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Statistics Summative In-Course Assessment - resit


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Medical Biosciences Year 1 2020-21

Statistics Summative In-Course Assessment - resit

Data Analysis Report - Guidelines

You will be provided with an R data file containing two dataframes, and a PDF file containing the data analysis brief. These files will be available to download from Blackboard on 13/08/2021. You should analyse the data using RStudio and write a data analysis report in the form of an R Notebook.

Once the report is complete, you should generate an html file using the ‘Knit to HTML’ option in RStudio. The R Markdown file contains the code in an easily accessible form, allowing this to be assessed. The html file contains a formatted report which can be marked and annotated via Turnitin. Both of these files should be submitted.

Your report must adhere to the following criteria:

● It must be submitted by 4pm on Friday 27th August 2021.

● It must NOT exceed 1000 words (excluding R code chunks and outputs). The word count determined by Turnitin includes R code chunks and outputs, therefore it is advised you check your word count before submission. It should be noted that this is a maximum word limit, not a recommended length for the report. Reports which clearly convey the required information in fewer words will receive higher marks.

● You should generate and submit two files for your report:

○ an R Markdown file (.rmd). If this file is not submitted then no marks will be awarded.

○ an html file (.html) produced from the R Markdown file. If this file is not submitted then you will automatically lose 20% of the available marks.

● You must name your files as follows:

○ The main file name is STAT_ICA_ followed by your surname and initials with an underscore between them.

○ The filename should contain the suffix .rmd for the R Markdown file, and .html for the html file.

○ For example, Joe E Bloggs would submit two files named: STAT_ICA1_Bloggs_JE.rmd and STAT_ICA1_Bloggs_JE.htm

● Where particular variable names are specified in the data analysis brief, you must use these in the R code.

● Your report must consist of five sections:

○ Title

○ Aims

○ Introduction

○ Data Analysis and Results

○ Discussion and Conclusions.

● The R Markdown file must be self-contained (apart from a link to the supplied data file in the same folder). It must be capable of running, without errors, on another computer to produce the complete html file. Make sure that any required packages and data are explicitly loaded in the R Markdown file.

● You should use the available R Markdown formatting options (including headers and code chunks) to create a clear and visually attractive report.

● You should include comments (lines starting with #) within the code chunks to briefly describe the function of each code block.

This assignment will contribute 50% to your overall STAT mark.

Please contact the STAT Team if you need any clarification.