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COMP 1010 A01 – Introductory Computer Science 1


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COMP 1010 A01 – Introductory Computer Science 1 - Summer 2021

Course Outline (ROASS document)

Course Description

An introduction to computer programming using a high-level programming language.

This is a Remote Learning Course:

What does a Remote Learning (RL) course mean? RL courses are a hybrid of the lecture-style that you’re probably already familiar with and online distance learning. Each RL course might look a bit different. In COMP 1010 we will have:

Lectures live-streamed on UM Learn Webex during the scheduled times on Aurora (7:00-9:45pm Tues).

A recording of the lecture will be posted on UM Learn within 48 hours.

Lecture materials (in PDF format) will also be posted.

During the live-stream you will have opportunities to ask questions and chat with me (your instructor) directly.

Pre-recorded videos to demonstrate longer code examples that you can go through at your own pace.

An online discussion board to ask (and answer!) questions.

Online office hours for when you need to discuss a topic at more length.

Online labs, quizzes, assignment hand-in, and an online midterm and final exam. More information about each of these course components can be found below in the ROASS.

General Course Information


UM Learn is used for all course components in COMP 1010 including the delivery of content and submission of items for grading. Please make sure that you can access the UM Learn website named COMP 1010 - Introductory Computer Science 1 - Summer 2021.

Important Dates

A course schedule is available on the course website in UM Learn, which includes a schedule of labs, quizzes, and assignments, and a tentative list of topics for each week. Please see the Important Dates section of the U of M General Calendar for information on holidays, exams, and voluntary withdrawal dates.

Contacting your instructor

There are three ways to contact me:

1. On the discussion boards in UM Learn. Use these to ask general questions about course content, assignments, labs, and any other course components.

2. Book an online office hours appointment (see instructions on UM Learn).

3. Send an email for questions about individual circumstances (ex. an exam timing conflict). General questions received by email will be answered on the discussion boards so everyone can benefit from the answer. To ensure that I see your email:

Put “[COMP 1010]” in the subject.

Send from your university email account.

Note: While I do frequently check discussion boards and email over the weekend, to ensure a response make sure to send your message before 4:00pm on Fridays.


The textbook is available online in two forms. (1) The “Textbook” folder in the Content Browser contains an html version of the textbook. This is the most up-to-date version and includes some active demos. (2) The textbook is also available, at no cost, as the file LearnToProgram.pdf (see the link on the course website). This can be downloaded as a single 412-page PDF file, or each chapter can be downloaded individually.

Technology Requirements

Students enrolled in COMP 1010 must ensure they satisfy the following minimum technological requirements:

1. A computing device where one can create/edit documents and download Processing, and

2. An internet connection capable of streaming videos and downloading software.

Access to a microphone and web-cam is recommended, but not required.


Software: We will be using the Processing language to write all code in COMP 1010. You will need to download and install Processing (it’s free) in order to use it in this course. Please see the Obtaining Processing document, on the course website, for instructions on downloading and installing Processing.

Course Content and Assessment

Course Outline

The course will cover fundamental programming concepts using the Processing programming language, which is related to the Java programming language. The following topics will be covered. For exact details see the Course Schedule document on the website.

Introduction to programming

Control structures for conditionals

Primitive data types


Control structures for repetition


Most of the material is in the textbook. A few small topics may not be in the textbook, but will be adequately covered in the course notes as needed.

Grade Breakdown

You must pass the final exam to pass the course. Otherwise, you will receive an F in the course. If you pass the final exam, then your final grade will be computed as:

Quizzes: 10%

Labs: 15%

Assignments: 26%

Midterm test: 14%

Final exam: 35%


There will be 12 online quizzes during the course, one per week. Your two lowest quiz marks will be dropped, and the remaining 10 quizzes will carry equal weight. The quizzes will include multiple choice or short answer questions on topics from the current week, and can be used to check your understanding of the material.

Quizzes will be available on UM Learn and may be completed any time between Wednesday at 8:00am to Friday at 11:59pm CDT. Late submissions will not be allowed, so make sure to start the quiz early enough. Once started, you will have 15 minutes to complete the quiz. Each quiz is to be completed individually (do not discuss or collaborate with others). Please see the course schedule for dates.


There will be 11 labs in the course. Your one lowest lab mark will be dropped, and the remaining 10 labs will carry equal weight. Please see the Course Schedule document on the course website for a list of lab dates. You may work on the labs at any time during the week, prior to the deadline on Sundays at 11:59pm CDT. Your TA will be available for you on Webex to answer questions and provide guidance during your scheduled lab section. You will only be able to attend the online lab session for which you are registered on Aurora.

Lab instructions will be posted in UM Learn. There will be 3 marks for each lab :

one mark for a good attempt

one mark for successfully completing the lab

one mark for code readability and following programming standards


There will be 6 assignments. The first assignment (Assignment 0) will be worth 1% of your final grade. The remaining assignments (Assignments 1-5) will each carry equal weight. You must adhere to the assignment guidelines to ensure your assignment will not be rejected. Assignment instructions will be posted in UM Learn. Follow the instructions given at the beginning of each assignment exactly.


See the ProgrammingStandards.pdf document in the Content Browser of the website. Assignments will be handed in using UM Learn, and comments and grades will be recorded in UM Learn. Assignments are due at 11:59 pm CDT on the due date. See the Course Schedule for due dates.

Late Assignments

A penalty will be subtracted from assignments that are submitted late, based on the Fibonacci sequence:

  How late is the assignment?
  Penalty deducted
  < 1 hour (until 12:59am)
  no penalty
  < 2 hours (until 1:59am)
  < 3 hours (until 2:59am)
  1 + 1 = 2%
  < 4 hours (until 3:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 = 4%
  < 5 hours (until 4:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 7%
  < 6 hours (until 5:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12%
  < 7 hours (until 6:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 = 20%
  < 8 hours (until 7:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13 = 33%
  < 9 hours (until 8:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13 + 21 = 54%
  < 10 hours (until 9:59am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13 + 21 + 34 = 88%
  10 hours or more (at 10:00am)
  1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13 + 21 + 34 + 55 = 100% Drop box is closed.

