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COMM1110 Evidence-Based Problem Solving Assessment 2a


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COMM1110 Evidence-Based Problem Solving

Assessment 2a: Assessment Guide and Marking Rubric

Assessment 2 Summary:

Assessment 2a: Case Briefing Pack, Week 5 - 11.59am Friday 30 June

Assessment 2b: Case Business Report, Week 11 - 11.59am Wednesday, 9 August

Assessment 2a: 25%

Assessment 2b: 40%

Based on a real-world business problem, written response to questions

Assessment 2a: 1,500 words, excluding references

Assessment 2b: 2,000 words, excluding references

Via Moodle course site, through Turnitin

Project Overview

The project aims to enhance your career-focused learning experience by bringing real-world scenarios and real business problems into the classroom, creating a safe space for you to explore, collaborate and make changes.

Due Date: Assessment 2A is due 11:59am Friday, 30 June

Word Limit: 1,500 words (no minimum word limit, no +10% tolerance, graphs, figures and reference list are excluded from the word count).

Formatting: No introduction or executive summary is necessary. You are required to write in a business report style (i.e., formal language etc.), albeit utilising the following three headings (you have the discretion to use subheadings).

Referencing: At least two academic papers, and two pieces of grey literature, in Harvard style (see The 'In-Text' or Harvard method for more information).

Submission: Submit your report to the Moodle Turnitin link available in the Assessment 2 tab.

You are expected to conduct your research and spend 30 to 40 hours on the project (2a and 2b).

Project Brief

Business Problem:

What factors are causing escalating costs to consumers in the aviation industry in Australia?

The Task

You work for a business consulting firm that will advise government on policy with respect to the escalating costs to consumers in the aviation industry in Australia and what factors are causing them. Your focus is to answer the following questions using different problem-solving skills developed in this course.

1. Information toolbox

a. Frame the problem.

Ask yourself the 5W questions (Week 1) when framing the problem: e.g. What is the issue? Who is involved? What contributes to the problem? Defining the problem: you need to solve clearly and establishing clear boundaries with it will help you decide what to include and exclude to analyse and develop solutions (in Assessment 2b).

b. Construct a logic tree to analyse the factors contributing to the high costs of airline tickets for flights originating in Australia.

c. Conduct a brief literature review (2 – 3 paragraphs) on factors that have caused escalating costs to consumers in the aviation industry in recent years. This involves including at least two sources of grey literature and two sources of white literature to support your response and linking it to the problem, including in your logic tree.

2. Ethics toolbox

Consumer advocacy groups have raised concerns about the trend of airline seats decreasing in size to allow for more passengers per flight. While this may help to decrease ticket prices, it comes at a cost.

What are the potential impacts of decreasing airline seat size to increase passenger numbers on all stakeholders? Explain your reasoning by applying at least one (maximum 2-3) of the four ethical frameworks: consequences of actions, universal principles or duties, virtue ethics and care ethics (Week 3).

3. Statistical toolbox

To further understand airline ticket cost behaviour, the Australian Aviation Institute just delivered to you a dataset, compiled from the records of flights departing Australian airports from 1 January 2022 to 1 January 2023. This dataset includes a sample of 200 randomly selected bookings of economy tickets during this time period.

You  are  asked to  use this dataset to examine the cost  behaviours  and  potential factors associated with the flight price.

•   What is the average ticket price?

•   Does the ticket price change depending on when it was booked or whether the flight is international or domestic?

As the starting point, use graphs and various summary  measures  (covered  in descriptive statistics topics) to provide an overview of the key features of the provided data.

•   Highlight key relationships between the cost factors presented in the data. This can be undertaken by analysing correlations and potential reasons for these correlations.

As part of your reporting, you are expected to report insights and key features of the data beyond the minimal guidelines listed above. To achieve a higher mark in the assessment, you are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the broader context of the problem as well as the key statistical characteristics of the dataset beyond the needs of the problem. This is crucial for any data analysis. Remember that how you present the information is also important for defining the problem.

Using headings, sub-headings, diagrams and tables where appropriate is recommended.

Other Resources:

- Library Expert on Demand for personalised support:https://unsw.libcal.com/appointments/Main

- Research consultation:https://unswlibrary.libanswers.com/research-consultation

- Business guide:https://subjectguides.library.unsw.edu.au/business