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MAT 221 Elementary Probability and Statistics I Summer 2023


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MAT 221 Elementary Probability and Statistics I

Summer 2023

Instructor: Elena Shevchenko,[email protected]

Course meetings : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00am – 12:25pm EDT on Zoom:


Meeting ID: 91911400931, Passcode: 073156

Oce Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am – 9:30am EDT on Zoom:


Meeting ID: 93567012048, Passcode: 070282

Additional individual online meetings to discuss course material or any other concerns can be scheduled by contacting me via email, after class, or during office hours.

Course Supervisor: Prof. Leonid Kovalev, [email protected]

Catalog Course Description : This course is the first course in the Quantitative Skills sequence MAT 221-222. The primary objective of MAT 221 is to provide students with knowledge of elementary probability and statistics. Students will learn the basic concepts of descriptive statistics, design of experiments, probability theory, sampling distributions, and estimation of parameters.

Mathematics Prerequisite: Algebra competency.

Textbook: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, by David S. Moore, George P. McCabe, and Bruce A. Craig, 10th Edition. (ISBN:9781319244446) Book companion site:


Some of the course materials, including eBook and assignments will be provided through Orange Instant Access (OIA). You are automatically enrolled, and the materials will be accessible via Blackboard – all you need to do is log in. From the start of the semester, you will have fourteen days to decide if you would like to remain enrolled in OIA. If not, you have been provided instructions on opting out by the bookstore. If you opt out, you are still responsible for obtaining the materials elsewhere.

Calculator: You will need a calculator to do the computations that will arise throughout the course. TI 84 or TI 83 graphing calculator is highly recommended.

Homework: Homework will be assigned through Achieve (instructions will be provided in class) after each lecture and will include problems based on the material covered during that lecture. You must submit solutions to all your weekly homework sets by Monday of the following week. It is your responsibility to ensure the access to the Achieve on a timely basis to complete assignment. While you are welcome to ask questions via email, there is a possibility that we will still need to meet via Zoom to have a full explanation of a problem or receive a full answer for your question.

Quizzes: Weekly quizzes will be available through Achieve each Friday from 10am EDT till 10am EDT on Saturday. You may choose the time to solve the quiz, but each quiz must be submitted by 10am EDT on Saturday. It is essential that you submit each quiz on time to have your quiz graded as there will be no make-up quizzes for any reason. A missed quiz will count as a zero unless it is due  to   a  documented  religious  observance,  University-sponsored  event,  or   documented emergency. Details will be provided before the 1st quiz.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and a final exam. There will be NO make-up exams. If you miss an exam with a valid excuse (documented by a note from a doctor or the dean’s office or other emergency authority), your missed exam score will be replaced by your score on the corresponding part of the final exam.

The final exam is comprehensive. All students must take the final exam at the scheduled time during our last day of classes on Thursday, August 10, 2023. Instructions will be provided closer to the exam dates.                                                                                                                               It  is  your  responsibility  to  make  all  necessary  preparations  for  the  exams  (check  internet connection, charge a laptop\ipad\calculator, check the light in your room, choose quiet room, etc.).

Exam 1: during the 3rd week of classes (July 17 - July 20).

Exam 2: during the 5th week of classes (July 31 August 3).

Attendance: You are expected to attend every class and solve every exam/quiz. Attendance will be checked during each class and will contribute to your final grade. You must enter the virtual classroom with your real name (listed in the roster) as I will be checking your attendance based on it. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to read lecture notes posted on the Blackboard. You are also responsible for any announcements about changes to the course schedule, the exam schedule, or the course requirements made during that class.

Grading: Your  course  grade will be  computed  as  a weighted  average using  the  following percentages:

Midterm Exams: 40% (2 exams each 20%)

Quizzes: 15%

Homework: 20%

Final Exam: 20%

Attendance: 5%

Final grades will be given according to the following scale:

A (93- 100)

A- (90-92)

B+ (87-89)

B (83-86)

B- (80-82)

C+ (77-79)

C (73-76)

C- (70-72)

D (60-69)

F (0-59)

Students with disabilities : Syracuse University values diversity and inclusion; we are committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participation.  There may be aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion and full participation in this course.  I invite  any  student  to  contact  me  to  discuss  strategies  and/or  accommodations  (academic adjustments) that may be essential to your success and to collaborate with the Center for Disability Resources (CDR) in this process.

If you would like to discuss disability-accommodations or register with CDR, please visit their

website (https://disabilityresources.syr.edu). Please        call        (315)        443-4498        or emaildisabilityresources@syr.edufor more detailed information.                                                   The CDR is responsible for coordinating disability-related academic accommodations and will work with the student to develop an access plan. Since academic accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact CDR as soon as possible to begin this process.

Academic Integrity: Syracuse University’sAcademic Integrity Policyreflects the high value that we, as a university community, place on honesty in academic work. The policy holds students accountable for the integrity of all work they submit and for upholding course-specific, as well as university-wide, academic integrity expectations. The policy governs citation and use of sources, the integrity ofwork submitted in exams and assignments, and truthfulness in all academic matters, including  course  attendance  and  participation.  The  policy  also  prohibits  students  from:  1) submitting the same work in more than one class without receiving advance written authorization from both instructors and, 2) using websites that charge fees or require uploading of course materials to obtain exam solutions or assignments completed by others and present the work as their own.  Under the policy, instructors who seek to penalize a student for a suspected violation must first report the violation to the Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS). Students may not drop or withdraw from courses in which they face a suspected violation. Instructors must wait to assign a final course grade until a suspected violation is reviewed and upheld or overturned. Upholding Academic Integrity includes abiding by instructors’ individual course expectations, which may include the protection of their intellectual property.  Students  should not upload, distribute, or otherwise share instructors’ course materials without permission.  Students found in violation of the policy are subject to grade sanctions determined by the course instructor and non- grade sanctions determined by the School or College where the course is offered, as described in the Violation and Sanction Classification Rubric. Students are required to read an online summary of the University’s academic integrity expectations and provide an electronic signature agreeing to abide by them twice a year during pre-term check-in on MySlice.

Religious observances policy :Syracuse Universitys Religious Observances Policyrecognizes the diversity of faiths represented in the campus community and protects the rights of students , faculty, and staff to observe religious holy days according to their traditions. Under the policy, students are given an opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements that may be missed due to a religious observance, provided they notify their instructors no later than the academic drop deadline. For observances occurring before the drop deadline, notification is required at least two academic days in advance. Students may enter their observances in MySlice under Student Services/Enrollment/My Religious Observances/Add a Notification.