The table shows that 10 hours after the assignment is due you will lose 100% of the grade, and the assignment drop box will be closed. Exceptions to this policy will be made only in exceptional circumstances, such as documented medical or family issues. Students are required to contact their instructor or academic advisor by email to inform of the missed work within 48 hours of the due date.

Note: Computer or network problems are not exceptional circumstances. Errors made by a student in the submission process (e.g. submitting incorrect files) are not exceptional circumstances. You are strongly advised to submit assignments early.

Midterm Test

The midterm test will be 90 minutes in length. It will be held Tuesday June 15th during class time. If there is a significant unavoidable conflict, please notify your instructor as soon as possible. There will be no make-up for missed tests. For absences with documentation (e.g. doctor’s note), the weight of the midterm will be added to the final exam.

Final Exam

The final exam will be 3 hours in length. The final exam will be scheduled by the Registrar’s Office during the Summer Final Exam Period, August 16-21, 2021. You are reminded that you are obligated to make yourself available for the writing of the final exam on the date scheduled by the Registrar’s Office.

Determination of letter grades

The minimum percentage grade required for each letter grade is as follows (plus or minus 5%):


Note: Adjustments will be made to ensure grades are assigned fairly. For example, if three students received 67%, 69.95%, and 70.00%, with no others in that range, then the minimum B grade might be adjusted to 69% rather than 70% to avoid unfairly giving different letter grades for 69.95% and 70.00%. Adjustments may also be made for unexpected difficulty levels on an exam.

Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline

The Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) Deadline for COMP 1010 this semester is July 22, 2021. Grades from the midterm test and at least two assignments will be available before the VW Deadline.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty is a very serious offence and will be dealt with in accordance with the University’s discipline bylaw. Examples of academic dishonesty include:

submitting assignments which are not entirely your own work or providing your work to another student or students

use of unauthorized material during a test or examination

writing an examination for another person

having another person write an examination for you

What does Academic Honesty look like in COMP 1010?

Quizzes: Every quiz must be completed independently by each student. The textbook may be consulted while writing the quizzes.

Labs: Some assistance from the lab demonstrator (teaching assistant), or other students, is expected and allowable during the scheduled labs, but students should try to solve every exercise by themselves as much as possible to obtain the most benefit from the lab. The code you submit should be your own.

Assignments: Every assignment must be done independently by each student. See the details in the Honesty Declaration on the website.

Help may be obtained from the course instructor or from the course teaching assistants. Assistance from other students may only be of a very general and non-specific nature.

Every line of code in every program must be written, entered, corrected, and edited solely by the individual student. Code must never be taken from another student, a website, a book, or any other source, except as specified in an assignment.

Special purpose software will be used to cross-check every assignment submitted by every student against all other students’ assignments and possibly against other known relevant code sources.

Midterm & Final Exam: The midterm and final exam must be written independently by each student. No consultation is allowed with other students, websites (Stack Overflow, etc.), professional computer scientists, your parents, friends, enemies, or any other source that is not explicitly permitted. You are allowed to consult with the course textbook, the course slides, and your cat (if you have one, and you whisper such that no one else can hear).

If you have any questions about academic honesty in COMP 1010, contact your instructor for clarification.

Please see the Section on Academic Integrity of the General Academic Regulations and Requirements in the U of M General Calendar for more information.


You must complete your Honesty Declaration through UM Learn before your first assignment. If you do not complete this you will not be able to submit the assignment. The statements on that declaration apply to all of your assignments.

Using Copyrighted Material

Please respect copyright. Copyrighted works, including those created by your instructors, are available for your private study and research, and you must not distribute them in any format without permission. Do not upload copyrighted works to a learning management system (e.g. UM Learn), or any website, unless an exception to the Copyright Act applies or written permission has been confirmed. For more information, see the University’s Copyright Office at http://umanitoba.ca/copyright/ or contact [email protected].

Note re: Recording of Classes

Lectures will be recorded and made available on UM Learn in 48 hours. Your instructors and the University of Manitoba hold copyright over the course materials, presentations, and lectures which form part of this course. No other audio or video recording of lectures, labs or presentations is allowed in any format, openly or surreptitiously, in whole or in part, without written permission from your instructor prior to class.

Please do not post or share videos or other content saved on UM Learn with anyone outside of COMP 1010 Summer 2021 without prior permission from your instructor.

Student Resources and Student Accessibility Services

There is a wide variety of student support services at the University of Manitoba. See the “U of M Students Resources” document on the course website for details. Student Accessibility Services is available for students with disabilities, and accommodations recommended by that office will be provided to the extent possible. You may meet with your instructor to discuss this.

Important Note to Students from the Faculty of Science

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are entitled to be registered in this course. This means that you: have the appropriate prerequisites, as noted in the calendar description, or have permission from the Department to waive these prerequisites; have not previously taken, or a concurrently registered in, this course or another that has been identified as “not to be held with” in the course description. For example, COMP 1010 cannot be held for credit with COMP 1012. The registration system may have allowed you to register in this course, but it is your responsibility to check. If you are not entitled to be in this course, you will be withdrawn, or the course may not be used in your degree program. There will be no fee adjustment. This is not appealable. Please be sure to read the course description for this and every course in which you are registered.

Pandemic Note

Should major disruptions to university activities occur as a result of a pandemic, the course content, marks breakdown, and other provisions of this document may be adjusted as the circumstances warrant.