data/Theoretical Analysis and Research Methods

Data (empirical research) OR Theoretical Analysis (theoretical research) (7)

Research methods (7)

Implications and limitations

Implication of research (7)

Limitation/risk of research proposal (7)






Total                                                                                                                                    70

See Appendices A and B, below, detailed marking rubrics.

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides emerging tools that may support students in completing  this assessment task. Students may appropriately use AI in completing this assessment task. Students must clearly reference any use of AI in each instance.

A failure to reference AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of


Academic Integrity

By  submitting  your  assessment  item,  you  indicate  your  commitment  to  UQ’s  academic integrity pledge as summarised in the following declaration:

I certify that I have completed this assessment in an honest, fair and trustworthy manner, that my submitted answers are entirely my own work, and that I have neither given nor received any unauthorised assistance on this assessment”.

Appendix A: Part I Marking Criteria and Standards

Criteria and mark






Identification of


Precise identification of    relevant weaknesses, demonstrating thoughtful examination of original     work.

Relevant weaknesses        identified, demonstrating educated examination of original work.

Relevant weaknesses    loosely identified, demonstrating genuine attempts to examine     original work.

Some weaknesses              identified, but they are    either non-specific or        irrelevant to the problem observed. Casual                examination of original    work demonstrated.

Little or no weakness identified, or the identified weaknesses are not irrelevant to the problem observed. Little or no examination of original work                       demonstrated.

Criteria and mark






Suggestion of


Suggested improvement measures accurately       address the weaknesses identified. Measures       effective and practical.

Suggested improvement measures address the     weaknesses identified. Measures specific and    feasible.

Suggested improvement  measures loosely related to the weaknesses             identified. Measures non- specific but are likely         implementable.

Relationship between suggested improvement    measures and weaknesses identified unclear, though there is a general                direction of improvement. Measures are difficult to   implement and unlikely to be effective.
