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Math 250: Elements of Statistics, 3 credits. Summer 2023


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Math 250: Elements of Statistics, 3 credits.

Summer 2023

Instructor: Brianna Kear

Office Hours: By Appointment via Zoom, link available on Blackboard

Email: [email protected]

Text: Fundamentals of Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data, Michael Sullivan III, Pearson, 6th Ed. Technology: A computer or laptop with Excel 2016 is required for this course.

Course Description: Statistical analysis include mean, median, mode, and standard deviation; normal and binomial distributions, estimation, error, and hypothesis testing; linear regression.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to compute mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and per-centiles and discuss the significance of each of these ideas; compute probabilities using normal and binomial distributions; correctly identify when to use the normal distribution and t-distribution and be able to apply  these to sampling problems; compute confidence intervals using various distributions; perform hypothesis testing correctly in a variety of circumstances.

Course Structure: If you are already comfortable with the material, you may end up finishing early. You  may also need to spend more time on this class than expected! It is extremely important that you keep up with the daily lectures and assignments. Every Monday you will be assigned the work for the following   two weeks.

•    Exams: We will have four exams and a final exam. The first four exams will be completed on your own sometime during the weekend for the first four weeks. The final exam will be given  the last Thursday of class.

•    Project: There will be a final project in this class. This project will require an application of the statistical skills and tool developed in this class. The project is due July 26th!

•    Homework: Work will be assigned on Pearson. The next page has steps on how to register. There will be homework due on June 18th!

Grading & Evaluation Grading & Evaluation: Course grades are computed as follows:

Unit Exams & Final Project


WebAssign Assignments


Final Exam



Letter Grade:







100 - 90

89.9 - 80

79.9 - 70

69.9- 60

< 59.9

Tentative Schedule:




June 5th

Getting the Information You Need and Descriptive Statistics

June 16 - 18

June 19th

Linear Regression, Probability, and Discrete Probability Distributions

June 30 – July 2

July 3rd

Normal Probability Distributions, Sampling Distributions, Estimating Parameters

July 14 - 16

July 17th

Hypothesis Testing

July 21 - 23

July 24th

Inference on Two Population Parameters and Project

FINAL: July 27

**Modifications to this schedule may be made at any time during the semester.

To register for MATH 250_VEPA:

1.   Go tohttps://mlm.pearson.com/enrollment/kear52678.

2.   Sign in with your Pearson student account or create your account. For Instructors creating a Student account, do not use your instructor credentials.

3.   Select any available access option, if asked.

o  Enter a prepaid access code that came with your textbook or from the bookstore.

o  Buy instant access using a credit card or PayPal.

o  Select Get temporary access without payment for 14 days.

4.   Select Go to my course.

5.   Select MATH 250_VEPA from My Courses.

If you contact Pearson Support, give them the course ID: kear52678

To sign in later:

1.   Go tohttps://mlm.pearson.com.

2.   Sign in with the same Pearson account you used before.

3.   Select MATH 250_VEPA from My Courses.

ADA Statement: If you have a disability that may have an impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work and if you wish to seek any accommodations for this course, you must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). SSD is located in the Kelly Center, Picken Hall, Room 111, 785-628-4401. SSD will review your documentation and determine, with you, what academic accommodations are necessary and appropriate for you that can be accommodated in this course. All information and documentation of your disability is confi- dential and will not be released by SSD without your written permission. Students can find more information athttp://www.fhsu.edu/disability/get-access/Instructors who need help  to  create  instructional  materials for students with special needs can seek help from Learning Technologies (LT), 785-628-4194.

Academic Honesty: Membership in the FHSU learning community imposes upon the student a variety of   commitments, obligations and responsibilities. It is the policy of FHSU to impose sanctions on students who misrepresent their academic work. These sanctions will be selected by appropriate classroom instructors or  other designated persons consistent with the seriousness of the violation and related considerations. . .   Students participating in any violation of this policy must accept the consequences of their actions.               Classroom instructors and/or university review/appeals committees and administrators will assess the           sanctions for violation of this policy. The seriousness of the violation will dictate the severity of the sanction imposed. More information can be found at http://www.fhsu.edu/academic/provost/handbook/ch_2_academic_honesty/

Title IX: FHSU is committed to fostering a safe, productive learning environment. Title IX makes it clear     that violence and harassment based on sex, gender and gender identity are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. This includes all types of gender and relationship violence: sexual violence or harassment, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. 

If you wish to speak confidentially about an incident of gender and relationship violence, talk to someone at  The Kelly Center, the Student Health Center, or the Options Sexual and Domestic Violence Campus Advocate who is housed in the Student Health Center.

If you wish to report an incident or have questions about school policies and procedures regarding Title IX    is- sues, please contact Dr. Keegan Nichols, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and the FHSU Title IX Coordinator[email protected].Or, you can report to Residential Life Staff or University Police, which are non-confidential reporters.

If you are unsure about the reporting status of an individual, ask them directly before disclosing sensitive information. If they are non-confidential, they can direct you to someone you can talk to in complete confidentiality, which does not have to be officially reported.