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HRTM12-206 Tourism Analysis and Evaluation


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HRTM12-206 Tourism Analysis and Evaluation

UG Portfolio Assessment

This portfolio assessment is worth 30% of the total marks for this subject.

· Submission date: 21st July, Friday, Week 10.

Guide for the portfolio:

This is an individual portfolio assessment designed to explore various analysis and evaluation principles in hospitality and tourism. Being able to identify problems through research mechanisms in tourism and hospitality businesses is critical to improving service operations and the financial performance of the business. This assessment will help develop your analytical awareness and understanding of using research tools in the hospitality and tourism industry.

This individual portfolio is an authentic learning case study on Sea World (www.seaworld.com.au) to help improve customer satisfaction. The portfolio assessment consists of 4 mini-assessment items (Conducting content analysis using TripAdvisor, and an experiential learning field trip to conduct observational research). Your portfolio should be concise. The word count should be not more than 2000-3000 words (± 10%) plus diagrams, charts, maps, photos etc. The portfolio must be suitably referenced with a minimum of 5 academic references. The portfolio is to be organised in a clear, easy-to-follow structure, where writing is persuasive and engaging and reflects careful editing & proofreading.


Before starting this assignment, you should have read all the assessment materials provided on iLearn and consulted with your Lecturer for additional instructions and support. Please refer to the marking rubric for this assessment to see the marking criteria and achievement expectations.

Assignment Instructions:

For this assessment, you are required to conduct research on the following 3 questions.

1. Visit Sea World’s TripAdvisor site. Go through all the terrible reviews categories. Conduct a content analysis and identify the different reasons for customer dissatisfaction and group these reasons into similar categories. For example, category 1 – F&B issues, category 2 – ride queue issues, etc) (500-750 words).

2. Based on your observational study during the site visit to Sea World, identify the different reasons for customer dissatisfaction and group these reasons into similar categories. For example, category 1 – F&B issues, category 2 – ride queue issues, etc) (500-750 words).

3. Compare the results from Tripadvisor. Are there any similarities and differences? Discuss the advantages of using more than one research tool to collect data (500-750 words).

4. Identify and discuss the potential Triple Bottom Line impacts (social, economic and environmental) Sea World tourism has on the Gold Coast community. (500-750 words).

Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1. Identify simple research questions to investigate relevant tourism issues.

2. Demonstrate the ability to locate, analyse, and explain secondary tourism data and prepare relevant research insights for tourism stakeholders.

3. Demonstrate the ability to plan, collect, analyse, and explain primary tourism data and prepare relevant research insights for tourism stakeholders.

4. Prepare a simple tourism project evaluation using a triple bottom line framework describing measurement approaches and challenges for economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism.

HRTM12-212 Tourism Analysis Individual Portfolio – Marking Rubric - 30%


High Distinction




Very Good









Below expectations


Demonstrated ability to organise, integrate and articulate ideas in a portfolio format


Excellent portfolio that demonstrates an excellent ability to organise, integrate and articulate ideas. An excellent example of work that is reader-friendly allowing effortless navigation of the entire document.

A very good portfolio that shows a good ability to organise, integrate and articulate ideas. The work reader-friendly allowing easy navigation of the entire document.

A very good portfolio that organises and integrate ideas. The work is reader-friendly allowing easy navigation of the entire document. However, the work needs greater clarity.

The portfolio shows limited ability to organise, integrate ideas and articulation is lacking and the work is generally not very reader-friendly and lacks depth and clarity.

Portfolio is poorly organised and lacks attention to detail and shows no ability to organise, integrate and articulate ideas

Clearly contextualises the collection of evidence


Excellent clear evidence of synthesise and evaluation about the context within which the evidence was collected, which clearly identifies and develops upon links prior learning.

A very good evaluation is provided regarding the context within which the evidence was collected, which identifies the prior learning, but the work needs greater clarity and application.

A clear description is provided but lacks application and evaluation about the context within which the evidence was collected, which identifies the prior learning, but the work needs greater depth and evaluation to make this a good answer.

An adequate description is provided about the context within which the evidence was collected, which identifies the prior learning, but the answer is basic and does not offer a full contextualisation.

The source of evidence is unclear, and little detail is provided about the prior learning and there is limited detail or depth in the answers.

Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of tourism analysis and evaluation methods


Demonstrates excellent critical understanding of the material and issues and communicates this clearly and succinctly. Work clearly demonstrates high levels of critical reflection skills.

Demonstrates a very  good understanding of the material and issues. Work clearly demonstrates critical reflection skills.

Demonstrates an acceptable level of understanding of the material and issues. Work demonstrates some level of critical reflection skills.

Demonstrates poor understanding of the material and / or issues. Work lacks critical reflection skills.

Demonstrates very little understanding of the material and / or issues. The answers tend to be incomplete and critical reflection is absent.

Critical reflection on appropriate evidence and examples demonstrating synthesis and application of tourism analysis and evaluation methods.


An excellent example of critical reflection with application of evidence and examples that is linked to the Australian WHS Standards. The work shows a high level of critical reflection and synthesise throughout.

A very good reflection with a good collection of evidence and examples that is linked to the classroom context and the Australian WHS Standards. The work shows a good level of critical reflection, but lacks synthesis.

A good reflection on  evidence and examples that is linked to the classroom context and the Australian WHS Standards but the work lacks a critical reflection or synthesis. Greater depth is required.

An adequate reflection on an appropriate collection of evidence and examples that is linked to the classroom context and the Australian WHS Standards. The work lacks any real attempt at reflection from this subject.

Lack of critical reflection or evidence or examples related to the context or the Australian WHS Standards. The work lacks any attempt at reflection and is a poor answer.

Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and referencing. General competency with academic conventions.


Spelling, grammar and punctuation demonstrate a professional standard. Conforms to APA referencing format where necessary.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation demonstrate a professional standard. Conforms to APA referencing format (6th ed.) where necessary.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation demonstrate a professional standard. Conforms to APA referencing format (6th ed.) where necessary.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation demonstrate a professional standard. Conforms to APA referencing format (6th ed.) where necessary.

Problems with spelling, grammar and punctuation that disrupt the meaning of the text. Does not conform to APA referencing format (6th ed.) where necessary.